Sichuan - Tứ Xuyên

Sichuan (Chinese: ) is a province located southwest of China. The provincial capital of Sichuan is Chengdu, an important economic center of western China. Simplified name of Sichuan is "Chuan" or "Shu", due to the Tien Qin Dynasty, on Sichuan's land there were two vassal states, Shu and Ba, so Sichuan was also nicknamed "Three Shu". Sichuan province has a long history, beautiful scenery, rich produce, since ancient times has been called the "country of heaven" (天府之国). Western Sichuan is home to ethnic minorities such as the Tibetans, the Yi, and the Jiangs.


Areas of Sichuan
In the north-central region of Sichuan, it is an autonomous region of Tibet and Jiang
In western Sichuan, a Tibetan autonomous region
Southern Sichuan
Including Luong Son of the Di and Phan Chi Hoa
East Sichuan
Includes the capital Chengdu and other major cities of Sichuan

Sichuan has 18 cities (local municipalities) and 3 autonomous regions:

Map#NameMetropolisChinese characters
Population 2010)Area
Sichuan prfc map.png
Sub-provincial city
9ChengduThanh Duong成都市
Chéngdū Shì
Regional city
3MianyangPhu Thanh绵阳 市
Miányáng Shì
4Quang NguyenLoi Chau广元市
Gǔangyúan Shi
5Nam SungThuan Khanh南充 市
Nánchōng Shì
6Ba TrungBa Chau巴中市
Bazhōng Shi
7Dat ChauTong Chuan达 州市
Dázhōu Shi
8Nha AnVu Thanh雅安 市
Yǎ'ān Shi
10Duc DuongTinh Duong德阳 市
Déyáng Shì
11ToainingBoat Son遂宁 市
Sùining Shi
12Quang AnQuang An广安 市
Guǎng'ān Shi
13Mi SonDong Pha眉山 市
Meishan Shi
14Tu DuongNhan Giang资阳市
Zīyáng Shì
15LeshanThi Trung乐山 市
Leshan Shi
16Noi GiangThi Trung内江 市
Neijiāng Shi
17Self CongSelf-Saved Province自贡 市
Zigong Shi
18Nghi TanThuy Binh宜宾 市
Yibīn Shi
19Lo ChauJiang Yang泸州 市
Lúzhōu Shi
21Fan ZhihuaEast zone攀枝花 市
Panzhīhūa Shì
Autonomous Prefecture
1Garze (Cam Tu)
belong to Tibetan people
Khang Dinh甘孜 藏族 自治州
Gānzī Zángzú Zìzhìzhōu
2Ngawa (A Ba)
belong to Tibetan people & Khuong)
(Ma Erkang)
阿坝 藏族 羌族 自治州
Mrs. Zángzú Qiāngzú Zìzhìzhōu
20Paint salaries
belong to Di
Xichang凉山 彝族 自治州
Liangshān Yizú Zìzhìzhōu


  • Chengdu - capital of Sichuan with 2,000 years of history, the southeast part is surrounded by small mountains and the northeast is Chengdu Campagna
  • Dege - the place of a wonderful Tibetan library
  • Ganzi - Tibetan town and a starting point for exploring the local monastery
  • Khang Dinh - gateway to western Sichuan region of Tibet
  • Langmusi - the beautiful border town of Tibet belongs to the whole Gansu and Sichuan, with two monasteries, horse-climbing opportunities and a heavenly burial ground
  • Leshan - home to the largest stone carving of Buddha in the world
  • Tung Phien - bases to explore Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve and Tibetan Amdo culture
  • Huong Thanh - on the high road to Yunnan
  • Xichang

Other destinations



Sichuan Basin surrounded by mountains Sichuan is located in southwestern China, in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, deep inland. The east-west length of Sichuan is 1,075 km, the north-south length is 921 km, the area is over 484 thousand km². The western Sichuan region is part of the Qing-Tibetan Plateau, most of eastern Sichuan in the Sichuan Basin. Clockwise from the north, Sichuan borders Gansu, Shaanxi, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet Autonomous Region and Qinghai respectively.

Mountains are the main terrain of Sichuan and account for 77.1%, followed by hills (12.9%), plains (5.3%) and plateaus (4.7%). Sichuan is characterized by distinctly high east and low west, high plateaus in the northwest and mountains in the southwest over 4,000 m above sea level, and basins and hills in the east from 1000 to 3000 high. meters above sea level. Sichuan's topography is complex and diverse, including the Sichuan Basin with an area of ​​over 160,000 km² (shared with Chongqing); Qing-Tibetan Plateau and Hoanh Duan mountain range in the west; The south is adjacent to the Van Quy plateau. To the north of the Sichuan Basin is the Mi Cangshan (米仓山) and this is also the natural boundary between Sichuan and Shaanxi, the south of the basin is the Great Loushan (大娄山), the east of the basin is the mountain range. Wushan Mountain (巫山), to the west of the basin is Gonglaishan (邛崃山), to the northwest is Longmen Mountain, to the northeast is Daboshan (大巴山), to the southeast is Da Liangshan ()大凉山). The highest peak in Sichuan is Gonggeshan (贡嘎山) in the Great Snow Mountain range with an altitude of 7,556 meters above sea level. The Longmenshan Fault (龙门山断层), which was responsible for the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, is located on the eastern boundary of the Qing Dynasty plateau. In the fault zone, the elevation increases from 600 m above sea level in the southern Sichuan Basin to over 6500 m in the Tang Tang Plateau over a distance of less than 50 km.[35]


Hailuogou Glacier (海螺沟) beneath Gonggeshan, the highest mountain in Sichuan Due to the influence of topography and monsoon, the climate in Sichuan province is diverse. In general, the Sichuan Basin in eastern Sichuan has a humid subtropical climate, but in the western highlands, due to the influence of topography, the climate changes gradually from subtropical to sub-tropical with permafrost regions, in which the southwestern region has a semi-humid subtropical climate and the extreme northwest has a cold alpine plateau climate. The Sichuan Basin area has 900-1600 hours of sunshine per year, which is the area with the lowest number of sunshine hours in China. Due to diverse climatic conditions, Sichuan has a wide variety of soils, flora and fauna resources and geographical landscapes, which facilitate the development of a diverse agro-forestry and tourism industry.

The Sichuan Basin has an average annual temperature of 14-19°C, about 1°C higher than the same latitude regions in the lower midland of the Yangtze River. In which, the coldest month is January with an average air temperature of 3-8°C, the hottest month is July with an average temperature of 25-29°C, spring and autumn temperatures are close to With average annual temperature, the region has four distinct seasons, with 280-300 frost-free days in a year. Most of the western highlands have an average annual temperature lower than 8°C, the average temperature in January is about -5°C and the temperature in July is between 10-15°C. long summer and long winter. However, in the mountains of southwestern Sichuan, the average temperature of the valley is 15-20°C, and that of the mountains is 5-15°C.

The majority of the Sichuan Basin has an annual precipitation of 900–1200 mm, in which areas near the surrounding mountains have higher rainfall than those located deep in the basin, the area bordering the mountains to the west. of the basin has the highest rainfall in the province with 1,300-1,800 mm, so Nha An city is also known as "vu Thanh", Lieu Tong Nguyen once lectured "Thuc dog phoenix day" (Thuc land dog barks at the sun) , which means toil and do useless things). According to the season, the amount of precipitation in winter is the lowest, accounting for only 3-5% of the total annual rainfall, and the summer has the largest amount of precipitation, accounting for 80% of the total annual rainfall. Most of the western Sichuan highlands have low rainfall, with annual precipitation ranging from 600–700 mm, of which the Jinsha River valley has only 400 mm, which is the driest area of ​​the province. In areas with a clear rainy season, this season will take place from June to September, with rainfall accounting for 70-90% of the whole year; November to April is the dry season. The southwestern region of Sichuan has a large variation in precipitation, with a clear rainy season. For many years, Sichuan's average precipitation was 488,975 billion m³.[36]


The common language of the Sichuan people is called Szechuan (voice of Sichuan), which belongs to the Southwest Mandarin branch of the Chinese language. Szechuan currently has about 120 million speakers, if considered as an independent language, the number of speakers of Sichuan language will be ranked 10th in the world, lower than Japanese and higher than German. . The present Szechuan language was formed from the period of mobilization of the great emigrants "Ho Quang Dien Sichuan" in the early Ming Dynasty, the Ba Shu language that was circulated earlier merged with the dialects of the immigrants from Ho Quang and Luong Quang, Sichuan languages ​​are closely related to Xiang and Cam languages ​​in the southern branch of Chinese.

In addition to Szechuan, in Sichuan province there are Hakka (Cantonese Tho) and Xiang (Lao Hu Guang) languages, with language islands distributed in parts of Sichuan. In which, Cantonese Turkic speakers are mainly concentrated in the hilly areas of the border areas of the Chengdu Plain, the Xuyen Trung hills and the mountains of Xuyen Bac, with a total of 1 million people; Lao Ho Quang speakers are concentrated mainly in the hilly areas of the upper midland of the Da River, with a total of about 900,000 people.[40]

In addition, ethnic minorities in Sichuan also use their own languages ​​such as Yi, Jiang, and Tibetan dialects in Sichuan are Kham and Gia Nhung.



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