Table Mountain National Park - Table-Mountain-Nationalpark

Erika blossom in the fynbos

The Table Mountain National Park, short TMNP takes its name from the world famous Table Mountain, however, it encompasses most of the Cape Peninsula South Africa.


Fynbos plants, table in the Kirstenbosch garden

The park was established in 1998 and extends from Table Mountain with its foothills Lion's Head and Signal Hill almost over the entire Cape Peninsula to the south Cape of Good Hope. The localities like Hout Bay, Simon's Town and Fish Hoek are on the edge of the park, which is largely freely accessible.

Cape flora

The TMNP is in one Florentinewhich is unique in this form and only extends to the region around Cape Town. These Cape flora is very species-rich, and there have been ecosystems with the name Fynbos (Feinbusch), which is home to numerous plants that we now know as ornamental plants. This biome is also called the Cape Floral Kingdom It was designated in 2004 together with other protected areas for Cape Floral UNESCO World Heritage Site explained. Typical plants of this region are among others

  • the Protea family (silver tree family. also as Sugar bushes designated)
  • the midday flowers
  • the rooibos, also known as rooibos (cultivated mainly in the region of the cedar mountains)
  • various heather
  • Geraniums
  • Freesia, gladiolus and many other species
In the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden

A good overview of the Cape flora and especially the fynbos can be found in Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, which lies on the eastern slope of the Table Mountain range, around 20,000 different endemic plant species are cultivated here.


Within the park there are a number of zebras, antelopes and ostriches, as well as smaller mammals like the one Hyrax, the mongoose and the Capotter. That is widespread Bear Baboon (lat. Papio Ursinus, engl. Chacma baboon), he likes to eat the buds of the Protea plants.

In the False Bay East of the Cape Peninsula, whales like to stay from June to November, dolphins and seals can be seen all year round. A colony of African penguins (lat. Spheniscus demersus, engl. African penguin) at Simon's Town


getting there

Fees / permits


Tourist Attractions

Within the national point there are three main touristic points for which entrance fees are charged:

  • Cape of Good Hope. With the Cape Point.Price: Admission for adults 80 Rand.
  • Boulders, at Simon's Town. Price: Admission for adults 40 Rand.
  • Silver mine. Price: Adult 20 Rand.


to buy



Hotels and hostels





Web links

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