Takrūr - Takrūr

et-Takrūr ·التكرور
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Et-Takrur (Arabic:التكرور‎, at-Takrūr, tooالدكرور‎, ad-Dakrūr; Siwi: Adrar en Ibrīk) is a village in the northwest and northeast of the triple hill Gebel et-Takrur (جبل التكرور‎, Ǧabal at-Takrūr) about 4 kilometers southwest of the city Siwa and 3 kilometers south of Aghūrmī.


Gebel et-Takrur is a triple limestone rock (actually there are even four hills), which is located in the middle of an extensive sand plain. These mountains are also known under the names Gebel el-Hamāda, "mountain of the stone desert", Gebel al-Hammamāt, "hill of (sand) baths" or in Sivish as "Adrar (Abū) Brīk". The northeast hill is also called Gebel Nasra and the second Gebel Tunefan.

The names indicate different uses. In the past, the peaks of the mountains were also used as a quarry. In this context, Greek inscriptions were found that identify the scribes as stonemasons or painters.

The second name goes back to today's usage. In the summer months from June to August, the sandy areas are used for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. The patients are buried up to their heads in the sand and stay here for 15 to 30 minutes a day for a period of two weeks.

In addition, the mounds were also used for burials in antiquity, albeit not to the same extent as this Gebel el-Mautā was the case.

getting there

Er-Takrūr is across asphalt roads from Aghūrmī or the city Siwa reachable from.

Tourist Attractions

Gebel et-Takrur hill chain with the sand areas for the sand baths
Middle hill in Gebel et-Takrūr
Grave in Gebel ed-Takrūr
Inside the tomb
Ancient quarry in Gebel et Takrūr
Pillar grave in Gebel et-Takrūr

Apart from the hills as such, there are hardly any sights worth seeing. The large rock chambers on the flanks of the middle hill, designed as family graves, have some columns or pillars, but no inscriptions.

This is on the east side of the second rock from the northeast 1 largest rock grave(29 ° 11 '16 "N.25 ° 33 '5 "E). The entrance is decorated with a cove. A large hall leads to three rock chambers in the back wall and another chamber on the right wall. The four pillars were broken away. Apart from modern graffiti, there are no historical inscriptions. The finds only included ceramic shards.

In front of the middle hill there is a flat elevation to the east, which you circle in the south (easier) or in the north. When walking around in the north, one encounters another Rock grave with six pillars in two rows and niches on the back wall. On the circuit in the south you pass the remains of one ancient quarry. There was also no lack of modern attempts to dig for treasure here. Nothing was found.

On the outside of the rocks are six Greek inscriptions written by quarry workers from the late 4th or early 3rd century BC. These include, for example, those of the stonemason Paideas (Παιδέας τέϰτων) and from Philon; Hermon the wax painter (Φίλων, ῞Ερμων ἐνϰαυτής). The incised letters are about 1 to 2 centimeters tall.

All hills can be climbed. The most suitable hill for an ascent is the east hill. There is a good one from the hilltops view of the surrounding land.


In the summer months from June to August, mainly Arab patients can be treated here in the so-called sand baths for rheumatism and arthritis.

Every year in October the three-day festival of et-Takrur (Siyaha festival, so-called. Tourism festival, also Mūlid of the Sīdī ʿAlī ibn Hilāl called) carried out after the harvest under the full moon. This is where the men gather with their children. The misleading term tourism festival does not mean that it is a festival for tourists, but is derived from the fact that after the harvest, the inhabitants of the valley travel here for the festival. Around 10,000 Siwaer et-Takrūr travel to this festival in order to strengthen the community, to refresh friendships, to resolve disputes and to reconcile, while reciting the Quran and eating together.

When traveling at this time, it is advisable to book hotel accommodation in good time and arrive a few days earlier.


There are restaurants in the nearby town Siwa.



  • 1  Amun Hotel (فندق آمون, Funduq Āmūn), el Takrur (at the foot of the Gebel et-Takrur). Mobile: 20 (0)100 143 1144. The hotel is only used in summer (June to August), mainly by Arab tourists, for therapeutic treatments for about a week. The overnight stay including breakfast and sand baths costs LE 100 (as of 9/2007). The hotel has an old and new building. The rooms are simply furnished with two beds, palm-rib furniture, a television and a refrigerator. There is also lunch and dinner in the adjoining restaurant.(29 ° 11 '24 "N.25 ° 33 ′ 0 ″ E)


  • 2  Alzaytuna Hotel (formerly Qasr El-Zaituna), El Dakrour, Siwa. Tel.: 20 (0)46 460 0037, Mobile: 20 (0)122 222 4209, (0)128 555 9608, Fax: 20 (0)46 460 0037, Email: . The hotel in the west of Gebel et-Takrur, which was taken over by a new owner in 2007, has 24 rooms, but is to be expanded to 40 to 50 rooms in the future. It is the largest hotel in terms of area and has a garden, swimming pool and children's playground. A mini golf course and tennis court are planned. The prices per night and breakfast in single, double and triple rooms are LE 180, 220 and 270 respectively. Lunch and dinner cost LE 40.(29 ° 11 '18 "N.25 ° 32 '35 "E)
  • Mirage Hotel (فندق فاطامرجانة, Funduq Fāṭāmurǧāna). Tel.: 20 (0)46 460 0237, Mobile: 20 (0)122 417 5188. The hotel is located in the south of Gebel et-Takrur and has a garden with a swimming pool.


There are more accommodations in the nearby town Siwa.


  • Kuhlmann, Klaus P [eter]: The Ammoneion: Archeology, History and Cult Practice of the Oracle of Siwa. Mainz: from Zabern, 1988, Archaeological publications; 75, ISBN 978-3-8053-0819-9 , Pp. 14, 85–88, fig. 17, plates 5.b, 6 f., 42.
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