Tambov - Tambow

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Tambov(Russian: Тамбо́в) is the capital of russian Oblast Tambov. It lies in the fertile Central black earth region at the river Tsnawhich rises in the south of the oblast and at Sassovo in the Mocha flows out.

getting there

Map of Tambov

By plane

  • The 1 Tambov Donskoye AirportTambov Donskoye Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTambov Donskoye Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTambov Donskoye Airport (Q1996169) in the Wikidata database(IATA: TBW) is about 10 km northeast of Tambov. It is only approved for smaller aircraft. Daily flights to Moscow Domodedovo, weekly to St. Petersburg, in summer to Sochi.

By train

From the Kazan train station in Moscow there is a railway line via Ryazan to Tambov, duration approx. 9 hours, distance approx. 9 hours. There are connections to Volgograd and Saint Petersburg.

In the street

  • From Moscow on the R22 to Tambov (460 km)
  • From Oryol on the R119 to Tambov (430 km)

By bus

By boat



Tambov was founded as a fortress in 1636 to protect the southern border of Russia from the invasion of the Tatars. After the Russian Empire expanded, the fortress lost its importance and the settlement developed into a commercial and administrative center.

After the October Revolution it came to Tambov peasant uprisingwho was crushed at gunpoint by the Red Army.

During the Second World War there was a POW camp # 188 in Tambow for forced recruits Malgré-nous.

Tambov Wolf

In the 19th century, seasonal workers coming from Tambov were considered rude people with bad manners and rebellious behavior, they were commonly called Wolves designated. The saying “Тамбовский волк тебе товарищ” was born - tambowski wolk tebe towarisch - your comrade is a wolf from Tambov - to put it simply: I don't want anything to do with you. The city has now adopted the wolf as a symbol and there are souvenirs to match: Tambov Wolf Vodka is one of them, sweets and sunflower seeds are also part of it.


Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Transfiguration Cathedral (Спасо-Преображенский собор) Transfiguration Cathedral in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTransfiguration Cathedral in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryTransfiguration Cathedral (Q1140077) in the Wikidata database
  • 2  Tambov railway station 1 (Тамбов I) Tambov 1 station in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTambov 1 station in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryTambow 1 station (Q16704452) in the Wikidata database
  • 3  Manor of the manufacturer Aseew, ул. Набережная, 22/1, Тамбов, Тамбовская обл., 392000. House with park and fountain.
  • 4  Monument to Sergei Rachmaninov
  • 5  Monument to the Russian peasant
  • 6  Kazan monastery (Казанский мужской монастырь)
  • 7  Catholic Church (Католический храм)



  • 1  Energiya (Энергия), ул. Октябрьская, 16А, Тамбов, Тамбовская обл., 392000. Tel.: 74752714413.




  • 1  Hotel Grand Tambov (Гостиница Гранд-Тамбов), ул. Киквидзе, 116а, Тамбов, Тамбовская обл., 392014.
  • 2  Uspenskaya Hotel (Гостиница "Успенская"), Успенская пл., 1/188, Тамбов, Тамбовская обл., 39200. Tel.: 7475247251.


Practical advice



Web links

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