Taquile - Taquile

View of Lake Titicaca from Taquile
Taquile - Location

Taquile is an island of Titicaca lake belonging toPeruvian plateau.

To know

Taquile is a bit more touristy than its sister Isla Amantaní. Tourism is strictly controlled by the island's elders in order to maintain the island's culture.


The island was one of the last positions that capitulated to domination Spanish during the conquest of the Peru. It was conquered by Carlos V and then passed to Count Rodrigo di Taquila, from whom the island takes its name. Having the Spaniards forbidden the traditional dress, the islanders had to adopt the typical dress of the Spanish peasants.

The islanders are known to keep those clothes as traditional to this day. They combine it with finely crafted Andean-style garments and accessories, such as belts, ponchos, capes, coca-leaf bags and more.

A terraced hill on the island of Taquile

Territories and tourist destinations

One of the many arches on the island

How to get

To enter the island there is a 5 sol fee (February 2010).

On boat

Boats from Amantaní Island stop here for a couple of hours. There are also direct boats coming from Puno, usually part of a tour that stops at the floating islands of the Uros that are on the road and that arrives at 11:30 and then departs at 14:00. The journey time from Puno is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Tours can be arranged through any travel agency in Puno for around USD 10, or easily purchased at the Puno Pier before 07:30. Boats are typically nice, with reclining seats.

Make sure you take the boat back to the mainland unless you intend to stay there all night. The boats leave from the opposite side of the island from where you got off. It is possible to take part in a collective boat (collectivo) to return to the mainland so that you don't have to book a ticket with an agency in Puno in advance.

How to get around

The only way to get around the island is on foot via steep walkways.

What see

For a complete exploration of the island it is necessary to stay overnight. If you only have a couple of hours, go up to the northern viewpoint of the town.

  • Panoramic point. It is the highest point and allows a nice view over the city.
  • Temple. There is also a temple still used to bring sacrifices to the Pachamama (mother Earth).

Events and parties

Celebration for the feast of Santiago
Typical colors of July 25th
Women with typical party attires
  • Feast of Santiago (Fiesta de Santiago). Simple icon time.svgJuly 25.

What to do


Woman weaver
Men knitting

Locals sell textiles and other souvenirs at stalls typical of this area. Bargaining is frowned upon.

Taquile is also known outside of Peru for its high quality craftsmanship. "Taquile and its textile art" have been inscribed on the representative list of Intangible Heritage of Humanity by theUNESCO in 2008. Knitting is reserved for men from the age of eight. The women instead take care of the weaving.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Taquile offers a wide range of typical dishes. Breakfast consists of two pancakes with sugar or bread with eggs, with a cup of tea made from both Muña or Coke. For lunch, the dishes are a vegetable soup, fish soup with rice, and a tomato and onion salad. For dinner they serve vegetable soup with bread.

Average prices

On the square there is a community restaurant, the proceeds of which are used to help the community. There are also many other restaurants. The food is simple, usually lake fish, although omelets are usually available for vegetarians. Food is expensive on the island, 15-20 sol for a set menu which would have cost 8 sol on the mainland. The food is also expensive even if offered by the family you will stay with overnight if you decide to stay on the island.

Where stay

There are about 70 families who have basic accommodation. The elders decide which families will welcome guests. The typical fee is USD 3 and fresh food gifts are appreciated.


How to keep in touch


  • Amantaní - Another Peruvian island on the Titicaca, reachable with a short boat ride of about an hour.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Taquile
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