Tarascon - Tarascon

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Tarascon is one on the Rhône french City in the department Bouches-du-Rhône in the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.


The town Tarascon lies on the eastern bank of the Rhône, almost exactly between Arles and Avignon. The distance to the two cities is around 20 kilometers each. The town is on the opposite side of the river Beaucaire, the twin cities are connected by a bridge over the Rhône.

The city was founded in 48 by the Romans. The city's history is drawn from the legend of the dragon Tarasque who devoured travelers on the banks of the Rhône and who is said to have been banned by Saint Martha (The legend of Martha and Tarasque). This legend also gave the city its current name, the name is said to have been earlier Nerluc have rang.

In the district Saint Gabriel, was the Roman Ernaginum at the important intersection of the Via Domitiashortly before it crosses the Rhône, with the one ending here Via Aurelia.

Politically, the city belongs to the Arles arrondissement and is the administrative seat of the canton of Tarascon.

getting there

By plane

The two airports 1 Nîmes-Arles-Camargue / Garons and 2 Avignon - Provence are 25 km away. The airport of Marseille is 80 km away.

By train

The city has its own railway station, but only regional trains stop here, the next TGV station is in 3 Avignon .

In the street

Tarascon can be reached from the motorway A9 - La Languedocienne about the Symbol: AS 23 Remoulins, then about that D986 to Beaucaire and over the Rhône bridge (17 km), from the southwest over the Symbol: AS 24 Nîmes and then the D999 to Beaucaire or from the motorway A7 - Autoroute du Soleil about the Symbol: AS 23 Avignon followed by the N7r and the N570 or further south over the Symbol: AS 25 and further on D99 past St-Rémy-de-Provence.

From Avignon in the north the N570/D570 taken off Arles in the south and the A54 the D570n and the D970 or the branch line D15 on the right bank of the Rhône via Fourques and Beaucaire.

There are few parking spaces in the old town, within the old city walls. However, there are parking spaces on the edge of the old town, from which it can be reached in just a few minutes: (green = free of charge, red = chargeable)

  • 1 Route de Vallabrègues
  • 2 Boulevard Joseph Desanat (Buses cars)
  • 1 Boulevard Itam
  • 2 Boulevard Gambretta
  • 3 Boulevard du Viaduc
  • 3 Boulevard Victor Hugo
  • 4 Place des Anciens Combattants d'Indochine
  • 5 Place de Colonel Berrurier
  • 4 Cours Aristide Brand
  • 6 Avenue de la Republique

By boat

Tarascon does not have a sea port, and merchant shipping on the Rhône has also been discontinued. Engine resp. Houseboats can go in Beaucaire create where the Canal du Rhône à Sète ends, from there Tarascon can be visited without any problems.


Map of Tarascon

The bus network in and around Tarascon is operated by Envia entertaining, short distances can be covered on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Château de Tarascon
Tarascon Castle
Eglise Collégiale Ste Marthe
Collégiale Ste Marthe
Eglise St-Jacques
Abbaye Saint-Michel-de-Frigolet
Chapelle St-Gabriel
  • 1 The Tarascon Castle (Château de Tarascon) will do that too King René's castle (Château du Roi René) called.
As a starting point for your activities in the Mediterranean (Naples, Sicily) built the dukes of Anjou Louis II and Louis III. in the triangle between Arles, Avignon and Marseille on the Rhône near the mouth of her fortress-like castle in the years 1400-1435. The interior was expanded by the artistically gifted and still revered King René I. After his death in 1481, the castle served the French royal troops as a garrison and later (until 1926) as a prison. As a site for prisoner massacres during the French Revolution, the castle came to an inglorious place in history.
The access via the moat, the inner courtyard, the court of honor around the royal apartments and various ballrooms are worth seeing, and the roof terrace offers a beautiful view of the old town of Tarascon and Beaucaire.
2  Château de Tarascon, Boulevard du Roi René. Tel.: 33 (0)4 90 91 01 93. Open: Nov.-Jan .: 9:30 am-5:00pm, Feb.-May Oct .: 9:30 am-5:30pm, June-Sept .: 9:30 am-6:30pm; closed on Jan 1st, May 1st, Nov 1st and 11th and Dec 25thPrice: Entrance fees: Age: <10 years free, 10-17 years € 3.50, 18-24 years € 5.50, from 25 years € 7.50. Groups of 15 or more € 6.50 / pp
  • 3 The statue of Tarasque by P. Demaument is right next to the castle. From a terrace near the Rhône bridge you have a beautiful view over the Rhône.
  • 4  Collegiate Church of the Royale de Sainte-Marthe, 1, Place de la Concorde. Tel.: 33 (0)4 90 91 09 50. The building from 11/12 in the Provencal Romanesque style. In the 17th century, St. Martha of Bethanien (who, according to legend, is said to have defeated the turtle-like human-devouring dragon "La Tarasque" on the banks of the Rhône) was consecrated in 1197. The church with a side portal in the Provencal-Romanesque style was renewed again and again from the 14th to the 18th century and was bombed in 1944. The alleged grave of St. Martha is located in the crypt.Open: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., trade fair on Sat. at 6:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m., Sun. 10:30 a.m.

Through picturesque old town streets with town houses it goes to

  • 1 The Town hall / Hôtel de Ville was built from 1648 in the baroque style.
  • 5 Rue des Halles, with arched arcades (similar to the arcades in Bern) from the 15th to 18th centuries, which are unusual in Provence.
  • 6  Cabinet de curiosités de Tartarin, Place Frédéric Mistral. Tel.: 33 (0)4 90 91 38 71. In the former Franciscan convent (Cloître des Cordeliers) is an exhibition on the history of the character in the novel by Alphonse Daudet, Tartarin de Tarascon, the caricature of a rebellious petty bourgeois.Open: Mo-Fr 10: 00-12: 30h / 13: 30-18: 00h, Sa 13: 30-18: 00h.Price: Free entry.
  • 7 Chapelle de la Perseverance, from the 18th century in the narrow Rue Proudhon
  • 8 Église St-Jacques, Built in 1740/50 in baroque style.
  • 9  Souleiado - Musée du tissu provençal, 39, rue Charles Demery. Tel.: (0)4 90 91 08 80. Museum of Provencal Fabrics.Open: 10 am-7pm in summer, 10 am-12.30pm / 2.30pm-7pm in winter.
  • 1  Théâtre Municipal, 2, rue Eugène Pelletan. Tel.: (0)4 90 91 51 30. The Italian-style Théâtre Municipal was built in 1499 and rebuilt until 1880.
  • 10 The city gate Porte St-Jean
  • 11 Kilmaine district, former barracks, the construction of which began in 1718, with an enormous riding hall and stables and today serves as a cultural and meeting center.
  • 12 In the north the Porte Jarnègues past the Jardin public to the
  • 13 Monastère de la Visitation
  • 14 The city gate built in 1379 Porte de la Condamine lies at the end of the Rue Jean Jaurès.

In the Surroundings are worth seeing

  • 15 The Saint-Michel de Frigolet Abbey with the one dating from the 12th century and renovated in the 19th century Église St-Michel and the Romanesque cloister.
  • 16 The chapel Saint Gabriel just outside Tarascon on the D33A was built around 1175 in the Provencal-Romanesque style.
  • 17 Chapelle St-Victor, Romanesque chapel from the 11th / 12th centuries Century, north of Tarascon on the D35.


La Tarasque with the brave knights
  • The Marché aux Fleurs ("Flower Market") is held on the weekend of Pentecost.
  • On the last weekend in June, the Fêtes de la Tarasquedonated by King René I of Anjou in 1469, with parades from Arlesiennes (Women in local costume from Arles) and Gardians (Cattle keeper in Camargue costume high on horseback).
  • On the third weekend in August, medieval festivals are staged at Tarascon Castle.


  • Each on Tuesday will the Weekly market with a wide range of food, textiles (Provencal fabrics), clothes, etc., a smaller food market takes place on Friday instead of.
  • In November and December there will be a Marché aux Santons held, where the typical Provencal nativity scenes, the Santons, are offered, and a Christmas market.


  • There are numerous restaurants and pubs in Tarascon, they are listed in a brochure from the tourist office.



  • There are 11 hotels, a youth hostel and two campsites in Tarascon.




  • 1  Hôpitaux des Portes de Camargue (Tarascon), Route d'Arles. Tel.: 33 (0)4 90 91 56 00, Fax: 33 (0)4 66 02 63 00.

Practical advice

  • 3 The post office (with ATM) is at Place du Colonel Berrurier.


  • Beaucaire, on the opposite bank of the Rhône.
  • Arles


  • Tarascon is the place of origin of the Tartarine from Tarascon: the petty bourgeois and henpecked in the of Alphonse Daudet written novels goes on a lion hunt and kills an old, tame and blind lion and is celebrated as a hero after his homecoming:
The wonderful adventures of the Tartarin of Tarascon (Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon) (1872)

Web links

with information also on Tarascon Castle, under "Visiter> Nos documents" city guide for download

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