Beaucaire (Gard) - Beaucaire (Gard)

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Beaucaire is a city in the French department Gard in the region Languedoc-Roussillon.


The town Beaucaire with its imposing castle lies on the Rhône opposite that of the department Bouches-du-Rhône belonging town Tarascon and is connected to it by a bridge. The Rhône with Beaucaire marks the eastern boundary of the department Gard, the city lies between Avignon and Arles in an area dominated by viticulture and agriculture.

For centuries, Beaucaire was through the market, Foire de Beaucaire known because trade routes converged on the banks of the Rhône, in the early 19th century the Canal du Rhône à Sète was created, with the advent of the railroad as a means of transport, Beaucaire lost its importance.


Foire de Beaucaire, 18th century
Protective wall for flood protection

The ancient city Ugernum was due to the ancient connection between what is now northern Italy and Spain, the Via Domitiawho are heading further Nemausus moved on, in the area of ​​today's Beaucaire the Rhône had to be crossed. On the Île du Comté ruins of a Roman mausoleum were found in the middle of the Rhône.

In the 12th / 13th The castle, built in the 16th century, was expanded further in the Middle Ages, visits by the French King Louis IX in the 13th century led to an upswing, in the 16th century the city remained under the rule of the Huguenots. The market founded in 1217 Foire de Beaucaire was held over about ten days in the second half of July and was able to take place in the 17th and 18th centuries. Century attracting over 100,000 visitors each time. It only lost its importance in the 19th century with the shift of goods transport from Rhône ships to the railroad. Due to the enormous number of visitors, in 1720 the plague brought in from Marseille spread among the market visitors returning from Beaucaire, which ended with the erection of a plague wall in Languedoc.

getting there

By plane

The two airports 1 Nîmes-Arles-Camargue and 2 Avignon Provence are 25 km away. The airport of Marseille is a good 80 km away.

By train

The city has its own 3 Gare SNCF (Train station), but only regional trains of the line stop here Avignon-Nîmes, the nearest TGV train stations are in 4 Avignon respectively Nîmes (a few stops).

In the street

Beaucaire can be reached from the motorway A9 - La Languedocienne about the Symbol: AS 23 Remoulins, then about that D986 to Beaucaire, from the southwest over the Symbol: AS 24 Nîmes and then the D999 or from the motorway A7 - Autoroute du SoleilSymbol: AS 25 Cavaillon and further on D99 past St-Rémy-de-Provence and Tarascon.

From Avignon in the north the N570/D570 and from Tarascon the D99 taken off Arles in the south and the A54 the D570n and the D970 above Tarascon or more directly the branch line D15 on the right bank of the Rhône until you reach Beaucaire.

By boat

  • Beaucaire has a marina the 5  Capitainerie de Beaucaire, Office: Cours Sadi Carno. Tel.: 33 (0)4 66 59 02 17. There engine resp. Houseboats at the end of the Canal du Rhône à Sète invest.


Map of Beaucaire (Gard)

The short distances in the city can be covered on foot, for the (tax-paying) residents there is a minibus that circulates in the mornings Navette Drac.
In the winding and sometimes very narrow old town streets with one-way regulations, getting through with the car is easy. difficult, the motorhome should be parked outside the old town area.

Tourist Attractions

Fortress and castle
Baucaire Castle
Sacred buildings
Portal Church of Notre-Dame des Pommiers
Oratoire Croix couverte
Colonnes de César
Market hall

Streets and squares

The one running south of the city center Canal du Rhône à Sète is in the south of Quai de la Paix and on the north bank in the area of ​​the old town from Quai Général de Gaulle flanked. The is on the north side of the square, which is shaded by plane trees 1 Cours Gambetta with the 1 Tourist Information. The market is also held here. The Rue de l'Hôtel de Ville runs in a northerly direction to the central one 2 Place Georges Clémenceau, the winding streets of the old town close on both sides (e.g. Rue des Bijoutiers) at. The in 19./20. Mighty protective walls to the Rhône ("la banquette") can be closed with steel gates and have massively improved flood protection in the town.

Castles, chateaus and palaces

  • The fortress 3 Château de Beaucaire was in 11./12. Built in the 17th century and razed at the behest of Cardinal Richelieu. The triangular and round towers dominate the rocky hill above the city. The local museum is also housed in the fortress area.

Churches and sacred buildings

  • The 4 Église Notre Dame des Pommiers was built in 1734/44 in the baroque style by Jean-Baptiste Franque.
  • The 5 Église Saint-Paul was part of a monastery of the "Cordeliers", of Franciscan Minorites who moved their convent within the protective city walls as part of the Hundred Years War, and was built after 1360 in the Provencal-Romanesque style. The church was secularized in 1791 after the dissolution of the religious orders in the course of the French Revolution, but returned to the Catholic Church in 1804 (in a fairly cleared state).
  • The 6 Chapelle St-Louis is in the area of ​​the Castle of Beaucaire.
  • The chapel 7 Oratoire Croix couverte is a stone wayside cross from the 14th century covered with a triangular Romanesque arch and is located on the D15 in the direction of Fourquès outside the town.


  • The town hall built in 1679/83 8 Hotel de Ville is on the central Place Clémenceau.
  • 9 The market hall is also located in this central square, nearby are the arched arcades under which the market used to be held.
  • The 1 Casino outside the Rhône protective wall is now used for theatrical performances and cultural events.
  • In the old town there are numerous town houses from the 17th to 19th centuries, e.g. the 10 Hotel Margallier from 1675 with a representative entrance portal.


  • The 11  Musée Auguste Jacquet de Beaucaire, Musée municipal, Chateau de Beaucaire. Tel.: (0)4 66 59 90 07. shows archaeological finds from the Bronze and Gallo-Roman times, lids of sarcophagi from the Abbey of Saint-Roman, finds from the Middle Ages and posters for Foire de Beaucaire.Open: 10.00-12.00 / 14.00-17.00, closed on Tuesdays.Price: 5.10 / 3.70 €.
  • The 12  Musée du Cheval et de l'Eperonnerie d'Art, 23, rue du 4 Septembre. Tel.: (0)4 66 59 41 08. shows harnesses and saddles from numerous countries.Open: Sun 10.00-12.00, Mon / Tue closed, Wed-Sat 10.00-12.00 / 14.00-17.30.

Miscellaneous / ancient sites

  • The 2 Colonnes de César are milestones of the Roman Via Domitia, each time a new regent took office, a new milestone was set up next to an existing one.


Events in places outside the municipality are also listed, but they have a great attraction for the Beaucaire residents and are close to the city: Jonquières-Saint-Vincent, Fourgues, Bellegarde, Vallabrègues,

  • January:
Fete de la Saint-Vincent in Jonquières-Saint-Vincent
  • April:
From April to October the Courses Camarguaises instead, with whom the bull will Palme d'Or, a cockade, torn away as a trophy
Journées camarguaises ("Camargue Days") in Fourgues
Pâques au Vieux Mas ("Easter in the" Altes Landgut "")
Le Printemps du Patrimoine ("Spring of Heritage")
  • May:
Fete de l'Europe in Bellegarde
Fete de Maïo in Fourques
  • June:
Numerous concerts and music events take place in summer, including a film festival.
Fete de la Musique
Fete du Village in Vallabrègues
Polynesian Festival
  • July:
Feria de Baucaire, at the end of July with Bullfighting events in the 2 Arènes. In the Corrida is fought according to Spanish bullfighting rules. At Les Cent taureaux Hundreds of bulls are driven through the streets in groups, tempted by the daring, at the last moment it is important to get to safety behind barriers (not suitable for small children who can get into the danger area between the bars!).
Fete du Village in Jonquières Saint-Vincent
Rencontres Équestres Méditerranéennes ("Mediterranean Horse Meeting")
Les Beaux Quais du Vendredi ("The beautiful promenades on Friday")
Les Fêtes de la Madeleine
  • August:
Fete de la Vannerie ("Basketry Festival"), Vallabrègues
Féria in Fourques
Les Beaux Quais du Vendredi ("The beautiful promenades on Friday")
  • September:
Foire aux Cheveaux ("Horse Market") in Fourques
Les Vendanges Romaines ("Roman Grape Harvest")
Journées Européennes du Patrimonie ("European Heritage Days")
  • October:
Fete d'Octobre in Bellegarde
Salon des Métiers d'Art (Arts and crafts exhibition)
Le Festival de la Marionnette ("Puppet Festival") in Fourques
  • December:
Marchés de Noël ("Christmas Markets") almost everywhere
Noël au Vieux Mas ("Christmas in the" Altes Landgut "")
Défilé du Pastrage ("Move of the shepherds")
Journée de l'Olive ("Olive Day")

Abbaye de Saint Roman

Saint Roman Cave Abbey
St-Roman cave abbey high above the Rhône
  • 13  Abbaye troglodytique de Saint-Roman. Tel.: (0)4 66 59 19 72, Fax: 33 (0)4 66 59 50 80, Email: . The Abbey de St-Roman is located on a rocky hill above the Rhône in the hinterland of Beaucaire. Ascent on foot, 10-15 minutes, no toilets and no drinking water on site. Access on gravel road.Open: approx. 10.00-13.00 / 14.00-19.00 in the season, otherwise reduced opening times according to the website.Price: 5.50 / 4.50 €, children free.

On the hills of L'Aiguille and Power on Hermits settled in the 5th century, natural cave formations were expanded and a chapel and monk cells were set up. In the 7th century the hermits adopted the Benedictine monastic rules, and the Benedictine Abbey of St-Roman was created, more and more rooms were dug out of the rock. In the 14th century the complex was fortified and a seminary was established in Avignon by decree of the Pope. The decline began a little later, in 1538 the complex was sold and a small castle was built on the hilltop, which was demolished in the 19th century to extract building materials. The historical interest in the cave chapel with the extraordinary necropolis awoke in the 1960s, the area was only acquired by the municipality of Beaucaire in 1988, placed under protection in 1991, and security works were carried out.

First and foremost, that is worth seeing Chapel broken out of the rock, the throne seat for the abbot, the hermit clauses, some of which are only accessible via ladders, and the Burial grounds on the "roof" of the cliff - great view over the Rhône.


  • Every Thursday and Sunday there is one in Beaucaire market held.
  • A 1 Supermarché can be found in the new building / industrial area in the northwest.





  • Regional Hospital. It is unclear whether the Hôpital Régional in Beaucaire still offers acute care.

Practical advice

  • 4 The Post office is located on 26, cours Gambetta.


  • 5  Le Vieux Mas, Mas de Végère, Route de Fourques (D15). Tel.: 33 (0)4 66 59 60 13, Fax: 33 (0)4 66 02 03 49, Email: . Le Vieux Mas, a large working farm in 1900.Open: 10 a.m. / 6 p.m. (7 p.m. in summer), April-September, reduced in winter.Price: 8.00 / 6.00 €.
  • 1  Mas des Tourelles, Route de St-Gilles, D38. Tel.: 33 (0)4 66 59 19 72, Fax: 33 (0)4 66 59 50 80, Email: . Mas de Tourelles is a winery on the site of which remains of a Roman winery have been found.Price: 5.50 / 0.00 €.
  • Tarascon. On the other side of the Rhône.
  • Nîmes


Web links

  • Website of the Tourist Office Beaucaire - Terre d'Argence
  • An official website is not known. Please open Wikidata add.
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