Tavira - Tavira

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Tavira is a city on the Algarve.


The city is in the eastern Algarve, around 20 kilometers from the Spanish border, on the banks of the Rio Gilão, shortly before its confluence with the Atlantic Ocean. There are some salt pans between the city and the sea. Fishing no longer has its former importance, as it was once the center of tuna fishing on the Algarve coast.

The city is very old and was probably founded by the Phoenicians. The Romans did not settle here directly, but a few kilometers further west and named their settlement Balsa, of which, however, only a few remains are left. For a long time the seven-arched bridge, popularly attributed to the Romans, was the only connection between the two banks of the river.

The city became under the Arabs Tabira called. At that time the port was an important trading center. In 1242 the Portuguese conquered the city and it became a base for the North African colonies. After these had to be abandoned, the port, which at the same time began to silt up, lost its importance.

After the rule of the Spaniards between 1508 and 1640, a plague epidemic raged in the city in 1645/46. From these strokes of fate, and above all from the earthquake that destroyed large parts of the city in 1755, the city did not recover and it remained relatively insignificant.

getting there

By plane

Faro Airport is around 30 kilometers away by road.

By train

The city has its own 1 railway station, he lies on the route between Faro and Vila Real de Santo Antonio.

In the street

Inland, the IP1 motorway passes the city. The next motorway exit is around 6 kilometers from the city center. The main coastal road N 125 runs through the city. Tavira lies between Faro (40 km) and Vila Real de Santo Antonio (22 km, on the Spanish border).

By boat


Map of Tavira

Tourist Attractions

Due to the earthquake of 1755, very few buildings are older than 250 years. However, this gave the city a fairly uniform design. The hipped roof shape of the old houses is particularly worth seeing.


  • 1 Igreja da Misericòrdia - Church of Mercy
    • blue and white glazed azulejos
    • ornately carved altar
Igreja de Santa Maria do Castelo
  • 2 Santa Maria do Castelo
  • Igreja de Sao Paulos

Castles, chateaus and palaces

View from the fort
  • The ruins of the fort 3 Castelo de TaviraCastro Mouros from the time of King Dinis (1261-1325).


In the 4 Ponte RomanaRoman bridge: Ponte Pomana over the river Gilão, it is by no means a Roman bridge. The bridge is only occupied from the Middle Ages. It is uncertain whether there was ever a Roman building here. The medieval bridge was destroyed in the earthquake of 1755, so the current one is a reconstruction from the 18th century.

  • The old 1 Municipal market hall(Mercado Municipal) de Tavira from 1887. It is no longer used as a market hall, but now houses shops and restaurants.


Off the coast is the island of Tavira (Ilha de Tavira), which can be reached by ferry in summer. The ferry starts on the right bank of the river below the old market hall.



  • Gran plaza, Rua Almirante Cândido dos Reis, nº247, 8800-318 Tavira. Large shopping center in the vicinity of the Rio Gilao.




  • 1  O Pequeno Castelo. Tel.: 351 281961692. O Pequeno Castelo, the small castle, offers apartments, a holiday house and double rooms with breakfast in a family atmosphere and a special ambience, only ten minutes by car from the beach of Pedras d él Rei and 6 km from the picturesque town of Tavira.


Practical advice



Web links

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