Tepatitlan - Tepatitlan

Tepatitlán de Morelos is a city in Jalisco, Mexico.

Get in

Nearest airport is Guadalajara (GDL IATA), from there you will need to either taxi or find a bus route, which there are plenty of both. Additionally, there are long distance bus services from most of northern Mexico. All buses arrive to 1 Central de Autobuses de Tepatitlán, located at Calle Matamoros 750 in the southern outskirts.

Get around

0°0′0″N 0°0′0″E
Map of Tepatitlan

You can pretty much walk when you get there.


The cathedrals. There are several old Spanish cathedrals each with their own personality.


Bars, clubs, churches, and small-town shopping.


all extravagant, but there are plenty of snacks.


Fish food in the main plaza is renowned, small hot dog carts are great late night snacks.bomb ass food and great yogurt and ice cream


Some of the best tequila in the world originates from Tepa.

  • 1 The Beer Container Co., Calle Moctezuma 114, 52 378 707 0745. A distributor for microbreweries with its own bar, has a large selection of artisan beers.


There are several hotels in downtown, rooms as low as 29USD a night for a suite.


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