Thousand Islands - Thousand Islands

The Thousand Islands (German: "thousand islands") are a group of islands in the upper reaches of the St. Lawrence River in the Canadian-American Border area.

The Thousand Islands are located in the Saint Lawrence River east of Lake Ontario. Part of them belong to Ontario, Canada, part of the US state new York.
Thousand Islands Bridge over the St. Lawrence River

Due to its scenic beauty and its proximity to water, the region is extremely popular with holidaymakers from both countries. A part of the Canadian islands forms the very worth seeing St. Lawrence Islands National Park. The Thousand Islands have a wide range of offers for camping and water sports enthusiasts. There are also architectural superlatives such as B. Boldt Castle, the castle of the wealthy New York hotelier George Boldt, built between 1900 and 1904.


The islands

The Thousand Islands are scattered over a length of 80 km in the Saint Lawrence River. The westernmost islands are on the edge of the Lake Ontario at Kingston, the northernmost are at Chippewa Bay, New York. The Thousand Islands include a total of 1,865 islands of very different sizes. The smallest are uninhabited rocks. The largest, Wolfe Island, has an area of ​​approx. 124 km² and is inhabited by around 1,200 people in winter; in summer the population can double or triple.


While the summers in the region are mostly mild and sunny with temperatures around 20-30 ° C, one should be prepared for drastic snowfalls in winter. One meter of snow can easily fall overnight and the temperatures are often -25 ° C.


In Ontario:

In New York:

getting there

By plane

The closest airports are the Watertown Regional Airport (ART) in Watertown, the Ogdensburg International Airport (OGS) in Ogdensburg and the Normal Rogers Airport (YGK) in Kingston. Who is not afraid of a longer journey, can also over Ottawa (approx. 150 km), Montreal (approx. 250 km) or Toronto Fly in (approx. 300 km). The airports of New York City, which offer most of the direct connections to and from Europe, are approx. 600 km away.

By train

The nearest train station is a station of the Canadian State Railways in Kingston. Also in Brockville you can get off. On the American side there is a Amtrak-Bahnhof unfortunately only in Syracuse.

By bus

The American side of the region is not accessible by bus unless you are ready to get in Syracuse, Glens Falls or Burlington get out and continue from there with the rental car. On the Canadian side there is GreyhoundTerminals in Kingston and Brockville.

In the street

From the American side you can reach the region z. B. on Interstate Highway 81. On the Canadian side one mostly uses the highway 401, the Toronto With Montreal connects.

Border crossing

To enter Canada from the USA and vice versa, you need a valid passport. Green card holders should also have these ready. US residents, when traveling to Canada in their own car, need a special insurance certificate, which the insurance company issues free of charge.

European foreigners entering Canada from the USA are routinely asked at the Canadian checkpoint (where Americans and Canadians do not need to leave their car) to get out of the car with the whole family and to personally present their passports at a counter in the immediate vicinity Office building to be submitted. This is a bit cumbersome, but inevitable, and as a tourist from a German-speaking country you hardly need to expect complications when crossing the border. Conversely, if you want to enter the USA from Canada, you have to give your fingerprints a photo of yourself and pay 6 USD (per person). When returning to Canada, you should hand over the white I-94 A form from your passport to the border officials (or the Canadian). Otherwise there may be problems with a later entry. Except on typical travel weekends with a high volume of traffic, you don't need to expect long waiting times to cross the border.

The import regulations of the country into which you are traveling must be observed.


It is convenient to have either a boat or a car available in the Thousand Island region.

Tourist Attractions

Aerial view of Boldt Castle

In new York:

  • Antique Boat Museum, in Clayton.

In Ontario:

  • St. Lawrence Islands National Park


Boat tours of the Thousand Islands are available from:

In new York:

In Ontario:

to buy






  • Jack Chiang: Thousand Islands, Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2006. ISBN 1550419838
  • George Fischer, Anthony Mollica: Castles and Cottages: River Retreats of the Thousand Islands, Boston Mills Press, 2004. ISBN 1550463985
  • Patricia Fleming: Thousand Islands, Boston Mills Press, 1990. ISBN 1550460447 (Illustrated book)
  • Paul Malo: Floating World: More People, Places, And Pastimes Of The Thousand Islands, Laurentian Press, 2004. ISBN 0966972929
  • Shawn Thompson: A River Rat's Guide to the Thousand Islands, Boston Mills Press, 1996. ISBN 1550461737

Web links

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