East Timor - Timor-Leste

Flag of East Timor.svg
Basic information
Governmentparliamentary republic
CurrencyUS Dollar (USD)
Area15,007 km2
Population924.642 (2004)
LanguagePortuguese and Tetum (official), Indonesian and 37 native languages
ReligionRoman Catholic 90%
phone code670
Internet TLD.tp
Time zoneUTC 9

East Timor (in Tetum: Timór Lorosa’e) is a country located in the transition zone between the Southeast Asia and the Oceania. Its culture, cuisine, ethnicities and biodiversity include Malay, Melanesian, Polynesian and Portuguese elements. The country has a humid tropical climate.



Other destinations

East Timor map


Timor-Leste is the youngest country in the world, becoming independent from Portugal on November 25, 1975, but was only recognized on May 20, 2002 by the international community.

During this period the country was invaded by military troops from the Indonesia that promoted a veritable massacre of the Timorese population.

The then prime minister, José Alexandre Xanana Gusmão, was one of the main members of FRETILIN - Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor, the main East Timorese resistance group to the invasion of the territory by Indonesia.

To arrive

Visas - see Timor-Leste Migration Service

By airplane

  • Gives Indonesia daily flights leave by the company merpati from the international airport of Denpasar (DPS), on the Island of Bali. Tickets can only be purchased in Bali or Dili. They are not sold over the Internet.
  • Gives Australia there are daily flights departing from Darwin (DWR) by the company AirNorth.
  • In Singapore There are two weekly flights (currently on Tuesdays and Saturdays) with the SilkAir company (although reservations must be made through Austasia or with some operators in the area)

All flights are destined for the Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport, in Dili (DIL).

Of boat

There are no passenger boats to Timor.

Occasionally some Australian liners would stop in Dili. This has not happened since the 2006 crisis.


The roads in Timor are in very poor condition, despite some improvements made in recent years. The roads are narrow for two cars and drivers do not respect safety rules. They rarely drive on their lane and outside of Dili they drive too fast for the roads they have. The country is very mountainous, many of the roads have tight curves and counter-curves. During the rainy season (November to February) it can be dangerous to travel because of the risk of landslides and cut roads. It is not recommended to travel alone.

By airplane

There are no flights within Timor.

Of boat

There is only one ferry that connects Dili to the island of Ataúro and the Oecusse enclave once a week.

By car

Large offer of taxis, USD 1.00 per trip within the city of Dili, although for some areas of the city the price may be higher. From the airport to the center of Dili can charge up to USD 10.00. Taxi safety measures are very bad, however, the average speed of taxis is 20 km/h.

You can rent a car for around 70 USD per day.

By bus/bus

There are daily bus trips to the district capitals. The state of repair of buses and roads is not good. These buses are picturesque and tend to be full, even carrying people on the roof.

By train/train

The country does not have any railway systems on its territory.


Portuguese and Tetum are the official languages ​​of Timor-Leste. However, only a number between 5 and 25% of the population is fluent in Portuguese.

Both English and Indonesian are considered business languages. Besides these, there are several dialects spoken in the various regions of the island, most of them being variants of the two official languages.





Timor-Leste has some of the best diving spots in the world, and this is a huge attraction for tourists. Beaches and coral reefs contrast with one of the poorest populations on Earth.

Dive Information

Dili offers the diver some excellent dives. Just 5 minutes from the city center is the Pertamina Pier.

Ten minutes west of Dili is Dili Rock. This is one of Timor's most popular dive sites as it serves as the learning place for new divers. Known for its easy access and great conditions, Dili East also offers great opportunities to see scorpion fish, angler fish and sharks.


  • such
  • Pottery
  • baskets

In Timor there is little to buy and with the large number of internationals currently living in Dili, the offer is essentially made in Indonesia. There is not a wide variety of crafts.

In Dili the best place to buy tais is the "market for tais". However, to buy the best and authentic ones, the best thing is to take a walk through the interior of the country.

With the

Large offer of restaurants with local cuisine and from the countries in the area: Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand. The price of a meal varies between 10.00 and 15.00 USD.

drink and go out


Finding acceptable places to stay is not easy. The offer is large in Dili, but due to the large number of internationals living there, the demand is even greater. The prices are very high for the quality offered. Outside Dili it is difficult to find hotels, although it is possible to find some places with the minimum conditions for sleeping.

Recommended hotels in Dili:The best:

  • Hotel Timor
  • Discovery Hotel
  • Hotel Esplanade


  • City Café Hotel
  • Hotel Tourism
  • Hotel Dili

Other hotels in Timor:

  • Pousada de Baucau (very good)
  • Pousada de Maubisse (very basic)
  • Hotel Roberto Carlos in Los Palos (acceptable)




Timor-Leste is not a place that can be called 100% safe due to the various political instabilities that still exist in the country that make the presence of UN troops within the territory necessary. However, after the recognition of independence in 2002, urban battles were reduced and security became more visible.


In addition to the hospital, the Clinic of the Embassy of Portugal is accessible to all citizens of the European Union.


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