Tiwanaku - Tiwanaku

The Gate of the Moon in the Tiwanaku complex

To know

It is an archaeological site 80 km from La Paz, center of one of the most important and ancient South American cultures preceding the Inca empire.


The Tiwanaku script reflects the standardized Aymara transliteration in 1984, while it may happen to find the earlier Hispanic transliteration of Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu.

How to get

By bus

Buses depart from the La Paz cemetery area approximately every 30 minutes. The journey takes approximately one and a half hours. The price is 10 Bs (October 2010).

Permits / Rates

To visit the archaeological site and the two annexed museums it is necessary to buy a (single) ticket at the price of 80 Bs. This gives access to the archaeological areas and both museums.

How to get around

The whole archaeological area is quite circumscribed and you can easily wander around on foot. The visit takes no more than an hour or two.

What see

What to do


Next to the exit from the main archaeological site there is a market that sells plaster reproductions of images and symbols of the Tiwanaku and Inca civilizations. In reality they are not very different from what is found in calle Sagarnaga a La Paz.

Where to eat

There are a couple of tourist-priced restaurants that may be closed out of season. Walking towards the village, however, you can meet some places where you can buy a almuerzo for a few Bolivians. Keep in mind that it is better to ask the price before sitting down, to avoid being asked for too much tourist price.

Where stay

Given the proximity to La Paz and the almost total absence of servants in the village of Tiwanaku, it is usually preferable not to spend the night in the area. There may be a couple of hostals that will offer you a bed, but don't expect much.


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tiwanaku
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tiwanaku
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