Annapurna tour - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Tour des Annapurnas — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Annapurna tour

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the Annapurna tour is one of the most popular treks in Nepal. It allows during a trek of about 3 weeks to tour the Annapurnas.


It is customary to do this trek counterclockwise. The traditional starting point is the small town of Besisahar that we reach from Kathmandu by bus. The bus trip will take h despite the 150 km to go, because the path is tortuous and congested. 1 Besisahar Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element has only one main aisle with a few hotels that can accommodate you without difficulty. Attention, no ATM (cash dispenser) in Besisahar nor after, before ... 1 Jomsom !!! you must therefore take care to take all the cash you need for the entire trek. There is indeed a "bank" at 2 Manang Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element but it is not often open and it only does change at a rate not really great ...


The trek starts at low altitude (800 m) to peak at 5 416 m (3 Thorung La Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element) it takes at least 10 days to reach the pass. Initially, the climate is very tropical, it can even get very hot in certain seasons. As for the stages, there is no problem there is a village with guest houses every h of steps around at the beginning. After that it becomes more rare, but one can sleep without worries in the shelter every night without too much problem. the last stages before the pass should not be long to allow acclimatization. Suddenly a good book can occupy the afternoons. For the rest of the distractions, the life of Nepalese villages and the reverie inspired by the landscapes are more than enough.

After the Thorong pass, it is possible to switch, to 4 Kagbeni , to the north in the direction of Mustang (specific trek permit), or to continue the tour of the Annapurnas in a southerly direction, down the Kali Gandaki in the direction of Jomosom (2760) m.

Some trekkers take advantage of Jomosom airport to stop the Annapurna tour here, (which is then de facto limited to its northern half only). However, it is possible to continue the trek for another week towards 5 Pokhara , by 6 Ghorepani (famous Rhododendron forest) and Poon Hill (hill famous for its morning view of the Annapurnas), but this traditional route suffers from the construction of a track which does not always offer an alternative trail.

To go


To see


To buy


We find to drink mainly tea all along the way and purified water in some villages; for food no problem either, provided you accept a menu that varies little from one stage to another: dal bhat traditional, rice, noodles, boiled and / or fried potatoes, with little meat or vegetables.

Have a drink / Go out


To fully appreciate this trip, it is now preferable to stay during this trek in a lodge rather than camping, sharing shelter and lodging with the inhabitants of this fabulous kingdom. The 'homestay' formula has even started to develop since the 2010s.


This trek does not present any particular security problem. Meeting Maoists in the first part (from Besisahar to Torung La), who might ask you for a "donation" has become rare since the advent of democracy. (previously it was better to give in, or trust the guides who handle this kind of situation.


The Annapurna tour can be to cut along the Great Barrier, branching off from Manang towards Lake Tilicho and descending directly to Jomosom via the Mesokanto La pass (5100m).

The city of Pokhara, the second largest city in the country, is the almost obligatory - and deserved - final stage of this trek since it offers magnificent panoramas of the Annapurna massif, from its lake.

The Manaslu trek, adjacent to the east of the Annapurnas, more recently open to trekkers, also offers a tour of the splendid massif, wilder than the Annapurnas, with however more covered afternoons. The second part of this trek, which is also traditionally done counterclockwise, is also common at the start of the Annapurna trek.

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