Trujillo (Peru) - Trujillo (Perú)

Trujillo Peru PZ.jpg
Monument to Freedom, in the Plaza de Armas
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Altitude72 msnm
Useful data
CurrencyPeruvian Nuevo Sol
ReligionCatholicism (controlling)
Time zone UTC-5

Trujillo, known as the "city of eternal spring" or "capital of the marinera", it is one of the main tourist destinations in the north peruvian. It is a tourist city that preserves its colonial architecture, considered among other titles the capital of the marinera and cradle of the typical Peruvian Paso Horse.


Trujillo has 11 districts that are detailed below.

Trujillo (The district where the Historic Center of the city is, in addition to exclusive urbanizations and very few populous areas.)
Moche (A historic district with mostly rural areas and resorts like Moche Pueblo and Las Delicias.)
Salaverry (The port area, in the south of the city.)
Victor Larco (It is a district to the southwest with rural areas such as its capital Buenos Aires and with very exclusive areas such as El Golf. In addition, there is the Palo Marino farm where the paso horse shows are held.)
Huanchaco (A mostly rural district with a popular spa that has been neglected.)
The hope (A rural district in the northern cone of the city.)
Florence de Mora (A district in rural areas. It is home to the city's largest wholesale market, La Hermelinda.)
Future (A district in very rural areas. It is the place where the most robberies occur. It is not recommended that tourists visit this district without the company of a resident.)
Laredo (A district of rural areas and also somewhat rural areas. In it is the Sol de Laredo sugar factory.)
Beans (A country district. Most of the city's private clubs are located there.)
Simbal (A country district, heading for the mountains.)



In mid-December the transition to summer begins with its maximum expression in February (30C). The rains generally appear at the end of February or beginning of March and in August the drizzles. The cold sensation begins from May to August / September (11C).


Chronologically, with Chavín influences and located on the north bank of the Santa River Valley, the Salinar Culture flourishes (500 BC - 200 BC) then the Gallinazo Culture (200 BC - 300 AD). .). Both societies led the development, in the Santa Catalina Valley, of the Moche culture (150 BC - 700 AD) then the Chimú culture (900 AD - 1400). The Inca invasion occurred in 1470. The foundation of the city of Trujillo in 1534.


The official language is Spanish, although the travel agents are fluent in English and possibly other languages, such as French and / or Portuguese. Quechua is in decline every day, as well as in the rest of the Peru.

To get

By plane

LATAM, Avianca and LC Peru offer regular flights from lime.

By bus

From Lima-agencies, Lima-Plaza Norte, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Paita, Sullana, Talara and Cajamarca there are regular direct departures by recognized land transport companies and at different times in the morning, noon and night. It is advisable to check the specific times and prices on the website of each company, the tour lasts around 9 hours. Here are the main land transportation lines:

  • Ittsa - [1] - This company offers affordable prices, and food and drinks are served inside the bus.
  • Line - [2] - Contrary to the aforementioned company, it stops at specific places to eat.
  • Oltursa - [3]
  • South Cross - [4]
  • (Exclu) civa - [5]/[6]

There is a land terminal to the south of the city in the district of Moche, but most companies also have independent terminals.

On cruise

There are almost never regular maritime departures to this city, but there are companies that sometimes make the Callao (Lima) route - Salaverry (Trujillo) - Manta (Ecuador) - Panama - Cartagena (Colombia).

Internal transportation

It is possible to mobilize in buses and taxis. Taxis will charge PEN 3.00 to PEN 4.00 for fares within the main city. To Chan Chan, Huanchaco, Huacas del Sol and de la Luna the rate ranges from PEN 15.00 to 20.00.

For those who drive their own car, the best option will be to carry a map of the city already printed from their city of origin, to be able to move around smoothly (especially if they are visiting the city for the first time).


Monument to Freedom in the Plaza Mayor of Trujillo, sculpture by Edmund Moeller.
Huaca de la Luna, Mochica religious capital.
Huaca del Sol, political capital of the Moche Culture.
One of the walls of the citadel of Chan Chan.
House of Emancipation, sponsored by BBVA.
Jiron Pizarro

Most of the colonial architecture tourist places of Trujillo are located in the Historic Center of the city and it houses numerous colonial monuments, it is located within the perimeter of Spain Avenue where a wall and a bastion of the old Wall of Trujillo. In the central part of the historic center is the Plaza de Armas de Trujillo.

There are also several tourist places:

  • Chan Chan, tourist circuit through the huacas Arco Iris, La Esperanza, del Sol, de la Luna, all in the same Chimú circuit.
  • Historical Center, declared as National Heritage, Jirón Pizarro is equivalent to Lima's Jirón de la Unión, which includes shops, showing off the mixture of colonial and modern architecture. There are supermarkets, casinos and restaurants, in addition to other smaller stores. Your tour begins at the Plaza de Armas (which features the Monument to La Libertad) to the Plaza del Recreo, next to Avenida España.


Huanchaco is famous for its caballitos de totora, boats used by local fishermen since ancient times, and for its waves for surfing.

To eat

Gastronomy is another of the tourist attractions of this city. Dishes such as ceviche, Seco de Cabrito a la Norteña, Shambar, etc. Other dishes are:

  • Theological soup: turkey and / or chicken broth with soaked bread, potatoes, milk and cheese, is traditionally prepared in the district of Moche. It has its origin in the convents of the colonial era.
  • Frijoles a la trujillana: black beans with sesame and aji mirasol.

Add a sweet to your diet. The Tajadón. Also originating in the convents of the 16th century, it is a sponge cake with raisins and dried fruits moistened with liquor / anise infusion.

Venture to Virú, 45 minutes by car south of Trujillo. Try cañán ceviche. Dicrodon guttulatum. Dried meat of this reptile marinated in lemon juice, salt and “mochero” chili pepper. Served with onion, “paccho” corn, sweet potato.


There are several lodging establishments. Distributed by districts, they serve foreigners as well as nationals. You find them by prices, with shared toilet services, breakfast included, by the hour, long stay. Obviously, the website hosting service is another option to consider. A reasonable price to invest for your health and safety would be PEN 100 / USD 30. These establishments would be category 2 or 3 stars.


Marinera dancers at the Marinera Festival
  • International Spring Festival, celebrated in the final week of September.
  • Trujillo International Ballet Festival
  • Trujillo Jubilee Week, in the first week of March.
  • Marinera Festival, in the month of January includes competition Peruvian Paso Horse.
  • Patron festivities of the Lord of Huamán, in the last week of June.
  • Huanchaco Carnival
  • San José Fair in the spa of Las Delicias.
  • Carnival of Conache

Tourist activities

Caballitos de totora in Huanchaco

Experiential tourism is also developed in recent years, in the Simbal district adventure tourism is carried out, in Conache it is practiced sandboard over dunes. In these areas there is also a variety of typical dishes. Some tourism activities are:

  • Walks in reed horse, artisanal boats.
  • Walks in Paso horses, on the Association of Breeders and Owners of Paso de La Libertad Horses.
  • Cultural Tourism, in museums of the city.
  • Ecotourism on the Moche countryside.
  • Gastronomic tourism.
  • Experiential tourism.
  • Practice of sandboard, etc.


Near the city there are areas that are also visited by tourists who come to the La Libertad tourist circuit, among which are:

  • El Brujo Archaeological Complex, north of the city, in the province of Ascope.
  • Port Morin about 40 km south of Trujillo, in the province of Virú.
  • Otuzco about 60 km east of Trujillo, in the province of the same name. Take precautions for being a high place. There is located the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Door.

See also

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