Uetikon am See - Uetikon am See

Uetikon am See
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Uetikon am See is a parish on the right bank of the Lake Zurich. It is located on the slopes of the Pan style; access to the lake is not possible in most places.

Map of Uetikon am See


getting there

By plane

By train

S7 off Zurich and Rapperswil (Express trains) and S6 (regional trains), each every 30 minutes.

By bus

Since the village is located on the mountain ranges, it is advisable to take the train in miles to leave and take the 920 bus via Dollikon to Uetikon. This serves several stops directly in the village.

In the street

Uetikon is located on the main road 17 Koblenz-Rapperswil.

By boat


On weekdays, bus lines 931 Bahnhof - Kleindorf - Bergheim and 932 Bahnhof - Kleindorf - Stötzli run after the arrival of the trains from Zurich. See timetable zvv.ch.

Tourist Attractions

The Catholic parish built one in 2007/2008 new churchwhich is considered by experts to be an exemplary and architectural jewel of church building in the 21st century. The building takes on the classic forms of a monastery with a church, living and working rooms, which are grouped around inner courtyards modeled on cloisters. The design language and color scheme, however, are those of the 21st century.

The entrance from the colored courtyard into the snow-white church is a tough cut. The nave opens up boldly and steeply. From there, light floods the entire width of the room to the symbolic places of Christ's presence: cross, tabernacle, altar, ambo and baptismal font. What can seem cool and repellent at first glance leads the viewer to the essential elements in the room. The church has been awarded several architecture prizes.

There's one in a niche near the entrance african madonna. The statue of the Virgin Mary is a gift from the Evangelical Reformed parish of Uetikon and comes from the carving school in Dreifontain in Zimbabwe. In addition to believers from the village, it also attracts pilgrims from the wider area. Two Pilgrimage routes lead to the church. The one for miles along the heights of the Pfannenstil with wonderful views of the lake and the Alps, the other, somewhat longer, from the Antonius pilgrimage site of Egg through the cool forests of the Pfannenstil.







Practical advice



Web links

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