United States - Usono

United States
United States (US)Flag
Dean Franklin - 06.04.03 Mount Rushmore Monument (by-sa) .jpg
Location of the United States in its region.
Area9,631,420 km²
Population318 million (2013)
CurrencyUS dollar (USD)
Electricity 120V / 60Hz
Tel. pre-code 1
Horizon UTC -4 to UTC -10

United States (angle: United States of America (USA)) is a country on a continent North America. It contains 50 states and a number of other territories. Its people mainly speak English, but Spanish is also widely spoken, and there are also various indigenous languages. Its currency is the US dollar.


Map of the United States
New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)
New England is home to majestic churches, some of the oldest American cities, beautiful antiques, and much history.
Mid-Atlantic states (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington)
The mid-Atlantic states contain coastal resorts, large cities, and historic sites.
South (Alabama, Arkansas, George, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia)
The southern states offer famous hospitality, fine food, and a full and living musical tradition. One finds here a generally warm country with mountain ranges, marshes, and historical estates.
Florida is a small peninsula in the southeast corner of the United States, Florida contains large swamps, miles of sandy beaches, and Caribbean-influenced culture.
Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin)
Great Plains (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma)
Mountainous States (Colorado, Idaho, Montano, Wyoming)
Southwest (Arizona, Nevado, New Mexico, Utah)
Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon)
Hawaii is a small volcanic island that offers the vacationers a tropical paradise.


Some cities:

Esperanto cities

Other destinations



Large, diverse, and complex, the United States has not one terrain, but many terrains. There is talk of forty-eight "coherent states" or the "low forty-eight" - the states without Hawaii and Alaska. There are also the "continental states" - the forty-eight and Alaska but without Hawaii. The United States has two borders: the one with Canada and that with Mexico. There are three major mountain ranges in the country: the Rocky Mountains, which extend from southwest to north to Canada, the Appalachian Mountains, which extend from Alabama through the eastern third north to New England, and two coherent mountain ranges in the northwest, the Sierra. Nevada "and the Cascade Range. In the middle of the country, the Great Plains, a vast expanse of prairie, covered many states. There are also many large pools; the Great Lakes in the Northeast and North Center, the Great Saddle Lake in Utah, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans on the shores, and the Gulf of Mexico in the South.


The first inhabitants, the Native Americans (once called "Indians") arrived on the continent about 13,000-16,000 years ago. They spread throughout the continent and developed diverse and numerous societies and cultures. Europeans arrived in 1492, when Christopher Columbus and his sailors sailed from Spain to the island of "Hispaniola." The Spanish arrived in Florida in 1565 and founded St. Augustine northeast of the sea. 20 years later, the British founded Roanoke Colony on the island of Roanoke in Virginia, but it mysteriously disappeared before 1590. On May 14, 1607, new British settlers founded the settlement of Jamestown, also in Virginia. In 1620, the Puritans founded Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. Consequently, settlers from various European countries tried to establish and found their own colonies. Swedes, Dutch, French, and others arrived, fleeing poverty, repression, or other problems in the Old World.

Ethnic groups



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Traditional foods

Vegetarianism and veganism



To live

Esperanto housing








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Esperanto meetings


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