Venice - Veneția

For other places with the same name, see Venice (disambiguation).
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alien is a city in Italy.


Get in

With train

If you go to Venice by train, you will get there Weather in Santa Lucia, a large building located at the beginning Grand Canal, in the area Santa Croce of the city. From here it is easy to walk to the city center, walking on Strada Nuova or you can take a vaporetto in front of the train station.

By plane

From the airport Marco Polo you can reach the city by water taxis, motor boats Alilaguna or using the bus Venice Air Terminal.

By car

The bridge Liberty Bridge connect alien with the mainland and ends at Liposthey Rome, the only part of the city where cars can enter. There are numerous car parks in Piazzale Roma, but they vary in price. You can also park at Ankle, which you can reach by taking a right at the end of the Ponte della Libertà, before reaching Piazzale Roma. There are also car parks at Tronchetto. You can get to the city very easily from here with the help vaporetto, with taxis on water or on foot.

Got there

By bus

By taxi

With the subway

To see


Santa Croce

  • Church of San Simeon Piccolo

The imposing church is located in front of Santa Lucia station. It was built in the early 18th century and was intended to be a copy of the Pantheon in Rome. That's why it has a large dome with a statue of San Salvatore on top. The building has been used as an auditorium for concerts for some time.

  • Church of Santo Stae, Campo San Stae, 3013, 30135 Venice, Italy.

The church was built at the request of the Doge Alvise Mocenigo around 1709. The facade is full of marble decorations and inside there are many paintings. The sculptors who created these decorations were Tarsia, Torretto, Baratta and Groppelli. The architect and builder of the interior of the church was Giovanni Grassi. The church has a central sector, a vaulted ceiling and three chapels on each side.

San Polo

  • Church of San Giacometto

Legend has it that this church is the oldest in Venice. It was built due to the faith and talent of a carpenter from Crete, around the 5th century, even when the first people settled on this group of islands. The church is very small, but very beautiful. At the level of the façade there is a large clock, which was built in 1410.

  • Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari[1], S. Polo, 3072, 30125 Venice, Italy, phone: 39 041 272 8611.

This great Gothic church is one of the most imposing religious buildings in Venice. It was built by the minority monks of the Franciscan order, known as the Friars, being helped by a donation of the Doge Jacopo Tiepolo. The first version of the church was completed in 1338 and was much smaller than the current one. Other donations from important Venetian families helped the church be expanded and decorated. However, this church was demolished in the early 15th century to build a new church. The imposing façade is built in a late Gothic style and is divided into three parts by pillars topped in Venetian-Byzantine style. The interior is just as magnificent, the church being built on a Latin cross model. Inside there are many works of art by important painters, such as Tiziano, Palma il Giovane and Piazzetta.


  • Basilica of Health

On October 22, 1630, during the plague epidemic that struck Venice, the Doge Nicolò Contarini publicly declared that a church would be built in the name of Health (Salute) as an oath to end the calamity. A year later, in 1631, the plague epidemic ended and the Basilica della Salute was completed in 1687. 11 plans were proposed for the construction of the church, of which Baldassare Longhena was chosen. The project included a huge facade reminiscent of the Palladium, with a beautiful door in the center. The facade was raised with a number of stairs to give the church an even greater grandeur. The interior has a central area on an octagonal plane. On the sides there is an equal number of arches that are divided by columns. There are numerous works of art: Pentecost, San Rocco and San Sebastiano, David and Goliath and Cain and Abel of Titian; The wedding in Cana of Galilee by Tintoretto and Iona and Samson by Palma il Giovane.


  • Church of Santa Maria Formosa

The Church of Santa Maria Formosa is one of eight churches built in the seventh century by San Magno, Bishop of Oderzo. Legend has it that the Virgin Mary appeared to him in the form of a well-proportioned matron. The church was built several times over the centuries: in 1668 the church was rebuilt after being damaged during an earthquake and after several renovations, the last reconstruction of the entire building was carried out between 1916 and 1921, with funds provided. government and Count Venier. The Baroque Church Tower was built in 1668 and was designed by Francesco Zucconi. The facade of the church facing the canal was built using money donated by the Cappello family, in honor of Captain Vincenzo Cappello, who defeated the Turks. The interior of the church was decorated by Mauro Coducci and is built according to the Latin cross pattern on the earlier Greek cross foundations. It has a central aisle and side aisles, a choir, transepts with cross vaults and a hemispherical dome. The church is also home to some wonderful paintings by Bartolomeo Vivarini, Palma Giovane O and Palma Vecchio il.

  • The Church of Giovanni Paolo and Santissimi

The church of Giovanni Paolo Santissimi and is dedicated to the two Roman brothers who became martyrs in Rome in the second century. In 1234, the order of Dominican monks began to build this church, which was then completed almost two centuries later. This large church is built in the Gothic religious style. Its facade is built in three parts, with a central rose and two side openings vs. The lower part of the façade is decorated with a series of Gothic arches and two sarcophagi by Marco Michiel and Daniele Bon Marco on the right and the Doge Jacopo Tiepolo and his son Lorenzo on the left. The interior of the church is built on a Latin cross model. It is full of "Doges and other important figures", funerary monuments and also contains works of art by Lombardo, Piazzetta and other artists from the Bellini school.

  • Church of San Francesco della Vigna

Tradition says that the name of this church pretty much comes from the vineyards that were given to the Minor monks by Marco Ziani, son of Pietro Doge, in 1253. It was in the country that a monastery was built on. In 1534 the church was built on the site of the monastery. It was designed by Sansovino who oversaw the construction of the work itself. The facade was built at a later date (1568-1577) following a design by Andrea Palladio. Two bronze statues of Tiziano Aspetti are in niches, in the facade: on the left there is a statue of Moses and on the right there is a statue of San Paolo. The interior of San Francesco della Vigna is built on a Latin cross pattern with a central aisle, side chapels, an altar and a deeper choir. The church contains works by Palma il Giovane, including "e Vergine il Bambino" and "Adorazione Vergine della in Gloria".

  • Church of San Giorgio Dei Greci

The church of San Giorgio dei Greci was built in 1539, as soon as the Greeks obtained permission to build a church and a school in the Republic. The church of San Giorgio dei Greci was completed by Chianantonio and was consecrated in 1561. The interior of the church is truly magnificent: the hemispherical dome is worth mentioning, with the center covered with frescoes by G. di Cipro.

  • Pieta Church

The church was built in the 15th century according to a project by Giorgio Massari, and was consecrated in 1760. The building is one of the most elegant and striking of the seventh century. There is a wonderful fresco by Tiepolo on the ceiling at the main entrance: Fortitude Peace is one of its greatest masterpieces. The frescoes that adorn the choir ceiling, which make up the Trionfo della Fede, are also worth noting. Here Tiepolo excelled himself, painting Gloria Paradiso.

San Marco

  • St. Mark's Basilica

This wonderful church was built in 829 to contain the remains of St. Mark, the patron saint of the city and was consecrated in 1024. It has been renovated and decorated several times over the centuries and the Basilica is certainly the most spectacular church in Town. The main facade is unique. It has five arched doors, a terrace on which I am at home, four bronze horses that came from prey from the 4th Crusade of the Unbelievers. Its working bas-relief is in Byzantine style. The interior is as sumptuous as the outside. The marble floor has a striking geometric pattern and there are splendid mosaics on the walls that tell New Testament stories.

  • San Marco Bell Tower.

The San Marco Bell Tower was built in the ninth century. It was originally used as an observation tower and as a lighthouse. It was rebuilt in 1100 and then completed in the 16th under the guidance of the architect Bon. It was rebuilt in Renaissance style, while maintaining the original structure. In 1902, the bell tower fell, but fortunately there were no tragic consequences. Venice decided to rebuild it, "as it was and where it was," and 10 years later the new bell tower, an exact copy of the original, was ready: the tower is square, built of brick. It is 12 meters wide and 98.6 meters high and is closed at the top with a pyramid-shaped point. At the top is a golden angel about 2 meters tall. The bell tower has played an essential role in the political and social life of the city for centuries. The bells were rung to inform the inhabitants of the city of all the main events organized in Venice. At the foot of the bell tower were popular wine sellers who moved around to sit in the shadow of his bell tower, depending on the time of day. This ancient custom is where the term that Venetians use for a glass of wine comes from: Ombra (shade in Italian).


  • Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli

The Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli is almost hidden between two old palaces. It was built between 1481 and 1489 by Lombardo to protect the sacred image of the "Virgin TRA because of Santi", which was first kept in the tent of Angelo Amadi who lived in a nearby courtyard and is currently the subject of pilgrimages. and donations. The facade of the church is completely covered with marble, which, according to tradition, comes from the remains of work on the Basilica of San Marco. The interior of the church is decorated in shades of pale pink, silver, gray and white and there is still the original bas-relief working with mermaids, God Triton, animals, flowers and other images. The "virgin lives because of Saints" is above the altar of the church.

  • Church of the Holy Apostles

The old church of Apostoli Santissimi is located in Campo dei Santi Apostoli, where it was built in the 9th century. The current building is the result of lots for renovation work carried out during the 18th century. Legend has it that the Church's site was one of the first places in Venice where refugees from the mainland came to live. There are several wonderful frescoes inside the church: "Comunione di Santa Lucia" by Tiepolo and the large panel painted by Francesco Canal, which is on the ceiling, indicating the communion of the Apostles, the celebration of the Eucharist and four ovals on the side show evangelicals. perfect example of baroque style from the early 18th century. The church is built in a Latin cross and the inner columns are surmounted by statues of the twelve apostles created by different sculptors in the 17th and 18th centuries. The church also contains frescoes by Palma il Giovane, Titian and Sansovino. After the Jesuit Order was suppressed in 1773, the monastery was used as a public school and then as an army barracks in 1807. The church was handed back to the Jesuits when the order was restored by Pope Pius VII in 1814.

  • Church of the Garden Our Lady

The Church of Dell'Orto Madonna was built around the middle of the 15th century by Fra "Tiberio da Parma took its name from Madonna because of Dell'Orto to the ancient image of the Virgin which was found in a garden of Based on the church, it lasted for about a century, and the result was extremely noteworthy: the façade is still the best example of today's Venetian Gothic architecture of the 15th century. niches that were originally galleries that ran down the wings of the building, now hold statues of the twelve apostles.Inside there is a nave with apse without transept and secondary associated with chapels, which are separated by two rows of Greek marble columns. of "Vergine con Bambino", which gives its name to the church hangs next to the Chapel of San Mauro and is a good example of works of art from the 14th century, made of soft stone.Inside there are frescoes by Palma il Giovane, Ponz one and Tintoretto.

Historical monuments and buildings


To do

To learn

To work

Money and shopping

Reduced budget

Average budget

Of luxury

To drink

To get out

To sleep

Reduced budget

Average budget

Of luxury

To communicate

Stay safe

Everyday life

See also

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