Venice - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Venise — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

(Venezia (it))
View of San Giorgio, in front of Venice
View of San Giorgio, in front of Venice
Postal code
Tourist information office
45 ° 26 ′ 23 ″ N 12 ° 19 ′ 55 ″ E
Official site

Venice, in Italy, capital of Veneto, is a magical city made of bridges and canals, originally built in the middle of a lagoon to protect itself from invasions. Today it is a city of art and architecture almost perfectly preserved. This lagoon sanctuary has remained virtually unaltered for five hundred years, adding to the city's fascinating character.

Venice is one of the few global tourist destinations that rarely disappoints the visitor, despite the crowds in the city center and the variable weather.


People live there, work there, go to school there. Life goes on for themselves amidst the crowds of tourists. Respect their city: do not wallow on the steps of the bridges for a picnic because they are sometimes in a hurry, do not throw cans and greasy papers on the ground, do not block the passage in the middle of an alley to admire a detail . And then, unless you want to see everything in a very short time and never waste a minute, quickly abandon your plan: get lost, it's the best way to discover the real Venice, with its small quiet places, its cafes with sunny terraces, its secret gardens. It's a very safe city, you can let the kids run there and no one is around the corner on a dark street to steal from you. On the other hand, where we fly - and with complete impunity - it is in the shops at or at the station: before buying your plastic gondola or your fluorescent boat, look at the label: "made in China"! Beware of counterfeit local artisan products!


Sestieri di Venezia.svg
San Marco
The heart of the city housing the famous square of the same name.
San Polo
Small district including in particular the Rialto market.
Surroundings on either side of the Giudecca Canal.
Entry point into Venice by train; it is in this area that the city's ghetto is located.
Santa Croce
Entry point into Venice by road and by boat, this district concentrates the city's port activity.
Arsenal and parks.

To go

As Venice is located in the middle of a lagoon, water plays a central role in transport. The most convenient way to reach Venice is by boat or train.

By plane

The nearest airport is Marco Polo i Tessera Airport, towards Mestre on the mainland, an industrial city without much charm. Treviso, very small and located at 30 km from Venice. Both airports have bus connections to Venice (Piazzale Roma). From Treviso the best solution is to take the bus from home BARZI SERVICE which arrives in Venice - Piazzale Roma - in 40 min, by the highway. The price of the ticket is € 7 and € 13 for the outward and return trip [1].

The most spectacular way, but also the most expensive (90  in 2004) to reach Venice from Marco Polo Airport is the water taxi, otherwise a vaporetto service exists with Saint Mark's Square. Tickets must be taken at the ATVO counter (10  in 2005), it is necessary to count h 1/4 to disembark on St Mark's Square (in both cases free shuttle between the airport and the pier).

  • 1 Venice Marco Polo Airport (IATA code: VCE, ICAO code: LIPZ) (Venezia Marco Polo (VCE)) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Via Galileo Galilei, 30/1, 30173 Tessera, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 260 6111

By train

Mainland trains cross Mestre then the lagoon by the Liberty Bridge (a magnificent spectacle that this arrival especially in the morning) and arrive at the Santa Lucia station in the north-west of Venice. From here vaporetti or private boats can take you to hotels or other places on the island. Paris, a night train leaves every evening from Gare de Lyon. Only composed of sleeping cars (second and first berths but also sleepings. This is the line Thello, association of Italian railways and Véolia transdev.

  • 2 Venice-Santa-Lucia Station Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element

By car

We can get to Venice by car, but you have to leave it in a parking lot at the entrance to the historic center, Piazzale roma, Within the limit of available seats. There are no cars in the historic center of Venice. It is a practical solution, and at the exit, shuttles allow you to reach all points of the city. It is, however, quite expensive.

  • 3 Piazzale Roma car park Logo indicating a link to the website

Another choice for motorists is to leave their car (properly) parked at Mestre and take the bus or vaporetto. There are a lot of parkngs to choose from. It is much cheaper, and also safe, but you have to plan to see the car regularly: impound, ticket, shocks ... There is also a autosilo opposite Mestre station, cheaper than the one in Venice.

  • 4 Parking lots Mestre

A third choice is to install your vehicle at the Lido, and to travel by vaporetto.

On a boat

  • 5 Santa Lucia Station Pier Logo indicating a link to the website Fondamenta Santa Lucia
  • 6 Pier of Lido Logo indicating a link to the website – ACTV Vaporetto Line number 17 is a vehicle transport line by boat that leaves from the Tronchetto to reach the San Nicolo pier at the Lido (and vice versa).


There are three main means of transport in Venice:

  • On foot, most of Venice can be experienced on foot.
  • By gondola and sea taxi, very expensive, unless you share the transport.
  • By vaporetto.

By gondola

The oldest means of transport in the City of the Doges. Very scenic, very nice, but very expensive. If you don't want to spend all your savings on one of those nocturnal tenor rides that tourists love, you can taste the delight of the gondola by using the "traghetto": to (2017), you can cross the Grand Canal in a collective gondola, as the Venetians have always done, at around ten points.

By vaporetto

The vaporetti, the buses of Venice, are kinds of barges, flat boats serving as public transport throughout the city, and even in the lagoon. They are managed by theACTV[2]. They are borrowed by purchasing, and validating, individual tickets. A daily subscription (20  in August 2015) or by the week is more advantageous. Lines only serve the Grand Canal, from the station to Piazza San Marco, or to the Lido. Others go around town, one way or the other. Others serve the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello.

For the Ferrovia (S. Lucia) vaporetto to Piazza San Marco, allow approximately thirty-six minutes of transport. It's long, but it's terribly beautiful. Most of the time, walking is still faster and allows you to see more.

In recent years, the Municipality has offered special tickets for visits and in particular the Venice Card.

  • Actv (Company of the Consorzio Trasporti Veneziano) Logo indicating a link to the website – Map of shipping lines or routes - Giudecca, Tronchetto, Maritime station, Railway station, Marco Polo Airport, Murano, Torcello, Burano, Lido di Venezia
  • Actv (Company of the Consorzio Trasporti Veneziano) Logo indicating a link to the website – Mobility services.
  • Detail of lines and plans Logo indicating a link to the website
  • BookTaxiVenice Logo indicating a link to the website Dorsoduro 880, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 3477141381 – Private water taxi and DeLuxe taxi booking in Venice from Venice - Marco Polo airport, Venice Santa Lucia train station and Port of Venice for downtown hotels.
  • Venice Taxi Boat Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco 2737, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 410980848, e-mail :  – Private water taxi booking in Venice from Marco Polo airport, Venice Santa Lucia train station and Port of Venice for downtown hotels.

To see

Guided tours

A Guide in Venice offers private tours on pre-set itineraries or according to the preferences of small groups or independent tourists. On the other hand, alongside the tourist and cultural aspect, “un-guide-à-Venise” is no less ready to introduce you to today's Venetian life than to give you useful advice on places to eat, local crafts, leisure activities and the main events, of which the Venice Carnival is the most surprising event, so that nothing seems vague to you.

  • Planning Venice Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco 2737, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 0410980848, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Booking guided tours of Venice, Gondola ride, excursion to the islands of Murano Burano and Torcello and many city tours with certified French speaking guides..
  • Venice otherwise Logo indicating a link to the website, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Tour operator specializing in visits to unconventional Venice..


San Marco district

  • 1 St. Mark's Square Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The most famous and the largest square in Venice. Surrounded by the Doge's Palace and Saint Mark's Basilica; as well as the buildings called Procuracy, St. Mark's Square is the nerve center of the city for any tourist who wishes to visit the city.
  • 2 Campanile San Marco Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – 98.6 meters high, the Saint-Marc bell tower served as a guard tower. It collapsed in 1902 then rebuilt in 1912 which is currently the current construction. The latter can be visited and you can climb to the top.
  • 3 Doge's Palace Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link – Residence of the Doges during the Republic of Venice
  • 4 Clock tower Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 5 St. Mark's Basilica Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Mark (Italian: Basilica Cattedrale di San Marco) is the most important basilica in Venice. Built in 828, rebuilt after the fire that ravaged the Ducal Palace in 976, it has been, since 1807, the cathedral of the Patriarch of Venice. It is located in St. Mark's Square, in the San Marco district which owes its name to it.
  • La scala del Bovolo
  • 6 Correr Museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element

Grand Canal and its palace (especially in the evening): Palazzo Grassi, Ca'Foscari, Palazzo Labia

  • Rialto
    • 7 Rialto Bridge Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
    • The market
  • The large churches
    • 8 Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute is a church located at the southern end of the Grand Canal. The sacristy contains many paintings, including a copy of the famous "Wedding at Cana" by Tintoretto, the original being on display at the Louvres Museum in Paris.
    • 9 Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, commonly known as I Frari, is one of the main churches in Venice. It is located on Campo dei Frari, in the sestiere of San Polo. Dedicated to the Assumption of Mary, it received the title of minor basilica. The sanctuary contains a large number of works of art, notably by Titian, and numerous funerary monuments of great Venetian men.
    • 10 Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – San Giorgio Maggiore is a Venetian abbey basilica located on the small island of the same name in the basin of Saint Mark, opposite the Piazetta. It is served by the Benedictines of the Congregation of Subiaco. Begun in 1566 by Andrea Palladio, it was completed a century later by Simone Sorella. The church is famous for its choir decorated with paintings by Tintoretto: La Manna (left wall) and especially The Last Supper (right wall), one of the master's most famous paintings.
    • 11 San Zaccaria Church Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The current building was built between 1444 and 1515, in a style combining Gothic and Renaissance styles. The first of the architects was Antonio Gambello to whom we owe most of the building. Only the facade is by Mauro Codussi. It is illuminated with two bas-reliefs representing the apostles. Only the northern bas-relief is attributed to Cristoforo Solari.
    • 12 Basilica of San Zanipolo Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The Basilica of Saints John and Paul is one of the most imposing medieval religious buildings in Venice. It is considered the Pantheon of the Serenissima because of the large number of doges and other important figures who were buried there from the 13th century. The church is located on the campo of the same name in the sestiere of Castello.
    • 13 Church of the Redeemer Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The Church of the Redeemer (Chiesa del Redentore) is an important Venetian church, located on the island of Giudecca, designed and started in 1577 by architect Andrea Palladio (died 1580), completed by Antonio da Ponte in 1592. The plague epidemic which struck Venice from 1575 decimated almost 1 Venetian in 3. In September 1576 when the evil seemed impossible to stop, the Senate asked for divine help by expressing the wish to build a new church dedicated to the Redeemer .
    • 14 Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The church has a rectangular structure. The facade overlooks the campo dei Miracoli, the right side and the apse on narrow streets, while the left side is bordered by the Rio dei Miracoli.
    • San Geremia - Santa Lucia
    • San Pietro (Cathedral)
  • The Ghetto synagogues
  • The Scuole
    • Scuola Grande di San Rocco
    • Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni
    • Scuola Grande dei Carmini
  • The great museums
    • Accademia Museum
    • Ca'Rezzonico
    • Ca'd'Oro
    • 15 Peggy Guggenheim Collection Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
    • Ca'Pesaro
    • Mocenigo Palace

To learn

To work

To buy

The great classics are Murano glass objects, Burano lace (beware of counterfeits), art fabrics and marbled papers. For Carnival, the masks, the real ones, coming out of the workshops of the few creators, if not those shops, mostly miniature, even imported. Antiques and second-hand goods. For gourmets and gourmets: chocolates, pastry, cold meats, pasta, wines and spirits.

  • Venetia Studium Logo indicating a link to the website 2425 San Marco, XXII Marzo Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5236953, e-mail :  – Pleated silk dresses, scarves, shawls, high-end scarves. Velvet and pleated silks in every color imaginable. Hand painted silk Fortuny lamps.


It is the cuisine of the sea that prevails in Venice and, from the traditional appetizers (antipasti), you can taste a multitude of molluscs and crustaceans such as mussels, clams, whelks, scallops (capesante), langoustines, surrounded by spider crabs and crabs.

We should be careful not to forget the vinegar preparations, so characteristic of lagoon gastronomy, whose saor (marinade) which most often enhances sardines (sardinian) is just one of many variations.

Local version of cod brandade, the bacalà mantecà gains its creamy consistency thanks to a long work of stoccafisso (stockfish or dried cod) with oil, garlic and chopped parsley.

The primi are traditionally made from pasta, such as bigoi in salsa (rustic, long and thick spaghetti, seasoned with anchovies and onions), as well as the squid ink spaghetti. But you can also taste risotti (rice-based dishes), cooked with meat or vegetables or, more generally, with fish, unless they are served in tecia (in sauce), with cuttlefish.

Featured secondi, fish from the Adriatic - and in particular sea bass (branzino) - are cooked on the grill, sometimes in a salt crust, and are accompanied, in spring, by castraùre (first flowering artichokes that are served in frying); the eels of the lagoon-bisàti, cooked on the stone or in sauce, are also in the spotlight.

You can also taste sepias prepared in their ink (seppe in nere) accompanied by polenta, cornmeal whose consistency ranging from solid to almost liquid varies depending on the cooking.

the figà a la venexiàna is calf's liver cut into very thin slices and stewed over low heat with chopped onions.

The panada venexiàna is a soup made from bread, garlic, oil, bay leaf and Parmesan cheese.

The pastissàda is a mixture of vegetables, cheese, cold cuts and pasta, often "bound" by polenta.

Among the Venetian desserts, we must mention

  • the tirimesù, cake made from a sponge cake soaked in coffee and topped with a cream made from mascarpone, eggs and sugar, all sprinkled with a thin layer of bitter cocoa;
  • the baicoli, cookies that are dipped in chocolate or dessert wine;
  • the bussolài, egg cookies, crown or S-shaped;
  • or the Veneziana, brioche covered with chopped almonds and granulated sugar.

During Carnival, we taste the fritole, donuts with pine nuts and raisins, and the crostoi. At Epiphany, we serve the pinsa, pancake made from flour, fennel seeds, raisins, dried figs and candied fruits.

The most typical aperitifs are

  • the Bellini, mixture of peach juice and prosecco, sparkling wine from Conegliano;
  • the Tiziàno, prepared with a black grape with a strawberry scent;
  • the Rossini, with strawberry juice;
  • the Montgomery (Martini gin);
  • the Mimosa, where orange blends with tangerine.

But the most popular is the famous Spritz, mixture of white wine prosecco, bitter liquor and sparkling water.

At the table you can drink soave or cabernet. If you like dessert wines you have the tocolàto di Bregànze or recioto. And to finish a fish meal, nothing like a sgropin, lemon sorbet prosecco, or in general the grappa venetian.


Middle class

  • Enoteca Ai Artisti (Venice wine bar) Logo indicating a link to the website Dorsoduro 1169 / A - Venice, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5238944, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Closed Sunday - The kitchen is open from 12 h - 16 h and18 h 30 - 22 h.


  • Centrale Restaurant Lounge Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco, Piscina Frezzeria n ° 1659 / B, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2960664, fax : 39 41 5205282, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables restaurant and cocktail bar open from 18 h 30 - h.
  • Restaurant Antiche Carampane (Venice Restaurant) Logo indicating a link to the website San Polo 1911, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5240165, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Closed Sunday and Monday.
  • The Venice bistro Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco, 4685, 30124 Calle dei Fabbri, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5236651

Have a drink / Go out


  • 1 Caffè Florian Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element


  • 2 La Fenice Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element


Hotels are very expensive in Venice, but it is possible to find decent accommodation without spending a fortune. Prefer them Bed and Breakfast which are growing more and more or small inns. Those furthest from the station are often the nicest. But the best to appreciate Venice, it is to stay with the locals or to rent an apartment. Many websites on the internet offer weekly or weekly rentals. And then, there are youth hostels (ostello on the riva de la Giudecca and in Mira) or "forestry", private accommodation centers often linked to university or religious organizations (Santa Fosca, Foresteria Valdese, Foresteria Levi etc. ...) for information, prices start around 16  at night with breakfast. Whether in a tent, in a caravan or in a motorhome, camping enthusiasts will be spoiled for choice: the coast of Cavallino, in the Marghera-Mestre-Tessera area, as well as a unique site. at the Lido, near San Nicolo.


  • Venice Apartment Rental Logo indicating a link to the website Fondamenta San Severo, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 3274287623 – We have 378 apartments available in Venice for all requirements: for families with children, for groups of friends or for those on a business trip
  • Bed and Breakfast Ca 'delle Acque Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco 4991 Venice, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2411277, fax : 39 41 2414112 – Ca 'delle Acque is a nice bed & breakfast located a stone's throw from Saint Mark's Square and Rialto Bridge.
  • Alloggi Santa Sofia Logo indicating a link to the website Cannaregio 4185, 30131 - Venice, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2770997, fax : 39 41 5206998, e-mail :  – Alloggi Santa Sofia is an alternative to pensions in Venice. It is a starting point for your holidays, in the calli (alleys) of an unusual Venice.
  • BedandBreakfastVenice Querini San Marco Logo indicating a link to the website Castello 3520, Venice, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 339 5309009 Logo indicating tariffs Studios from 80 .
  • Hotel Ala Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco 2494 (campo Santa Maria dei Gigli), Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5208333, fax : 39 41 5206390

Middle class

  • Hotel Forte del 48 Via Vizzotto 1 San Dona di Piave 30027 VE – Located right in the center of San Dona di Piave, very close to Venice and other tourist places such as Jesolo and Caorle. It has always been synonymous with quality and prestige. Its strategic position gives the possibility of easily reaching both the international airport of Venice and the A4 motorway.
  • Hotel Omnia Via Calnova 140 A Noventa di Piave 30020 VE – 05 min from San Dona di Piave and 15 from Venice airport. 3 floors and 70 rooms, including double, single and suite. A large conference room (from 20 to 100 people), with audio and video equipment
  • Hotel Da Gigi Via Fosson 30 Santo Stino di Livenza Venezia 30029 VE – welcoming hotel near the A4 Venice-Trieste motorway, and only 200 meters by St. Stino di Livenza
  • 1 Al redentore di Venezia Logo indicating a link to the website Fondamenta Ponte Lungo 234 / A - Giudecca, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5229402, fax : 39 41 2415006, e-mail :  – Luxury apartments on the island of Giudecca.
  • Ca 'Bauta Logo indicating a link to the website Castello - Calle Muazzo 6457, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2413787, fax : 39 41 5212313, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs from 70 /night. – Located in the heart of the city. Close to several churches and museums, all kinds of famous shops and restaurants and typical Venetian inns. Central location at 8-10 min from Piazza S. Marco and the Rialto Bridge. For families, groups of friends, couples on their honeymoon.
  • Ca 'Dogaressa Logo indicating a link to the website Fund. di Cannaregio, 1018, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2759441, fax : 39 41 2757771, e-mail :  – In a picturesque corner of the heart of Venice, facing the Cannaregio canal, for a romantic and comfortable stay.
  • Hotel Ambassador Tre Rose Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco 905, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5222490, fax : 39 41 5222123, e-mail :  – 3 stars In the immediate vicinity of Saint Mark's Square, welcoming hotel located in the historic center of Venice.
  • 2 Rialto Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website Riva Ferro, 5149, 30124 San Marco, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5209166, 39 41 5238958 (cellphone), e-mail :  – 4 stars Rooms with views of the Grand Canal and the Rialto Bridge. Ideal from the 2nd floor. When you wake up, you have to see the boats that supply the shops.
  • Hotel Giudecca Logo indicating a link to the website Corte Ferrando 409 / C, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2960168
  • Hotel Ca 'Zusto Logo indicating a link to the website Campo Rielo - Santa Croce 1358, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 5242991


  • Palazzina Grassi Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website San Marco3247, 30124 Venezia – The Grassi is the first Italian hotel designed by Philippe Starck and the only one in Venice. It is located in the historic center of Venice, not far from the Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo. St. Mark's Square is a short walk away.
  • Ca 'Nigra Lagoon Resort Logo indicating a link to the website Santa Croce 927, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2750047, fax : 39 41 2448721, e-mail :  – A true expression of the styles of the 18th century Venetian and contemporary design, which blend with elegance and refinement.
  • Ca 'Pisani Design Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website Dorsoduro 979 rio Terà Foscarini, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 2401411, fax : 39 41 2771061, e-mail :  – The first design Hotel in Venice.
  • San Clemente Palace Hotel & Resort San Clemente Island 1, San Marco, Logo indicating a telephone number  39 41 244 50 01



There are very few internet cafes in Venice and wifi is almost non-existent except in some hotels. Be sure to write down the address of an internet café before you leave if you want to avoid running for hours.

Health and security

Showcase of Italian tourism, Venice is a rather safe city, although it is not excluded, here as elsewhere, to cross the path of a pickpocket, especially in busy places. So take the usual precautions. For the rest, if petty drug trafficking is reported at nightfall near Piazzale Roma, you should not be dealing with delinquency. Also note that the city is crisscrossed by street vendors selling counterfeit items (perfumes, watches or bags) or imported trinkets on the run.

In the event of a problem: Police 113 Carabiniers 112 Fire fighters 115 Medical emergencies 118 Hospitals: Ospedale Fatebenefratelli, Ospedale Civile, Ospedale Al Mare.

Pharmacies are marked with a red and white cross and can give you the names and addresses of doctors or dentists.

Smoking is prohibited in public places, including restaurants and bars.

Manage the day-to-day

If you rent from a inhabitant, you will be confronted with a management of the daily life which, according to the district, is more or less easy ... Know that you will find almost all the basic products in small supermarkets disseminated in the city. For all that is fruit and vegetables, you would prefer the big market of Rialto or that of Rio Terrà S. Leonardo, going towards the station, as well as the stalls of merchants of the four seasons sometimes located on boats. , one address: La Pescaria du Rialto. Bread is sold by weight. Salt can also be bought in tobacconists. You can find paper filters for electric coffee makers in bazaars. Bring a universal adapter electric, which can be found in most electrical stores. Venice is difficult for people with reduced mobility. The benevolence of the Venetians, always ready to help (in particular the staff on board the vaporetti) does the rest.


Mestre on the mainland, part of the municipality of Venice, where accommodation and food are cheaper.

The islands of 1 Murano , 2 Burano and 3 Torcello , and all the others from the Venetian lagoon.

The island of 4 Lido , with its beach, but also the Hôtel des Bains that Visconti filmed in Death in Venice. The water is good but you can find plastic bags or jellyfish ...

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