Via regia of Jordan - Via regia di Giordania

Via regia of Jordan
Madaba mosaic

Via regia of Jordan is the tourist region south of Amman in Jordan.

To know

This region takes its name from the ancient trade route that once passed here. The Via Regia was a vital trade route in the ancient Near East. He took the moves in Egypt and stretched along the Sinai Peninsula to Aqaba. From there it turned north and continued towards Damascus and the banks of the Euphrates.


Many of the wars of the Israelites against the trans-Jordanian highland realms during the reign ofIsrael (and minor kingdoms such as that of Judah) saw the Via Regia as the protagonist.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Al-Karak - Center of 23,000 inhabitants with a 12th century Crusader castle. A very scenic secondary road branches off from Al-Karak reaching the shores of the Dead Sea.
  • Dana - A picturesque village on the edge of a ravine, Dana lies at the entrance to the gorges carved by the wadi Araba.
  • Khirbet Tannour - Ruins of an ancient Nabataean temple in a landscape of wild beauty.
  • Madaba - Located 40 km south of the capital, Madaba is known as the "City of Mosaics".
  • Mu’tah - University city known for a battle that took place in the 7th century AD. C. between Byzantines and Arabs.
  • Tafilah - City of 30,000 inhabitants 180 km from Amman, Tafilah has thermal springs.

Other destinations

  • Dead Sea - The lowest point on earth (-427 m) and also the sea with the highest concentration of salt.
  • Mount Nebo - 817 m high, Mount Nebo is a panoramic balcony over the nearby Holy Land.
  • Mukawir (Machaerus, Machaerus) - Hill where once stood the palace of Herod the Great, presumed place where St. John the Baptist was held prisoner.
  • Dana Biosphere Reserve - Reserve full of impressive canyons and extraordinary views.
  • Umm al-Rasasunesco Archaeological site inscribed in the list of World Heritage Sites.
  • Wadi Jadid - Archaeological site with tombs from the Bronze Age.
  • Wadi Mujib - Gorge that reaches the Dead Sea at about 400 m below sea level.

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Dolmens of Al Fayha (Wadi Jadid is located 10 km southwest of the city of Madaba in the village of Al Fayha.). This Wadi is a field of dolmens (burials or large stone memorials), where you can see over 40 dolmens (12 of which are in excellent condition) and the rest are probably damaged by earthquakes. In addition there are many menhirs, domes and stone alignments. These dolmens date from around 3000 BC. and therefore dating back to the Bronze Age I. The locals believed that i were the houses of ghosts, they called them in Arabic Bit Al Ghula.
To track down the site you need to know the exact location.

What to do

  • 2 Hammamat Ma'in. Ecb copyright.svg15 JOD. Simple icon time.svg08:00-23:00. A remarkable series of natural hot springs with waterfalls, some of which have been channeled into pools and baths. Spectacular bathing in the outdoor tub under the hot waterfall. Inside the site it is possible to stay. Highly recommended. Ma'in Hot Springs on Wikipedia Ma'in Hot Springs (Q6720622) on Wikidata

At the table


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