German Villa - Villa Alemana

German Villa
Flag of Villa Alemana.svg
Coat of arms of Villa Alemana.svg
Houses Villa Alemana.JPG
Old houses in Peñablanca
• ProvinceMarga Marga
Distance17 km to Viña del Mar
Demonymvillalemanino, -a
Demographic data
Surface97 km²
Population119.327 (2012)
Useful data
Time zone UTC-4
• in summerUTC-3

German Villa is a city of chili, located in Valparaíso Region. It is a mainly residential area that is part of the conurbation of the Great Valparaiso.

It is popularly known as the "City of Eternal Youth" or the "City of Mills", due to the large number of fifth houses that needed to draw water in this way.

To get

Being part of the conurbation of Valparaiso Y Viña del Mar, there are various public transport services that go from these cities to Villa Alemana and others nearby, such as Limache, Olmué Y Quilpué. Villa Alemana has collective locomotion lines (both minibuses and collective taxis) that travel through its most important streets and connect it with the cities mentioned above.

However, the means of transport that characterized the commune since its inception was the railroad that came from Valparaíso, passing through Quilpué and then headed to the Limache station. Before, from this railway, you could get to Montt port to the south through the national rail network that linked Chile. The route of that old railway was converted into the current one Valparaíso Metro, whose only line runs through Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Quilpué, Villa Alemana and Limache. The commune of Villa Alemana has 5 Metro stations (from west to east: Las Américas, La Concepción, Villa Alemana, Sargento Aldea and Peñablanca), being the most reliable and simple service for a tourist.

Get to know

Entrance of the Pompeii Theater.

Being a residential city, there are few tourist attractions, especially compared to its nearby Valparaiso Y Viña del Mar, or even compared to her neighbor Quilpué.

The city center is located near the Villa Alemana station of the Valparaíso Metro. Next to the station, the Bethlehem Square, a meeting place for the community (especially on Sundays) and which is named in honor of the Palestinian city with which Villa Alemana signed a twinning agreement in 2006 and which has a large white cross. The main shops are located along avenues Santiago and Valparaíso, parallel to the railroad.

Among them is the pedestrian Los Heroes (also called Latorre), in whose route the Pompeii Theater, National Monument. Built in 1926, it has managed to survive the passage of time and various natural disasters. It was built by the same architects of the Municipal Theater of Viña del Mar in order to provide local families with entertainment similar to that of large cities. The building has an eclectic style, typical of the early twentieth century, which mixes neoclassical elements, from the art nouveau and others of traditional Chilean architecture. Its walls have partitions of Oregon pine and brick filling, while the roof was made of trusses reinforced with metal braces and bolted clamps, the semi-circular arches that make up the portals are made of brick masonry and it has small buttresses at its ends: the sky appears treated with a beam in sight of Oregon pine.

See also

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