Vitória - Vitória

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Vitória is the capital of Espírito Santo with (2011) about 330,000 inhabitants.

Map of Vitória


Together with the neighboring cities of Vila Velha, Serra and Cariacica, Vitória forms a metropolitan region of around 1.5 million inhabitants (as of 2013).

The city is located on about 35 river islands and is connected to the mainland by smaller bridges and to Vila Velha by the larger Terceira Ponte.

The main island, also named Vitória, is located on the Atlantic Ocean and has a long stretch of beach. Bathing there is not recommended because of the water pollution. Bathing trips can be undertaken in a northerly direction from Manguinhos and in a southerly direction from Guarapari.

getting there

By plane

The airport (IATA code VIX) is about 10 km north of the city and offers frequent connections to the metropolises of Brazil, in particular to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The most important providers are TAM, GOL and Azul / TRIP. There are no direct flights to Europe. The flight time to Rio de Janeiro is about an hour. If you want to change trains in one of the two cities, you should note that they each have a national and an international airport. If you want to fly back to Europe straight away, it is advisable to head for the correct airport from Vitória. Flights to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are often very cheap, depending on the time of day and day of the week. It pays to be flexible in terms of time.

By train

Vitória has - unusual for Brazil - a long-distance train station that connects the city with Belo Horizonte by means of passenger trains. The train takes about 13 hours for 600 km. Strictly speaking, the train station is not in Vitória but in the neighboring municipality of Cariacica, approx. 3 km from the historic city center.

The one-way trip from Vitória to Belo Horizonte costs around Class Econômica R $ 56.00 and in the Classe Executiva R $ 87.00 (as of Dec. 2012).

By bus

The main means of transport for long-distance traffic is the bus. Vitória has a bus station from which buses go to the larger cities, even at night if the journey takes longer. Agúia Branca is the market leader in Espírito Santo. You can find out more about the connections at Tickets should be bought in good time; the places are reserved. You have to expect that your passport will be checked before you start your journey. During the journey, a toilet and meal break will be taken at rest stops at regular intervals.

In the street

Vitória is from Rio de Janeiro coming via the BR 101. For the approx. 500 km you have to calculate 7 - 8 hours of travel time. Of Belo Horizonte, the capital of the federal state of Minas Gerais, the city can be reached via the BR 262 with about 7 - 8 hours driving time. To Salvador in the capital of Bahia it is approx. 1250 km from Vitória (via BR 101).

Petrol station network is well developed on the whole route, only the road leaves a lot to be desired in many sections (potholes, uneven ground, etc.)

Especially on the federal road 101 (BR 101), north of Vitória, to the border of Bahia many radar systems are installed. However, these have been announced.

By boat

Vitória has a port located in the center of the city. Occasionally larger passenger ships also dock, but this is rarely the case. The passenger ferry between the neighboring town of Vila Velha and Vitória was discontinued in the 1990s. The Vitória marina with subsequent clubhouse (only accessible to club members) is located in the Praia do Canto district. From there to the so-called Bermuda Triangle it is only a 3-minute walk. (see "Nightlife" below)


In the city and the Vitória metropolitan area, bus lines handle practically all of the passenger transport, which normally works quite well. At peak times, such as early morning or afternoon, the buses are always packed and therefore don't always stop. Another alternative are taxis, which are about German prices.

Before local council elections there is often talk of building some tram lines between the center, Praia do Canto and the northern quarter Jardim Camburi (about 12 km), which have not yet been realized. The ferry connection (passenger ferry) between Vitória and Vila Velha, which was discontinued in the 1990s, is also to be reactivated.

Tourist Attractions

In the old town there are still some buildings from the colonial era and the 19th century.


Vitória is a pleasant and lively port and industrial city. At first glance, it doesn't have much to offer European tourists. But you can spend varied days with strolls through the city, excursions inland and to the beaches in the north and south.


In the old town of Vitória there is a lot of traditional small businesses such as electrical shops, shoe shops, some music shops, etc. Before you drive out of the center towards Rio and to the central bus station (Rodoviária) comes, you drive through the district Vila Rubim, where you can buy souvenirs at relatively low prices.

On the outskirts of the city are the fully air-conditioned and guarded shopping centers that are typical of Brazil and do not differ in any way from their European counterparts.


In general, as in the rest of the country, a lot of beef is eaten, but pork is also strongly represented on the menu. Although one might assume that fish dishes are cheaper in Vitória because of its location on the Atlantic Ocean, this is not the case. Fish and seafood are among the most expensive items on the menu. Famous all over the state Moqueca-Capixaba (Fish pot with rice), which is enough for 2 - 3 people, has become a delicacy in recent years. Prices up to R $ 120.00 and more are possible (as of 2013).

In the beach bars of Vitória and the surrounding area was until a few years ago (early 2000) Peroá frito (Fried triggerfish) a popular and inexpensive snack. However, the prices have increased about fivefold in the last ten years. The fish is still offered in almost all kiosks on the beach. Prices now fluctuate from 30.00 to 60.00 real, depending on the insert.

As everywhere in Brazil, there have been inexpensive self-service restaurants throughout the city for a good 20 years Self service. The food is weighed with the plate. You can put your own food together at a buffet. This means that you generally eat far cheaper than ordering from a menu and you also know what you have on your plate. The prices vary a lot, depending on the area and restaurant. The cheapest Self service have kilo prices of around R $ 20.00, the best and most expensive come to around R $ 50.00 / kg. These restaurants only work for lunchtime, mostly from 11:30 a.m. to around 2:30 p.m. It is closed in the evening.

They also love pizzas Capixabasas the inhabitants of Espirito Santo call themselves. There are already many pizzerias in operation in every small shopping center and in the whole city. In terms of price, they are far above the level of what you z. B. is used in Germany. Small pizzas can still be found for less than R $ 30.00 (around 10 euros). On average you have to reckon with around R $ 40.00, whereby the quality does not come close to its European original. Most pizzas are overloaded with cheese, so that all other ingredients are covered in taste. It is well advised to always insist on putting half of the cheese away.

The hygiene of restaurants and snack bars (Lanchonetes) is largely satisfactory. You can also eat in the streets and marketplaces without much hesitation; mostly very well.

In all restaurants there is a strict smoking ban which is strictly adhered to. The ban applies not only in the restaurant but also in front of it on the sidewalk, if z. B. roofed with awnings!


Vitória enjoys a vibrant nightlife. The market in the district is worth visiting Praia do Canto on the Praça dos Namorados (Lovers' Square) with handicrafts and artistic performances (Saturdays and Sundays from 5 p.m.). Especially the so-called Bermuda Triangle (Triângulo das Bermuda or just briefly Triângulo) is very busy from Wednesday to Saturday and is considered to be the most trendy area of ​​Vitórias. This is only a 5-minute walk from Praça dos Namorados reachable.

Praia do Canto is also known as Vitória's cultural center. The historic center of the city has almost no nightlife and is mainly used as a business and office district. In addition, it is much more dangerous than many other areas of the city from the late afternoon onwards, as some Favelas (Slums) directly adjacent. However, there are relatively cheap hotels in the center that are not particularly appealing, but because of their low price, especially from backpackers or Low budget-Tourists are visited.

Jardim Camburi, the most populous district of the state, (approx. 70,000 Ew, as of 2015) is becoming more and more important when it comes to nightlife. It is the northernmost district at the end of Camburi Beach. Entire streets (e.g. parts of Rua Ranulpho Barbosa or Av. Judite Leão Castelo Ribeiro) transform themselves into folk festival-like events from Wednesday to Saturday evening (Friday is always the busiest). The grill restaurant should also be mentioned Coronel Picanha (Rua Carlos Martins 1290), the largest catering establishment in Vitória


There are hotels of all price ranges in the city. Well-known chains such as Ibis, Sheraton and other international names can be found almost all over the city, except in the center. The prices per night and person range from R $ 150.00 (Ibis) to 300.00, but the cheapest overnight stays are likely to be found in the small, often inconspicuous hotels in the center. However, you are then around 5 - 6 km from the active nightlife and have to take a bus or taxi back to your accommodation. As far as quality is concerned, the hotels in Praia do Canto and on the beach at Jardim da Penha (Praia de Camburi). From the luxurious Hotel Senac on Ilha do Boi (Ox Island) you have a spectacular evening view of Camburi beach and the districts beyond.


Tap water is only drunk when it is filtered. If you order a drink at a stand on the street, then specifically without ice cubes ("sem gelo"), because you do not know what type of water the ice cube was made with. As a rule, you will not experience any hygienic problems when eating in normal restaurants.

Anyone who wants can join one of the Ponto de Saúde (Hospital wards) vaccinated against yellow fever. This also applies to foreigners. It is best to have it entered in the vaccination certificate right away.

Practical advice

As in all major Brazilian cities, caution is the top priority. If you park your car in the city, you should use the parking attendants (so-called Flanelinhas(often women or children) who offer themselves to help with parking in and out, appropriately remunerated (depending on the area 50 centavos to 1 real, but never more). You can then be reasonably confident that you will find the car undamaged when you return.

Anyone looking for a post office in Vitória is well advised to look for a local one Correio to ask. These institutes are often quite hidden and therefore not easy to spot for travelers who are in town for the first time. There are post offices in all major shopping centers such as B. the Shopping Vitória at the Terceira Ponte (Bridge between Vila Velha and Vitória or the Shopping Norte-Sul in the district Jardim Camburi which is located in the north. When entering a larger post office, as in banks or other public institutions, you should ask for one Senha take care of (place number), because one is called after the row.

Important mail items should definitely be posted by registered mail. Normal letters and postcards arrive without any problems.

Wi-Fi is available in some shopping centers (e.g. Centro da Praia Shopping, Shopping Norte-Sul) freely and without having to log in, which is not the case in the large shopping centers (e.g. Shopping Vitória).

Internet is available in practically all hotels.


Excursions inland are worthwhile, for example to the foot of the 1,806 m high, striking Pico Pedra Azul (Blue rock). Its name comes from the fact that it shimmers blue or green, depending on the lighting conditions. Travel time from the center of Vitória about 80 minutes (85 km) on the federal road 262 (BR 262).

An excursion, for which you should rent a car, can be combined with a visit to the small town of Domingos Martins, which was largely shaped by Italian and German immigrants. This tradition is still emphasized and cultivated today. Approx. 40 km from the center via Bundesstrasse 262.

If you leave Vitória on the BR 101 heading north, you will reach it after around 45 km Fundão, there you turn left Santa Teresa ab, a city shaped by Italian immigrants at 655 m above sea level with 21,000 inhabitants. The 25 km winding road connection Fundão has expanded excellently since 2011. In addition to the typical restaurants in the vicinity of the church, these are also worth seeing Biology Museum.

After just a few kilometers, such a trip leads to a completely different Brazil, far away from the clichés of the beach, samba and heat. However, the region around Pedra Azul is not cheap in terms of accommodation, R $ 500.00 and more per double room per night no exaggeration. If possible, smaller hotels or pensions (Pousadas) prefer the larger ones.

You can always see bathers in the sea on the beaches of Vitória, but the better beaches are to the north in Manghuinhos (approx. 15 km), in the neighboring town Vila Velha or 50 km south in Guarapari.

A must when visiting Vitória is to visit the Conventos in Vila Velha. A convent with a church right next to the 3.5 km long main bridge (Terceira Ponte) between the two cities. Of Praia de Canto about 7 km away. You can drive to the parking lot right under the church. The view from the mountain is spectacular.

Web links

Information about the train connection Vitória - Belo Horizonte (port.): [1]

Site of the Bilogie Museum in Santa Teresa (port.): [2]

Vitória port info: [3]


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