Vladimir - Vladímir

The city of Vladimir is located in the central region of Russia, 180 km northeast of Moscow. An important transport highway that connects Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. The city has large companies in machine construction, metalworking, electrical, instrument manufacturing, chemical, light and food, construction industry and high-tech companies: glass production, fiber optic technologies, polymer chemistry, automation of production and materials science.



Vladimir is located in the central part of the Eastern European Plain, on a steep hill next to the Klyazma River. The land north of the city is known as Vladimir Fields (Владимирское Ополье ), while the land to the south is mainly covered by forests.


Vladimir is somewhat elongated along the river that forms its southern boundary. From the north, the city is bounded by a "semi-circle" road, which was previously part of the M7 motorway. Within the city, small rivers flow into the Klyazma and form deep valleys that were used as fortifications.

Climate chart (explanation)





































Average max. and min. temperatures in ° C
Total snow precipitation in mm
Vladimir Average

Vladimir's interior design is quite simple. The main street runs roughly west to east near the Klyazma River and passes through the historic center. Different parts of this street have different names: Московское шоссе (entry Moscow) - проспект Ленина - улица Студёная гора - Дворянская улица - Большая Московская улица - Большая Нижегородская улица - Добросельская улица (input Nizhny Novgorod). Several main streets branch north, cross the "semi-circle" road and become the roads to Suzdal and Ivanovo (Суздальское шоссе) or Yuryev-Polsky (улица Горького). A single street (Муромское шоссе) also runs south, crosses the river and continues to Sudogda, Murom and Gus-Khrustalnyi.

The main attractions, along with a number of hotels and restaurants, are located in the historic center, close to Bolshaya Moskovskaya Ulitsa (Большая Московская улица). If you are arriving in Vladimir from Moscow, enter this part of the city by the Golden gate . Moving further east, you leave the historic center after passing the Monastery of the Nativity and the Hotel Vladimir. The Cathedral Square (Соборная площадь) is in the middle of this road. The train and bus stations are located east of the historic center, at the foot of the hill.


Vladimir was founded in 1108 by Vladimir Monomakh. There is an alternative version that attributes the founding of the city to Vladimir the Red Sun in 990. However, the exact year does not seem to be very important to the average traveler, since the oldest monuments that exist date only from the middle of the 12th century. . century. In that period, the city was developing rapidly due to the activity of Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, who established the capital of northeastern Russia in Vladimir. The most important period for the city was probably the late 12th and early 13th centuries, until the Mongol invasion. Several of Russia's most important architectural monuments were built in Vladimir during that time, including the Assumption Cathedral and the Golden Gates, both World Heritage Sites.

In 1238, Vladimir was besieged and taken by the Mongol hordes under Batu Khan. The city never fully recovered. Although it remained the capital of the municipality for a century, Vladimir gradually lost its political and cultural importance for Moscow. Until the middle of the 15th century, Vladimir was the capital of northeastern Russia, but the current government worked in Moscow. The transfer of the capital was completed in the 15th century: the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, inspired by one of the oldest cathedrals in Vladimir, became the state church. The holy icon of Our Lady of Vladimir also moved to Moscow.

Vladimir remained a provincial capital. Little by little it grew in size due to its advantageous location in the center of Central Russia. The development of the city was reinforced by the construction of the Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod railway in the late 19th century.

Vladimir is a partially industrialized city, although the historic center has remained largely intact since the early 20th century. In 1992, Vladimir was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

To get

Vladimir is halfway between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, so you can enter from both cities. It is also possible to visit Vladimir during a trip through the Golden Ring.

By plane

The Vladimir airport Semyazino he does not have regular communication with passengers. The closest airports are at Moscow Y Nizhny Novgorod Both receive international flights. From there, you can easily reach Vladimir by train, bus, or car.

By train

The main station is next to the central bus station and near the historic center.

From Moscow

Four or five suburban trains a day go to Vladimir from Kurskaya station from Moscow. The trip takes 2½ to 3 hours. Buy tickets at the regional (short-distance) train ticket counter on the right wing of Kurskaya Station (Poezda Prigorodnogo Napravleniya - Gorkogo). Tickets cost from 505 руб (June 2019) one way. There are several daily departures, the earliest at 08:00. The 6:00 PM express is the fastest of these local trains, but has limited seats available. He comes back from Vladimir at 06:00.

Some ultra-fast Sapsan trains also stop at Vladimir on Route between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. The trip lasts 1h 45min and a seat costs 1400-3000 руб . The 06:45 departure can be attractive for early risers. They use a different section of the same station as the local trains.

Regular long-distance trains also stop at Vladimir. They are more frequent than commuter trains, but are generally not faster. Moscow prices range wildly from 500 руб and around 1000 руб . They mainly depart from the same station as Sapsan high-speed trains, but many also depart from Moscow's Yaroslavsky railway terminal. One or two depart from the Kazansky railway terminal in Moscow.

Beyond Moscow, Vladimir is well connected to many cities, including Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok.

From Moscow, take one of the local trains every hour to Petushki is an alternative. Local trains between Vladimir and Petushki they work 3 times a day. The total trip is longer (3½-4 hours) but can be useful in case you miss other trains and the buses are crowded.

From Nizhny Novgorod

All trains to Vladimir depart from the main train station. There is a direct local express train that leaves Nizhny Novgorod at 16:10 and returns from Vladimir at 07:00. The trip lasts 3 and a half hours.

The high-speed Sapsan train takes around 2 hours and costs from 1200 руб . Several long-distance trains from across the country also connect Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod. Price range of 400 руб to 1000 руб . The trip takes 3 to 4 hours.

Ordinary local trains connect in stages cities along the Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod railway (such as Pokrov, Kovrov, Vyazniki, Gorokhovets) to Vladimir. Unless you plan to visit these towns, it is advisable to use buses, since local trains are slow and the necessary changes will make the journey last all day.

By bus

Vladimir has two bus stations:

  • Central bus station It is next to the train station, near the historic center. This station operates bus routes to all cities in Vladimir Oblast, as well as many intercity routes (to Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Ryazan, etc.). Normally, you have to buy tickets inside the station. The square near the central bus station It is a hub for private bus routes that are generally operated by minibuses. These routes do not have a strict schedule and depart as soon as the minibus is full. You must pay directly to the driver or a special person who collects money near the bus. Private routes serve Moscow, Murom, Gus-Khrustalny and Ivanovo (via Suzdal). The last bus to Moscow leaves around 20:00.
  • The local bus station It is close to the central market (take trolley bus # 10 from the central bus station). This station serves a number of very local bus routes to nearby towns. You are unlikely to use it.

The basic options for traveling to Vladimir by bus are as follows:

  • From Moscow: "Official" buses depart from the central (interurban) bus station at Shelkovskaya metro station. There are at least ten buses per day, either between Moscow and Vladimir or to other destinations (Kovrov, Ivanovo, Gus-Khrustalny, Murom, Vyazniki). Basically, it is more convenient to use private buses that leave from the square near Kursky train station . These buses run every 30 minutes or even more frequently. The trip lasts at least 3 hours, the price is 220 руб. Expect a longer trip on weekdays (especially at night due to traffic problems near Moscow) and long lines for buses during peak hours (such as Friday and Sunday nights).
  • From Nizhny Novgorod: the buses to Vladimir depart from Kanavino bus station . There are 8-10 buses per day (either to Moscow or Vladimir) and the trip takes about 5 hours.
  • From other places: You will find at least 2 or 3 daily buses to Vladimir from any city in the Vladimir region and from central cities in neighboring regions. The most frequent connections (every 1.5 hours) go from Suzdal, Murom, Gus-Khrustalny and Ivanovo (via Suzdal).

By car

Vladimir is easily accessible from Moscow (180 km on the M7 road), Nizhny Novgorod (240 km on the M7 road), Ivanovo (115 km on the A113 road) and Ryazan (230 km on the R123 and R73 roads, via Tuma and Gus-Khrustalny). In the city, you will find plenty of free parking on the side streets and also several parking areas on the main street ( Bolshaya Moscovskaya ).


The historic center can be easily explored on foot, so the regular traveler is unlikely to use public transport in Vladimir. Still, there is an extensive network of trolleybuses, buses and minibuses ( marshrutki ) that serve the entire city. The most useful option is the trolley bus n. 5 that connects the train station with the historic center and runs through Bolshaya Moscovksaya Ulitsa. Normally, you have to pay the driver or a special lady who sits on the bus and collects the money.


Vladimir has unique historical and architectural monuments. The most prominent of them are La Asuncion Cathedral (12th century), the Demetrius Cathedral (12th century), the golden doors (12th century) listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In the estuary world it is known for its monuments, exhibitions and as a reserve of the historical museum of Vladimir and suzdal.

List of must-sees

These monuments are recognized by UNESCO and are included in the World Heritage List. They are essential tourist destinations in Vladimir: Saint Demetrius Cathedral

  • 1 Cathedral of the Assumption (Успенский собор), Соборная площадь (Cathedral Square). It is one of the most historically important Russian Orthodox churches. For a brief period in the 14th century, the cathedral was the seat of the Metropolitan, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church. The cathedral was built in 1158 with a single dome. However, the great reconstruction followed as early as 1185: four smaller domes were added and the building was greatly enlarged to resemble the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. Later, a similar project was used for the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. The neighboring eclectic-style bell tower was built in 1810 to replace the old gabled roof tower. The interior of the cathedral includes a series of ancient frescoes from the late 12th century (north wall) and 15th century (vaults), the latter painted by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chyorny. The cathedral combines church and museum activities. Services are normally held in the morning and offer free admission. During the museum's opening hours (Tue-Sun 13: 00-16: 30), tickets are sold.
  • 2 Saint Demetrius Cathedral (Дмитриевский собор), Соборная площадь. This is the other ancient cathedral in Vladimir. The building was built in 1194-97 as an internal church of the Prince's court. The galleries connected the cathedral to the palace, but were removed during reconstruction in the 19th century. The Cathedral of Saint Demetrius is now a separate church, a unique monument of ancient Russian architecture. The lower part of the walls is flat (the galleries are attached here), while the upper part is covered by fine stone carvings. These carvings depict stories from the life of King David and praise the harmony of the world. However, the meaning of some carvings is unknown. The cathedral houses a small museum that features enlarged images and detailed explanations of a number of carvings, as well as a small piece of original frescoes from the late 12th century. The museum is open WM from 11:00 to 17:00 or 18:00. Don't forget to take a look from the nearby lookout! Golden Door
  • 3 Golden gate (Золотые ворота), Большая Московская ул (west of Cathedral Square). Once the entrance to the walled city, the gate was built in 1158-64. At that time, the city was surrounded by a wall with five stone gates. The Golden Gate is the only remaining part of the complex and the only monument of ancient fortifications in Russia. The walls were removed in the 19th century and the gate was reinforced with four circular bastions on the buttresses. These bastions strongly changed the appearance of the gate, so it may be advisable to see the image of the original building as in a military history museum inside the gate. The remaining part of the wall is to the south of the gate, along the Kozlov Rampart street (ул. Козлов вал).

Other churches

There are many churches in Vladimir and it is unlikely that you will visit all of them. Here are representative examples of various styles:

  • 4 Monastery of the Nativity (Рождественский монастырь), Большая Московская ул. 68 (east of the Plaza de la Catedral). The monastery was founded in the late 12th century and played an important role for the Russian Orthodox Church during the Middle Ages. None of the old buildings survived, but the stone walls and 18th-century towers are worth seeing. Although there was no real threat to Vladimir at the time, the walls mimic the fortifications of ancient Russian monasteries. You will also find a church and several habitable houses with beautiful decorations from the 17th century. The monastery is the home of the Bishop of the Vladimir region.
  • Cathedral of the Assumption (Convent of the Princess) (Успенский собор Княгинина монастыря), Княгининская ул. (north of the commercial ranks). The history of the Convent of the Princess dates back to the 12th century. The central building, the Cathedral of the Assumption, was built in the early 13th century. In the 16th century, the cathedral was rebuilt in its present form (known as the "Moscow style" of church architecture). You can see numerous kokoshniki under the dome and compare this type of decoration with the old one of the Cathedral of Saint Demetrius. Observe the beautiful frescoes from the 17th century inside the Cathedral.
  • Church of the Assumption of Our Lady (Богородице-Успенская церковь), Большая Московская ул. 106а (east of the historic center). This church built in 1644-49 features another example of original Russian architecture. In addition to kokoshniki , you will find a bell tower with a hipped roof, a typical feature of the 17th century style.
  • 5 Church of Santa Nikita (Никитская церковь), Княгининская ул., 8 (next to the Princess Convent). This church was built in the Baroque style in the middle of the 18th century. The bright green color and the massive building contrast sharply with the harmony of the ancient white stone cathedrals. Still, the decoration of the church is remarkable. At present, the church does not work and houses a restoration workshop.
  • Church of St. George (Георгиевская церковь), Георгиевская ул., 6 (cross Bolshaya Moscovskaya Street. Near Trading Rows and head south). Another example of Baroque style architecture. This church is quite small and looks modest compared to St. Nikita's Church. The pleasant appearance is provided by the neighboring hipped roof bell tower. For a long time, the Church of St. George housed a concert hall, but now regular services should begin.
  • Church of San Miguel Arcángel (Михаило-Архангельская церковь), ул. Студёная гора, 1a (west of the Golden Gate). This impressive dark red church was built in the late 19th century in the Neo-Byzantine style. It is probably one of the best (or at least the most harmonious) representatives of this style in Russia.
  • 6 Holy Trinity Church / Red Church (Троицкая церковь), Дворянская ул., 2 (next to the Golden Gate). The eclectic (albeit with an emphasis on Russian revival) red brick church of 1913-1916. It houses a museum of glass, miniature paintings and embroidery.
  • 7 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary (Костёл св. Розария Пречистой Девы Марии), ул. Гоголя, 12в (south of the Golden Gate). This late 19th century Catholic church is a rare example of a Neo-Gothic building in the Vladimir region. The church was built for the Polish-Lithuanian troop who stayed in Vladimir. The church works under the supervision of the Roman Catholic Church. This beautiful place is worth a visit, especially during Catholic holidays.

Secular buildings

Since the 18th century, Vladimir has been a provincial city, so its secular buildings are quite small and modest. Don't expect to see any masterpieces. Still, it is possible to find a number of beautiful buildings from different periods and styles.

  • House of the Assembly of Nobility (Дворянское собрание), Большая Московская ул., 33 (next to the Cathedral Square). This empire-style building from the early 19th century was once a cultural center for Vladimir.
  • Commercial rows (Торговые ряды), Большая Московская ул., 19 (between Cathedral Square and the Golden Gate). A very typical building of Russian architecture from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The Trading Rows in Vladimir follows the style of general classicism with an original project from the late 18th century, although the current appearance of the building is heavily interrupted by signs and advertisements.
  • Old pharmacy (Старая аптека), Георгиевская ул., 3 (near Trading Rows and St. George's Church). A charming little building from the late 18th century.
  • City bank (Городской банк), Большая Московская ул., 29 (next to the Cathedral square). The red and white neoclassical building from 1896.
  • Museum of the City (Городской музей), Большая Московская ул., 64 (east of Cathedral Square). This red brick building in the Russian Renaissance (pseudo-Russian) style is now home to the history museum.
  • 8 Water tower (Водонапорная башня), ул. Козлов вал (south of the Golden Gate). The pseudo-Russian style water tower is probably one of the most impressive and unusual secular buildings in Vladimir. It was built in 1868 as part of the first water supply system and rebuilt in 1912. It houses an exhibition on the history of Vladimir.
  • House of Temperance Association (Народный дом общества трезвости), ул. Гагарина, 7 (south of the commercial ranks). A very unusual mix of neoclassical and art nouveau styles. At the beginning of the 20th century, this house was one of the cultural centers of Vladimir.
  • Realschule House (Реальное училище), Никитская ул., 1 (next to the Golden Gate). It is an art nouveau building from 1908 with colored bricks and beautiful decorations. It is occupied by the University of Vladimir.
  • Building College (Строительный колледж), ул. Дзержинского, 6 (west of the Golden Gate). A rare example of the Stalin Empire style building in Vladimir. The project is quite regular and dates back to 1950, although a small tower is certainly an unusual feature originating from art nouveau or Russian revival fashion.


The two important museums in Vladimir are the Cathedral of the Assumption and the Cathedral of Saint Demetrius which display ancient frescoes (see the "Must-See List" above). You can also visit other museums:

  • 9 Regional history museum (Областной исторический музей), Большая Московская ул., 64 (west of Cathedral Square). W - M 10: 00-16: 00 or 17:00. The museum covers the history of the Vladimir region from the beginning (stone age) to the February Revolution of 1917. During the Middle Ages, the history of the region was closely linked to the history of Russia, so can be find many information about the Vladimir principality and the development of northeastern Russia before the Mongol invasion and during the period of the Mongol yoke.
  • Military Museum (музей воинской доблести) (inside the Golden Gate). Mon - Wed 10: 00–18: 00. The museum features an array of ancient weapons and a huge gallery of military leaders, originally from the Vladimir region. The best exhibit is a special diorama depicting Batu Khan's assault on Vladimir in 1238. The diorama gives an idea of ​​what the ancient city was like.
  • 10 Exposition (экспозиция), ул. Козлов вал (inside the water tower, south of the Golden Gate). Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00. The museum reconstructs the everyday life and atmosphere of Vladimir from the late 19th century. The exhibition is more or less generic for any Russian city of provinces of this period. Don't miss the observation deck at the top of the tower!
  • Museum of glass, lacquered miniatures and embroidery (экспозиция), Дворянская ул., 2 (inside the Church of Holy Trinity, next to the Golden Gate). Tue - Mon 11: 00-19: 00. The collection of exhibits of different crafts that were traditionally developed in the Vladimir region. Magnificent glassworks are made in Gus-Hrustalnyi and neighboring towns. The miniature paintings are handmade items from Mstyora, a small settlement near Vyazniki, while embroidery is a traditional handicraft from the entire region. If you are not planning a trip to the destinations specified above, visiting this museum may be a good option. There is also a glassware shop.
  • Art Gallery , Большая Московская ул., 58 (Cathedral Square, a long building between the old cathedrals). Tue - Sun 10: 00-16: 00 or 17:00. The usual provincial art gallery with a collection of Russian fine arts. The building also houses the so-called Children's Museum Center . The center features a series of fascinating historical exhibits that were specially designed for young people.
  • Stoletov family memorial house (Дом-музей Столетовых), ул. Столетовых, 3 (eastern part of the historic center). Wednesday 10: 00-16: 00 or 17:00. The museum rebuilds a typical merchant house from the 19th century. The Stoletov family is well known in Russia: Nilokay Stoletov was a military leader, while his brother, Alexander Stoletov, was a famous physicist. The exhibition occupies a wing of the house that belonged to the family.
  • 11 Planetary , Большая Московская ул. 66а, [4922-32-22-90]. Daily from 09:00 to 17:15.
  • SD Vasilisin Museum (Музей С.Д. Василисина), ул. Завадского, 7 (western part of the city). School museum of Sergey Vasilisin, a national hero who took part in battles near Murmansk during World War II.

More views

  • 850th anniversary monument , Соборная площадь (Cathedral Square). This amusing monument was erected in 1958 (Vladimir's 850th anniversary) and completed in 1969. It is a typical example of the "Soviet realism" style. The monument shows three aspects of Vladimir's history (or three faces of the city): a warrior with a sword, an architect with a design, and a worker with a tractor. All together they look quite funny. Don't miss this monument!



  • Lunacharsky Regional Drama Theater (Областной драматический театр им. Луначарского), Дворянская ул., 4 (next to the Golden Gate and Holy Trinity Church), [4922 32-42-58] , [4922 32-30-92] , [4922 32-27-77]. edit
  • Puppet Theater (Владимирский областной театр кукол), ул. Гагарина, 7 (north of the commercial ranks), [4922 32-31-41] , [4922 32-36-88] , [4922 32-42-28]. edit
  • Night theater (театр Вечерний), ул. Гагарина, 7 (north of the commercial ranks), [4922 32-36-88]. The night version of the puppet theater with real performances (mainly comedy). edit
  • Razgulyai Folk Theater (театр фольклора Разгуляй), Добросельская ул., 194a (extension of Bolshaya Moscovskya Street, in the easternmost part of the city), [4922 21-67-70] , [4922 31-29-77]. edit

Concert halls

  • Taneyev Regional Concert Hall (концертный зал им. Танеева), просп. Ленина, 1 (west of the Golden Gate), [4922 36-63-54] , [4922 32-74-94]. edit


  • Kinomax-Burevestnik (Киномакс-Буревестник), просп. Ленина, 29 (western part of the city), [4922 24-55-78] , [4922 24-08-61], [[email protected] | [email protected]] .09: 15-02: 00. 70-230 руб. edit
  • Khudozhestvennyi (Художественный), Большая Московская ул., 13 (in the historic center), [4922 32-39-64] , [4922 32-37-77]. The cinema is in the 1913 special movie theater. Edit
  • Russia (РусьКино), Суздальский просп., 8 (eastern part of the city, buses 21,22,24,26), [4922 400-004], [[1]]. 09: 30-01: 00. Refurbished building, animation for children, Italian cafeteria and bar. 80-200 руб. edit

To buy


Traditional Russian souvenirs can be found on the street next to the Golden gate . You can also find icons and other authentic gifts nearby Saint Demetrius Cathedral . Don't miss the local glassware shop on the st trinity church .


Vladimir has several shopping malls and many smaller stores that offer a wide variety of food, drinks, clothes, etc.

  • Commercial rows (Торговые ряды), Большая Московская ул., 19a (between Cathedral Square and the Golden Gate), [4922 45-16-37] , [4922 45-16-42]. Daily 10: 00-22: 00. This is a large shopping center in the very center of the city. Here you will find a number of small shops, boutiques, services, as well as a food court (upper floor). edit
  • Supermarket Valentina (ЦУМ Валентина), Дворянская ул., 10 (next to the Golden Gate and Holy Trinity Church), [4922 42-02-02]. Mon-Sat 09: 00-21: 00; Sun 10: 00-20: 00. Another shopping center in the city center. This mall is less luxurious compared to Trading Rows and is home to many useful amenities, including a huge food supermarket (ground floor) and a small food court (top floor). edit
  • Cruise (Крейсер), просп. Ленина, 46 (western part of the city), [4922 45-09-79]. Monday to Saturday 10: 90-21: 00, Sun 10: 00-19: 00. A large shopping center with a food supermarket, an electronics supermarket, smaller stores, numerous cafes and restaurants. edit


  • SPAR : an international network of supermarkets. The shops are open every day from 09:00 to 21:00 (sometimes from 10:00 to 22:00).
    • Мостостроевская ул. 2 (largest) - southwestern part of the city
    • Большая Московская ул. 19а (within commercial ranks)
    • Dobryak (Добряк) - пр. Ленина, 23 (24 hours)
  • Magnet (Магнит) - a food supermarket: ул. Усти на Лабе, 1 (every day from 09:00 to 21:00)

To eat


  • Blinchiki (Блинчики), Большая Московская ул. 32 (across the street from Trading Rows). This small cafe retains the Soviet style and practically fast food. However, the menu is quite extensive. Pancakes are very tasty and will surely satisfy your hunger.
  • Canteen # 2 (Столовая № 2), Вокзальная ул. 15 (west of the train station). Every day from 07:00 to 19:00. A cheap Soviet-style canteen.
  • Magic Flute (Волшебная флейта), просп. Ленина, 2, [4922-32-10-09].
  • Mr. Burger (Мистер Гамбургер), Большая Московская ул., 15. Daily from 10:00 to 22:00. Local version of McDonald's.
  • Empanadas (Пирожки), Большая Московская ул. 22, [4922-32-61-66]. Every day from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Potato father (Картофельный папа), Большая Московская ул. 22а. Daily from 10:00 to 23:00. Fast food with potato-based dishes.
  • Trading Rows Food Court , Большая Московская ул., 19a. The food court (upper floor of the mall) houses several national and international fast food stalls: Sbarro, Baskin Robbins, Kebab-tun, Tashir-pizza, etc.
  • Supermarket Valentina (ЦУМ Валентина), Дворянская ул., 10. El patio de comidas en el piso superior incluye varias marcas de comida rápida (Tashir-pizza, Mister Hamburger, Vo-Blin , etc.) que funcionan todo el día. En la planta baja, hay un comedor muy económico con comida más adecuada (abierto LF 11: 30-15: 30).

Middle range

  • Shesh Besh (Шеш Беш), Большая Московская ул., 78 (parte este del centro histórico). Un elegante restaurante de cocina azerbaiyana. No espere encontrar una variedad de comida (y, especialmente, comida vegetariana) aquí. Aún así, diferentes tipos de carne, ya sea a la parrilla ( shashlyk ) o picada ( lulya-kebab ), son perfectos. Además, hay un buffet con una selección de ensaladas y encurtidos, sopas picantes al estilo oriental, buen pescado a la parrilla y té casero. Ciertamente vale la pena almorzar o cenar en este restaurante, a menos que ya tenga experiencia en la cocina de Azerbaiyán. Platos principales: 150-250 руб.
  • Cafetería Na Chekhova (кофейня На Чехова), Большая Московская ул., 67 / ул. Чехова, 2 (parte este del centro histórico). Este es un restaurante regular en lugar de una pequeña cafetería a pesar del nombre. El diseño es elegante, la elección es amplia y la comida excelente. Si eres un gourmet, esta cafetería probablemente sea tu elección en Vladimir, porque es poco probable que encuentres comida más deliciosa y menos trivial en una ciudad como esta. Además, los precios son realmente alentadores. Platos principales: 200-350 руб.
  • Barra de sushi Kabuki (суши-бар Кабуки), ул. Спасская, 1/8 (al este del Golden Gate), [4922 32-38-98].
  • Byblos (Библос), Большая Московская ул., 14, [4922 32-32-69].
  • Vladimir (ресторан Владимир), Большая Московская ул., 74 (dentro del Hotel Vladimir), [4922 32-73-52].
  • El destino de Ángel (Доля ангела), Большая Московская ул., 16.
  • Salmón y Café (Лосось и кофе), Большая Московская ул., 19а (dentro de las filas comerciales).
  • Esquina de barra deportiva (Спорт-бар Корнер), Девическая ул., 3.
  • laberinto (Лабиринт), Большая Московская ул., 8.
  • Old City (Старый город), Большая Московская ул., 41.
  • flamenco (Фламинго), Октябрьский просп., 4.


  • En el interior , ул. Батурина, 28 (parte norte de la ciudad; tome el trolebús n. ° 7, 8 o 15 desde el Golden Gate), [4922-47-85-55].
  • En el Golden Gate (У Золотых ворот), Большая Московская ул. 15.

Drink and go out


La cerveza es probablemente la única especialidad local en Vladimir. La fábrica de cerveza Vladimir solía ser conocida por una variedad de tipos de cerveza, pero la diversidad se ha reducido sustancialmente, porque la fábrica de cerveza se unió a la marca de "cerveza viva" Fifth Ocean (Пятый океан), una cerveza sin filtrar sin trigo con una tecnología de almacenamiento especial que permite conservar la cerveza fresca sin filtrar durante bastante tiempo. Esta cerveza se produce en varias cervecerías y se distribuye por todo el país. En Vladimir, se puede encontrar en los supermercados SPAR.

Algunas cervezas lager filtradas se producen bajo la marca general Vladimirskoe (Владимирское). No son muy especiales, pero son locales y, por lo tanto, se puede esperar que estén frescos.

Clubes nocturnos

  • Velvet (Бархат), просп. Строителей, 20 (noroeste del centro histórico). Una discoteca enorme con varios bares, discoteca, una sala de narguiles y un club de striptease. edit
  • Anillo de oro (Золотое кольцо), ул. Чайковского, 27 (noroeste del centro histórico). Un enorme complejo que incluye varios bares, un casino, una discoteca, bolera, billar y un club de striptease. edit
  • Terrones de azúcar (Рафинад), проспект Ленина, 46 (autobuses 12, 25, 26, 17 desde el centro histórico, o 20, 21, 24, 23 desde otros lugares), [4922 45-27-27]. edit



  • intimidad (Уют), ул. Горького, 52 (al norte del centro histórico, tome los trolebuses 2 u 8 desde el Golden Gate o el # 10 desde la estación de tren), [4922-43-21-52]. Alojamiento tipo hostal (antiguo dormitorio) con una ubicación incómoda y difícil de encontrar. Los baños son compartidos y la ducha conlleva un suplemento. Edit
  • alba (Заря), ул. Студёная гора, 36а (al oeste del Golden Gate), [4922-32-14-41]. Alojamiento de estilo soviético cerca del centro histórico. Todas las habitaciones están equipadas con WC y WC. La "renovación" implica la renovación del mobiliario, pero las habitaciones no parecen modernas de todos modos (aunque las suites son mejores). El desayuno se sirve en la cafetería dentro del hotel y puede estar incluido en el precio dependiendo de la calidad de la habitación. El hotel no dispone de aparcamiento propio, pero hay un aparcamiento vigilado cerca. Habitación doble (no renovada / renovada) 1100-1200 руб / 1600-1800 руб. Edit
  • Hotel del centro de formación de Vladimir (гостиница при ГУП Владимирский учебный центр), ул. Кирова, 18а (al norte del centro histórico, tome los trolebuses 7, 8, 14 o 15 desde el Golden Gate o el trolebús n. ° 10 desde la estación de tren), [4922-23-14-49]. Alojamiento de estilo soviético lejos del centro histórico. Los baños son privados o compartidos según la calidad de la habitación. Sin desayuno, sin estacionamiento vigilado (aún así, es posible dejar el automóvil cerca del hotel). Habitación doble 1060 руб. Edit
  • Hotel de la Academia de servicio público (гостиница при РАГС), ул. Горького, 59а (al norte del centro histórico, tome los trolebuses n. ° 2,8 desde el Golden Gate o n. ° 10 desde la estación de tren), [4922-23-22-27]. Alojamiento de estilo soviético lejos del centro histórico. Baños privados, mala renovación (si corresponde), sin desayuno, sin estacionamiento. Habitación doble 1100 руб. Edit
  • Albergue de peregrinación (Паломническая служба Владимирской епархии), ул. Студёная гора, 1 (al oeste del Golden Gate), [4922-36-62-32]. Edit
  • Vinilo Hostel (Винил Хостел), ул. Студеная гора, д. 14, кв.12 (1,5 km de la estación de tren en trolebús n. ° 5), [4922 47-46-01] , [[2]]. Albergue europeo en el centro, habitaciones compartidas de 6, 10 o 12 literas, cocina autoservicio. Free WIFI. Desde 600 руб. Edit

Middle range

  • Vladimir (Владимир), Большая Московская ул., 74 (al este de la plaza de la Catedral), [4922-32-44-47] , [4922-32-30-42] , [4922-32-27-01], [[3]] .Un bonito hotel en el corazón de la ciudad. Las habitaciones están recién renovadas y completamente equipadas. El desayuno está incluido, mientras que el aparcamiento tiene un coste adicional. Hay un restaurante en la planta baja. También se ofrecen servicios de lavandería e información turística. Habitación doble desde 2500 руб ; habitación cuádruple 2900 руб. Edit
  • Anillo de oro (Золотое кольцо), ул. Чайковского, 27 (muy lejos del centro histórico, tome el trolebús 8 desde el Golden Gate del # 10 desde la estación de tren), [(4922) -400-800] (reserva), [(495) -975-75-34] , [(4922) -24-88-07] (recepción), [[4]] .Un gran complejo, que incluye el hotel y los entretenimientos (bares, discoteca, casino, etc.). La ubicación es muy incómoda y adecuada para excursiones organizadas más que para viajeros individuales. Las habitaciones están equipadas con todas las comodidades básicas, pero la calidad es media (las suites son más atractivas, como es habitual). El desayuno está incluido. Hay aparcamiento vigilado disponible por un precio adicional. También se encuentran disponibles servicios adicionales (lavandería, internet, polideportivo). Edit
  • Orión (Орион-отель), 2-я Никольская ул., 3 (al norte del Golden Gate, cerca del centro histórico), [4922 42-00-02]. Un bonito mini-hotel en el centro de Vladimir. Todas las habitaciones son modernas y están completamente equipadas, el desayuno está incluido. Los servicios adicionales (estacionamiento vigilado, internet en el lobby) son de pago. También hay una cafetería. Habitación doble desde 2600 руб. Edit
  • Pueblo ruso (Русская деревня), Московское шоссе, 5а (parte occidental de la ciudad, muy lejos del centro histórico: tome los trolebuses n. ° 1, 5, 15 desde el Golden Gate), [4922-38-36-90]. Tres cabañas de madera en las afueras de Vladimir, cerca de la entrada de Moscú. Junto al hotel hay una taberna y un restaurante. Las habitaciones están completamente equipadas. El desayuno no está incluido, hay estacionamiento vigilado disponible. Habitación doble sobre 2000 руб. Edit
  • Casa Erlangen (гостевые комнаты Эрлангенского дома), Большая Нижегородская ул., 25 (al este de la zona histórica (a unos 10 minutos a pie) y cerca de la estación de tren), [4922-32-37-95] , [4922-32-45-04]. Un bonito mini-hotel cerca del centro de la ciudad. Desayuno incluido, estacionamiento gratuito. Aún así, no hay otras instalaciones disponibles. Edit
  • Profkursy (Профкурсы), Добросельская ул., 217 (parte este de la ciudad, muy lejos del área histórica: tome el trolebús n. ° 1 desde el Golden Gate), [4922-21-37-60]. Un hotel antiguo y feo en las afueras de Vladimir (entrada desde Nizhny Novgorod). La única ventaja es la proximidad a Bogolyubovo. No estacionar. Edit


  • Vladimir patio (Владимирский дворик), ул. Подбельского, 12 (en el casco histórico, al sur de la plaza de la Catedral), [4922-32-71-06] , [4922-32-36-53]. Un bonito mini-hotel en el centro de Vladimir. Las habitaciones son modernas y están completamente equipadas. Desayuno incluido, estacionamiento disponible. Acceso a Internet en el lobby. Habitación doble 3000 руб. Edit
  • En el Golden Gate (У Золотых ворот), Большая Московская ул., 15 (en la zona histórica, cerca del Golden Gate), [4922-42-08-23]. Un mini-hotel moderno en el edificio antiguo en el corazón de Vladimir. Desayuno incluido, estacionamiento disponible. Un restaurante está adjunto al hotel. Habitación doble: 3500 руб. Edit
  • Monomakh (Мономах), ул. Гоголя, 20 (al sur del Golden Gate), [4922-440-444]. Un pequeño hotel con restaurante propio y estacionamiento vigilado, ubicación central. Habitación doble desde 2900 руб. Edit
  • Mon Plaisir (Мон плезир), ул. Разина, 20а (al oeste del área histórica, trolebuses 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 o 15 desde el Golden Gate), [4922-37-37-75] , [4922-37-04-47], [[5]] .Un pequeño hotel con estacionamiento vigilado, cafetería, gimnasio y billar. Habitación doble 2800 руб. Edit
  • Príncipe Vladimir (Князь Владимир), ул. Растопчина, 1а (parte este de la ciudad, entrada desde Nizhny Novgorod), [4922-37-37-21] , [901-992-37-21]. Edit

Fuera de la ciudad

  • Gladiador (Гладиатор), ул. Зелёная, 17 (микрорайон Коммунар) (salga de Vladimir hacia Murom y gire a la izquierda después del hotel Klyazma), [4922-42-51-79], [[6]] .Un hotel moderno en las afueras de la ciudad. Los servicios incluyen un restaurante, una sauna y un club deportivo. Habitación doble desde 1200 руб. Edit
  • Klyazma (Клязьма), Судогдское шоссе, 15 (en el camino a Murom), [4922-32-64-83] , [4922-32-42-37]. El hotel en las afueras de la ciudad. Las habitaciones normales son muy antiguas y básicas, mientras que las suites fueron renovadas. Desayuno incluido, estacionamiento disponible por precio adicional. Hay una cafetería adjunta al hotel. Habitación doble (no renovada / renovada) 1400 руб / 3000 руб. Edit
  • Ladoga (Турбаза), Сосновая ул. 12 (salir de la ciudad hacia Murom y girar a la izquierda hacia Lunevo), [4922-32-26-10], [[7]] .Una casa de campo que ofrece el alquiler de habitaciones y cabañas. Hay un comedor que sirve tres comidas al día. Instalaciones adicionales (billar, sauna, alquiler de equipos deportivos) disponibles. Habitación doble 1200 руб. Edit
  • Motel Pechki-Lavochki (Мотель), село Борисовское (en el camino a Suzdal), [4922-37-06-11] , [901-992-06-11]. Alojamiento en estilo ruso. El motel ofrece habitaciones regulares o pequeñas cabañas ( izbushki ), ambas completamente equipadas. Hay una cafetería adjunta al hotel. Habitación doble 1500-2000 руб. Edit
  • Motel Vladimirskiy (Мотель), Ноябрьская ул. 134 (микрорайон Юрьевец) (al oeste de la ciudad, en la carretera a Moscú), [4922-26-06-84]. Edit
  • Motel Yamschik (Мотель), ул. Ясная, 1 (микрорайон Юрьевец) (al oeste de la ciudad, en la carretera a Moscú), [4922-26-35-55]. Alojamiento con baño privado o compartido. Hay una taberna junto al hotel y hay una sauna disponible. Habitación doble 700-800 руб. Edit
  • Motel Yamskaya Zastava (Мотель), Ноябрьская ул. 71б (микрорайон Юрьевец) (al oeste de la ciudad, en la carretera a Moscú), [4922-26-35-47]. Habitaciones con baño privado. Hay una cafetería adjunta al motel. Habitación doble 1400 руб.

Next destiny

Other destinations

Desde Vladimir, puede llegar fácilmente a cualquier lugar en Vladimir Oblast , y el viaje no debería durar más de 3 a 3,5 horas. A continuación, se enumeran los destinos más cercanos:

  • Bogolyubovo : un pueblo cerca de Vladimir con notables monumentos de piedra blanca del siglo XII. El destino imprescindible para cualquier viajero que llegue a Vladimir.
  • Suzdal : el hermoso, pero pintoresco sitio del patrimonio mundial. Suzdal complementa a Vladimir en la lista de la UNESCO y presenta muchas vistas arquitectónicas de los siglos XIII-XVII.
  • Yuryev-Polsky : otra parte del Anillo de Oro , una ciudad muy provincial con una bonita e inusual catedral de piedra blanca que data del siglo XIII.
  • Gus-Khrustalny : la ciudad de la fábrica de cristal. La cristalería local es realmente notable y se compara con las marcas internacionales. Además, la ciudad es una puerta de entrada a una de las pocas redes activas de ferrocarriles de vía estrecha en Rusia Central.
  • Vyazniki : una ciudad notable con varias iglesias antiguas, edificios seculares interesantes y un mirador realmente espléndido en la colina sobre el río Klyazma. Vyazniki está cerca de Mstyora , una famosa región de artesanía que incluye pinturas en miniatura y magníficos bordados.
  • Sudogda : algunas personas dicen que esta es una de las ciudades de provincia más típicas de Rusia Central. Sudogda conserva el complejo de edificios provinciales del siglo XIX y refleja suficientemente el estado actual de la provincia rusa.
  • Kovrov : una zona industrial y la segunda ciudad más grande de la región de Vladimir. Kovrov no tiene atracciones turísticas populares, pero una serie de edificios de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX son notables.
  • Lakinsk Y Sobinka : pequeñas ciudades industriales al oeste de Vladimir con varios edificios notables de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX.

Rutas por Vladimir

MoscowW   AND→ Nizhni Nóvgorod → Yekaterinburg
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