Budget travel - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Voyages à petit budget — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The low budget travel are more and more popular. This practice constitutes a way of traveling in itself, another vision of travel. The result is an obligation to make do with very little, to foresee, calculate and above all, be imaginative.

Traveling on a low budget allows some who cannot afford to see the country without spending a fortune. Obviously, luxury and treats are not always there, but this practice can nonetheless be a great way to meet yourself as a person and to assess your own abilities to leave the easy comforts of home. , to get by, to live with little, etc.

This article is primarily intended for those who wish to travel this way. It contains some tips, tricks, advice and information related to this kind of trip. The budget aspect is highlighted there, but more specific details will come shortly for certain aspects. For the moment, it is a question of clearly encompassing the subject, later will come the details.

Before the journey

One of the hallmarks of low budget travel is its need to be somewhat planned. Of course, most of the people who travel this way are backpackers with no set route, which definitely doesn't go against the planning. This is not a detailed planning of a trip or reservations in hotels or other, but rather an enlightened knowledge of your budget in relation to your project.

  • Have an idea (not necessarily clear, but rather global) of the places you want to visit.
  • Find out about the cost of living of these places (low-cost housing capacity, camping, cost of food, cost of transport, typical budget needed, etc.) in order to get a good idea of ​​how much one will have to foresee.
  • Get as precise an idea as possible of the budget available for the entire trip (including transport, equipment, food, accommodation, etc.). For this, the site Toolito allows you to help you calculate your travel budget on the spot, quite precisely, and according to your traveler profile (backpack, tourist, etc ...).
  • Know approximately how long you want (or can) give to the trip in question.
  • So first of all you need to know this:
  1. Where we want to go
  2. The cost of living of the desired destination (s)
  3. The available budget
  4. Travel time

During the trip

In order to complete the trip in question properly and not find yourself caught off guard before the scheduled return date, it is important to keep an informed eye on your finances during the trip, and this, on a constant basis.

General budget

  1. Divide the total amount of money available (excluding all pre-departure costs, self: plane tickets, equipment, vaccines, visa, etc.) by the number of days. This will give the maximum amount that will be possible to spend per day once there.
  2. Reducing this amount a little allows you to keep a reserve in case of unforeseen events (because the whole trip is one anyway ...), for example: need for drugs not covered by travel insurance, landing in a more expensive than average city, entrance fee to a high-cost attraction, etc. (ex: calculated average: 16  per day ... we decide to try to stick to 12 , which means that we save per day, which is a small reserve.)
  3. Systematically count all your purchases during a day and note the total amount at the end of it in a notebook provided for this purpose allows you to see if you are below or above the daily budget initially planned .
  4. Calculate the average daily expenses regularly (ex: after 10 days: calculate the sum of the expenses of the 10 days and divide them by 10, which will give the total of the average expenses per day.) allows us to situate ourselves in relation to our budget forecasts.
  • If the average expenditure is above:
    • Try to cut spending even more in order to catch up with the deficit.
    • Take a few days of leave in an inexpensive location with a fixed return date. You can take the opportunity to wash your things, get to know the local population more fully, rest, tidy up your bag, write all those late journal pages, etc. This makes it possible to catch up with the budget and continue without the announced worries. Obviously, this is particularly applicable for long trips.

Means of payment

To see : Means of payment

To pay for holiday expenses such as transport, accommodation, catering or cultural and sporting activities, there are holiday vouchers.

Its operation is the same as the Restaurant tickets, dining chits, meal tickets. Holiday vouchers are in the form of coupons of 10 and 20 , and are valid for 2 years. They make it possible to take advantage of various services at 160,000 reception points in France (including overseas), or in member countries of the European Union.

It should be noted that these holiday vouchers can also be used at certain travel agencies who have signed an agreement with the ANCV. These establishments are marked with a welcome badge: "Bienvenue Chèque-Vacances!" "

For more information or to acquire it, check with your employer or your CE.


Get it

  • Food in restaurants will always be more expensive than food in supermarkets.
  • Typical and local products will often be cheaper than the rest, in addition to being easily found and constituting a culinary experience of the country visited.
  • During market days, substantial savings are possible. Especially towards the closing of the market, when the merchants wanting to sell their stock, will reduce prices significantly.
  • Agree to eat the same thing often.
  • In a supermarket, look at the cheapest things and choose from the monetary index. It is a way of making certain discoveries!
  • Try not to fall for something too expensive too often.
  • As the typical food of a country is part of its culture, and that to miss it, it is to miss a part of its identity, it is necessary from time to time, to allow yourself a good food at the restaurant.
  • One tip is to save all week by buying food in supermarkets, being careful not to spend excessively while eating adequately. At the end of the week, treat yourself to a good meal in a restaurant and enjoy the local culture.

At camping

  • Bringing a bowl with you allows you to make your own pasta, soups or any other hot meal. Although considered bulky by some, it can be a good inexpensive way to eat properly.
  • Some campsites offer a collective kitchenette where it is possible to use an oven and a refrigerator.
  • Canteens and restaurants established on campsites are often too expensive and should be avoided.

In youth hostels

  • Most hostels offer breakfast included in the room rate. Eating a lot for breakfast and only having a sustaining snack in the afternoon can save on a meal.
  • Several hostels provide a shared kitchen for travelers where it is possible to use the oven and refrigerator. In addition, common meals between the roomers are frequent and allow for pleasant encounters.
  • To see : Youth hostels


the lodging, along with transport, is one of the main sources of expenditure for travelers. However, some tips can make savings easily visible ...


Probably one of the cheapest ways to find accommodation, and also one of the most pleasant and rewarding, because it allows real contact with the population, something that hostels, hotels and campsites are not able to offer.

Note: This is about receiving an invitation from a resident met before or during the trip to come and sleep one or more nights at his home, and not from a paid and established guest service. In the latter case, the prices are often more expensive.

  • Obviously, when you are staying with a local, you must behave in a respectful manner at all times.
  • Helping guests with some household chores can be a good way to thank them for their generosity without involving money.

Hospitality networks

Yet another way to sleep for free in people's homes. There are global networks of couchsurfers. Some offer their sofa, a bedroom, a mattress for the moment of one or two nights. Others are looking for them.

  • BeWelcome Logo indicating a link to the website – Association offering a completely free internet service for connecting people around the world for people interested in exchanging hospitality.
  • Couchsurfing Logo indicating a link to the website – Internet community of over 70,000 subscribers in over 150 countries.
  • Hospitality Club Logo indicating a link to the website – Similar community, very large global network.

Wild camping

Wild camping is a free way to find accommodation, but beware: it is not allowed everywhere. Be sure to learn about the regulations of each city before attempting this alternative.

  • Disadvantages: lack of sanitary facilities such as toilets, showers, running water, etc.
  • That for one night, we do not settle down. We pitch our tent, we sleep, and we leave the next morning.
  • It is important to do this discreetly.
  • Always pick up your waste. Do not leave unpleasant memories of your passage.


Camping is an inexpensive way to find accommodation and has the advantage of being very easy to find in most places, particularly in Europe.

  • From 2 people, savings are easy to achieve.
  • No real danger of theft. You can leave your belongings (no valuables, however ...) in the tent during the day. very few cases of theft.
  • They are found almost everywhere on the planet and in considerable quantities.
  • Take the minimum: no electricity, running water.
  • Showers are sometimes tokens. That is to say that you insert a part previously purchased at the reception in a box near the shower, which gives you a limited time of hot water (and sometimes water at all!).
    • Undress before entering the room.
    • Prepare bottles of shampoo, soaps, razors, and others so that they are ready for use.
    • When the hot water begins to flow, place the open containers that you have in your possession at the bottom of the shower (gourds, bowl, water bottle, etc.). They will fill up as you wash and provide a small reserve of hot water if you run out of time ... to remove soap, shampoo, etc.
    • It is possible to wash, shave, and while 03 min, it's doable. Practice at home!
  • Some campsites are located in the city, as is the case in Strasbourg. Very useful.
  • Search municipal campsites. They are often very inexpensive.

Youth hostel

Good alternative for those who do not want to carry camping equipment or who do not like to do it.

  • Prices are variable, but generally affordable.
  • Being a member of the Hostelling International Network membership card allows you to save on overnight stays and on certain attractions and transport (museums, restaurants, trains, buses, etc.).
  • Allows great encounters between travelers.
  • There are some in most cities.
  • During peak periods, it is recommended to make a reservation before arriving in a popular city.
  • Some hostels require travelers to have their own blanket and pillow. Inquire in advance.
  • Combining a campsite and a youth hostel is an economical and practical choice.

Sleep in unconventional places


Transport is, along with accommodation, the main source of expenditure for travelers. There are, however, several ways to save.


Hitchhiking is a free and enjoyable way to travel within a given territory. It allows you to meet several locals and often results in an enriching exchange, and sometimes an invitation to sleep, eat. In a few countries, some drivers will ask for money, but most of the time transport is free.

See as well: Tips for hitchhiking and Hitchhiking in Europe

Interesting sites on this subject:


the carpooling is an economical and safe way to travel a country. In addition, it is a good gesture for the environment.

  • By sharing the toll and gasoline costs, the price is usually much cheaper than with the train or bus.
  • Disadvantage: The rigidity of schedules.
  • Great way, like hitchhiking, to meet nice people!

Several carpooling sites exist:

Some interesting sites on this subject


See as well: Traveling by coach in Europe


See as well: Traveling by train in Europe


See as well: Low cost airlines in Europe

Interesting organizations and programs

Another way to travel inexpensively is to go and work abroad. Not only is it a very enriching experience, but it also makes it possible to discover a new culture, to learn a foreign language, to give oneself new work experiences, to forge links due to the relative stability in a place.

Several programs aimed at facilitating access to work abroad exist.

section under construction ...

Books and Guides

Many like to bring travel guides to the place they are visiting. These guides provide a ton of practical information and addresses to remember. There are also books of an informative nature relating to the journey. We read them before departure and most of the time we leave them at home. Unfortunately, very few are published in French ...

Some of these books focus particularly on budget travel. Here are a few:

  • Europe we have shoestring (Lonely Planet)
  • The backpacker's Handbook
  • Travelers, by Alexandre Kauffmann
  • Cheap travel in Europe by J. Georges

Otherwise, several other books may be of use to the budget traveler:

  • Rough guide to Europe
  • Collection: Let's go! (Dakota)
  • Collection: Travel guides (Lonely Planet)
  • Collection: Country Guides (Petit Futé)
  • Collection: Géoguide (Gallimard)
  • Collection: Guide du routard (Hachette)
  • Collection: Guides Évasion (Hachette)
  • Collection: Practical travel (Michelin)
  • Collection: Travel guides (Ulysses)

Destinations for traveling on a budget

Here is an infographic that gives you an idea of ​​the destinations to favor in order to travel as cheaply as possible and, conversely, the destinations to be excluded a priori.

Most expensive and cheapest destinations to travel (source: Globe-Trotting.com)

See as well

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