Travelers with disabilities - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Voyageurs avec handicap — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This page is intended to collect information and advice regarding travel for People with Disabilities.

A disabled traveler is above all a traveler like any other. This means that, because he is disabled and therefore may need help, anyone would be entitled to make decisions for him, without his advice or consent.

It is not always easy to communicate because some people are mute or deaf or blind, others understand but have great difficulty in orienting their muscles or express themselves with difficulty.

But the first sign of respect is that whatever the handicap, never forget that a handicapped person is above all a person like the others, with his strengths and his weaknesses and that he therefore has as much right to freedom. choice than any other traveler.

Blind and visually impaired

Model of the monastery ofIrsee with explanation in braille.

Blind or visually impaired travelers need a cane, a guide dog or an accompanying person to be able to find their way in space.

In all cases - with a few rare exceptions - this cane, guide dog or accompanying dog is therefore inseparable from the traveler.

Guide dog

The guide dog has a special status compared to a normal companion dog which gives him much the same rights as a human being.

Moreover, all guide dogs are not alike: they are more or less large, more or less playful, more or less vigorous ... However, above all, they are all essential official companions.

The deaf and hard of hearing

It is the least obvious handicap at first glance and therefore the most hurtful. Nothing differentiates a deaf person from a hearing person and yet they cannot be confused.

If the deaf person has no particular problem of accessibility or in his movements, it is necessary to always remember that he will not be able to hear emergency sirens, audible warnings, the sound of a door closing on she or a danger that is coming ... For a deaf person, the world is only silence or murmur.

To communicate, some people manage to lip read, as long as they are spoken to slowly. But others don't and use different techniques. So always be sure to ask which technique the person prefers before helping.


Road Pannel Italian reserved parking for people with disabilities.

The handicap of reduced mobility can have several forms or several degrees. Some people have difficulty walking because of deformities, others with a cane and still others are in an electric or manual wheelchair ... Some suffer from degenerative disease while others have a permanent handicap. There are thus a multitude of different cases which require different assistance.

Again, each person has different needs that only they know.

Pictograms used on this site

The colors used comply with international standards.

  • Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility Red = no access for people with reduced mobility.
  • Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Orange = access limited to people with reduced mobility or access with assistance.
  • Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Green = access for people with reduced mobility.
  • Access for people with reduced mobility unknown Gray = access to people with reduced mobility unknown.

General informations

There are a few completely free sites that provide a lot of useful information for people with disabilities.

  • Wheelchair - Handiplus Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link – Site based in Switzerland of general information for people with reduced mobility (travel, rights, health, sexuality, arts and media, films, humor, leisure, blogs, news about disability, parenthood ... But also safety and accidents in moto) with links to the world or other disabilities. It is nothing less than the largest database in the world on this field and what is more, completely free.
  • Handilien Logo indicating a link to the website – Site based in Belgium with useful links maintained by a person with a disability.
  • Tourist-services Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 31 rue du Pont Neuf 75001 paris, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 1 42333869, 33 6 43515717 (cellphone), e-mail : Logo indicating timetables 10 a.m. 18 h. – Site based in France for travel information on the Île de France region for people with reduced mobility and all other types of disabilities (with links to service providers adapted to people with disabilities. This site is mainly a link to a receptive travel agency which aims to promote access to cultural and tourist life for people with disabilities.It provides daily services that are often free to all but above all offers adapted equipment such as electric scooters Pmr. It also offers guides, and can organize tailor-made stays in Paris and the Ile de France.
Logo representing 1 star half gold and gray and 2 gray stars
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