Yulin (Shaanxi) - Yulin (Shaanxi)

Yulin (榆林; Yúlín) is a city in Shaanxi Province.


Yulin was a garrison town along the Great Wall of China. The town now survives on the extraction of oil found locally.

Get in

By plane

There is daily flight connection to Beijing, Xi'an, and a new Airport has been in place since 2007 which is around 17KM to city center. You can take shuttle bus (25 RMB) or Taxi (40RMB ) to go to city center.

By train

Direct train is connecting to Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai and surrounding cities now.

By bus

Location - corner of Yuyangzhong Road and Xinjian South Road.

  • Shenmu - takes about 3 hours
  • Xi'an - takes about 8 hours
  • Yan'an - takes about 4 hours
  • Yinchuan - takes about 8 hours

Get around


  • 1 Hongshi Gorge (红石峡; Hóngshíxiá; lit. Red Stone Gorge), Beiyuemiao Village, Yuyang Town, Yuyang District (榆阳区榆阳镇北岳庙村) (500m before Zhenbeitai; take bus no. 3 and get off at either Zhenbeitai or the Hongshi Reservoir - you can catch the bus from Changcheng North Road, near the Yulin North Bus Station), 86 912 3531177. 07:00-19:00. Houses 44 cave dwellings, lush garden-like atmosphere, pagodas and massive inscriptions on the cliffsides. ¥30.
  • 2 Zhenbei Platform (镇北台; Zhènběitái; lit. Suppress The North Platform), Xibao Highway, Yuyang District (榆阳区西包公路) (7km north of town; take either bus no. 3 or bus no. 5), 86 912 3821359. 07:30-19:30. One of the largest guard towers on the Ming Great Wall. ¥30.
  • 3 North Shaanxi History and Culture Museum (陕北历史文化博物馆, 陕北历史文化博物馆), Ground floor, Run Run Shaw Science & Technology Building, Yulin University, 4 Chongwen Road, Yuyang District (榆阳区崇文路4号 榆林学院校内逸夫科技楼一楼) (bus nos. 2 and 13), 86 912 3891138, 86 912 3891611, 86 912 3891361. 08:30-11:30, 14:30-17:30, closed on weekends. Free.
  • Yulin Old Town (榆林古城), Yuyang District (榆阳区). Well preserved with all the old hutongs and courtyards still preserved. Fragrant Cloud Temple (Xiangyun Si) and Bring Gladness Temple (Daixing Si) are hidden in among the hutongs, like jewels among the flowers.
    • 4 Daixing Temple (戴兴寺), 19 Jiefang Shang Lane (解放上巷19号) (take bus no. 4 and get off at the Hemorrhoids and Fistula Hospital (痔瘘医院); the temple is near the Yulin No. 10 High School).
    • 5 Kaige Tower (凯歌楼), 3 Wayagao Lane (瓦窑沟巷3号) (200 meters south of the Yulin Drum Tower; on Beida Street (北大街)), 86 912 3285588.
    • 6 Lingxiao Pagoda (凌霄塔), Shangjun North Road (上郡北路) (opposite Yulin Yangguang Hospital, south of Zhenyuan Gate).
    • 7 Wenchang Pavilion (文昌阁), 216 Nanda Street (南大街216号) (take bus no. 4, 9 or 19 and get off at Yuyang East Road; the Pavilion is just north of Zhenyuan Gate).
    • 8 Wuliang Temple (无量寺), Intersection of Taoyuan Road and Tuofeng North Road (桃源路与驼峰北路交叉口) (bus no. 6 stops just outside the temple).
    • 9 Xiangyun Temple (香云寺) (take bus no. 4 and get off at the city transport administration office (市运管处) on Tuofeng South Road - the temple is about 260 meters northwest of the bus stop).
    • 10 Xinming Tower (新明楼, Xingming Tower 星明楼), Nanda Street (南大街), 86 912 3252210.
    • 11 Yulin Drum Tower (榆林鼓楼), 35 Renmin Road East (人民东路35号) (take bus no. 1, 2, 4, 10, 15 or 16 and get off near the intersection of Renmin East Road and Xinjian North Road), 86 912 3260495. 07:00-23:00.







  • Puhui Hotel (Puhui Binguan), Xinjian North Road, 86 912 3260605.
  • Xiangrui Hotel (Xiangrui Zhaodaisuo), Caolarouzhong Lane.
  • Yingbin Hostel (Yingbin Lushe), 123 Diyi Road, 86 912 3282635.


  • Ruixiang Hotel (Ruixiang Binguan), Sifangtai Lane, 86 912 3254366.
  • Yuylu Hotel (Yuylu Binguan), Shanglang North Road.


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