Zuheros - Zuheros

Zuheros is in the province of Cordoba, in the region of Cordoba subbetic.


Zuheros is a small village at the foot of a mountain, which marks the northwestern limit of the Sierras Subbéticas natural park.

To get

You have to do it by car, through the regional road A-318. The easiest thing is to go from Cordova along the N-432 in the direction of Priego de Córdoba and swerve right after Baena; or by the N-331 in the direction of Lucena and deviate at the height of Goat.


It is a small town, so it does not have much to see apart from its typical white and narrow Andalusian streets. It is very quiet and you can walk there without any frights, in addition to enjoying the views, since it is located at the top of a rock and has several viewpoints from which you can admire the views.


  • The Castle, which although it is in ruins, is on a high site, giving it a very evocative appearance.
  • The viewpoints, from which to admire the views.
  • The Cave of the Bats, which must be accessed by car, as it is located somewhat outside the town. It is a very deep cave with interesting geological formations and in which archaeological remains of other previous cultures, such as the Roman one, have been found.
  • The Church of the Remedies.
  • The archeological Museum.


The best thing to do, in addition to seeing the previous points of interest, is to walk around and enjoy the tranquility and views of this small town. You can also go hiking entering the Park, but the best thing is to do it after being properly informed.

To buy

To eat

To drink






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