Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park - Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas

The Sierras Subbéticas natural park It's in Andalusia, Spain. In 2006 it was recognized by UNESCO as geopark and included in the European network of geoparks.


The park is part of the calls Betic mountain ranges, named for being in the river area Guadalquivir, called by the Romans Betis. Further south of the Subbetic mountain range, which runs through the provinces of Jaen, Cordova, Seville, Cadiz, Malaga Y grenade, is the Penibetic mountain range. Some mountains that are part of this mountain range are: Subbetic Mountains of Córdoba, Sierra Sur of Seville, Sierra Sur de Jaén, Sierra de Grazalema, etc.


The area was very important in development both in Roman and Andalusian times, where there were important urban centers such as Egabro (Goat) or Medina Bahiga (Priego de Córdoba).


Flora and fauna

There are 1200 cataloged species of flora, of which about 30 are endemic.

Among the animals, the most characteristic are the birds of prey, of which the peregrine falcon is its symbol.


To get

To get there, the most common thing is to do it by car, along the N-331 highway until you take the detour to Goat or Lucena, or the N-321 to Priego de Córdoba.

Toll / Permits

Take a walk


  • The Cave of the Bats of Zuheros.
  • The hermitage of the Virgen de la Sierra, in Goat.


To buy

To eat

A well-known place to stop and eat is the For sale Los Pelaos, with a good quality / price ratio and specialty in country food. It is located at the foot of the Virgen de la Sierra.

To drink





Where to go next?

The surrounding villages are very beautiful, typically Andalusian:

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