Southeast Brazil - Zuidoost-Brazilië

Southeast Brazil is a region in Brazil.


The southeast of Brazil includes 4 states:


  • Belo Horizonte - The capital of Minas Gerais.
  • Niterói - A suburb of Rio de Janeiro, across Guanabara Bay.
  • Ouro Preto - Known as the most beautiful city in Brazil, the colonial city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Rio de Janeiro - The capital of the state of the same name, world famous for its carnival.
  • Sao Paulo - The capital of the state of the same name, here the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Brazil is held.
  • Santos - The largest port city in South America located in the state of São Paulo.
  • Vitoria - The capital of Espirito Santo, known for its beautiful bay, beaches and nightlife.

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