Şahinefendi - Şahinefendi

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Şahinefendi is a village in Cappadocia and known for the excavations of the Roman city of Sebastos.


Mosaic with grave robbery damage in Sebastos

There is little to see in the city of Şahinefendi except a frescoed church. But one follows from Urgup Coming on the street that branches off to the left at the entrance to the village, you will be led directly to the excavation site of Sebastos. On this city from 4 and 5 years. one became aware of illegal excavations in 2002 and acted immediately. The area was cordoned off, secured by a security service and the excavation work started, which continues to this day.

getting there

If you drive from Urgup to Soğanlı so you will reach Şahinefendi after approx. 20 km.


Tourist Attractions

Byzantine Church in Sebastos

The main attraction is of course Sebastos. But since this is relatively off the normal travel route, visitors rarely get lost. The city from the 4th century. up to 5th year can of course not with Ephesus or zeugma keep up, but a visit is already worthwhile after 7 years of excavation work:

  • Roman bath. This bath, built in the classic Roman style, shows various chambers for heating the water and, of course, bath rooms decorated with mosaics.
  • Byzantine churches. So far, two of you have been spotted. One is built on the mosaic floor of a large ancient Roman building. The original mosaic can also be found here, which was damaged by grave robbers. The second can be found at the end of the site.
  • Grave complexes. There are rich graves between the two churches. You can see, among other things, a bishop's grave and a children's grave. There were also indications of an epidemic that led to the abandonment of the city. The last graves were always filled with several corpses.







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