Wales - Ουαλία

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Fast Data
Capital cityCardiff
StateReigning Parliamentary Democracy
CoinPound Sterling (GBP)
Area20,779 km2
Population3,063,456 (2011 Census)
LanguageWelsh, English
ReligionChristians (mainly Presbyterians) 72%
Calling Code 44
Time zoneGMT (UTC 0)

THE Wales (Welsh: Cymru, Prof. Camry, English: Wales, Prof. Wales) is one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom.

At a glance

THE Wales (Welsh is a country rich in history and natural beauty. It also has a living Celtic culture very different from that of the rest of the UK. Wales is an ideal destination for travelers due to its beautiful nature, including the mountains and shores of its three different national parks, its rich history, and its large number of imposing castles.

Occupying the area of ​​a mountainous western peninsula of its island Great Britain, Wales is bordered on the east by England, while Republic of Ireland is located west of it, across the Irish Sea. Just two hours from London, but with a population of less than a third of that city, entering Wales via its eastern border is almost equivalent to entering another country.

Appropriate visit period


The languages ​​spoken in Wales are Welsh and English. Note, however, that in some areas, far from the big cities (mainly in the Rh Ρne Valley), older Welsh have always refused to speak English, preferring to speak only their mother tongue. But there are also children learning the Welsh language.


Wales is divided into three geographical areas:

Areas of Wales
North Wales
A number of tourist resorts are located along the coast, although this is mainly a rural area with the highest mountain peaks in the UK after those of Scotland, North.
Central Wales
A sparsely populated area consisting of mountains, plains, forests, wide river valleys and shores facing the Irish Sea.
South Wales
The South is by far the most urbanized area. Two thirds of the national population live in this area, and more specifically in its eastern part. Its western part, most often referred to as West Wales, is rural and includes several beautiful coastlines.

Important cities

Wales includes a number of picturesque cities. The following are some of the most important.

  Cardiff. - The largest city in the country and capital of Wales, while it is also the biggest tourist attraction in the United Kingdom.

  Aberistwith. - Seaside town with a large student population.

  Bangor. - Picturesque university city.

  Kaernarfon. - The site of Caernarfon Castle, one of the largest and most well-preserved castles in Wales.

  Convi. - Medieval, walled city with an impressive castle and picturesque shops.

  Hey-on-vi. - The "book capital" in the United Kingdom, home of the annual literature festival.

  Lantudno. - The largest seaside resort in Wales.

  Swansea. Wales's largest seaside town and second most populous urban area, and at the same time a gateway to Gower.

  Tenby. - A walled medieval town and an elegant seaside resort.

  Rexam. - The largest city in North Wales.

Additional tourist destinations

  Snowdonia National Park.


  Brecon Bicons National Park.

  Gower Peninsula.

  Lane Peninsula.

  Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.

How to get there

By air

By train

By road

By boat

How to move

What to see


Transactions and purchases


Local cuisine

Local drinks

Tourist infrastructure

Campsites for young people without special financial opportunities are minimal. You have to calculate at 15 € for two people and a tent in a medium-sized campsite. The hotels are very expensive and most of the time poorly maintained.

It is almost certain that you will find somewhere a pub open at night, even in the countryside.


Job opportunities

Stay safe

In each case emergency call it 999 or the 112 and call an Ambulance, Fire Department, Police or Coast Guard when you are connected. For non-police emergencies, call 101 to contact your nearest police station anywhere in Wales.

Health and precautions

Respect local customs

  • Sheep and horses in freedom.
  • The cleanliness of cities and villages.
  • Never call a Welshman "English".


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