Russian cuisine - 俄羅斯美食

Delicious Russian cuisine

due toRussiaExperiencedRussian EmpireAnd beforeSoviet UnionCountry, the land area is the largest country in the world, and has a long history; it has rich traditional cooking, but also has the cuisine of neighboring countries, such asNordic cuisineMiddle Eastern cuisine,as well asChinese delicacyExchange of dishes.

Not only that, but alsoBaltic StatesBelarusCentral AsiaEtc. especiallyUkraineGastronomy has a lot in common with Russian cuisine. Because these are all in the pastSoviet UnionMost of the dishes left over originated from a part of the former Soviet Union, and have spread throughout the country.


  • bread (Хлеб): It is the staple food of Russian cuisine. It plays one of the staple foods of almost all surrounding dishes. The baking source of bread can be wheat, rye, or barley.
  • Piroski (Пирожки): It is a pie, which can be stuffed with meat, cheese, fish, cabbage or some sweet stuffing. Piroski inStreet foodIt is also very popular.
  • Russian dumplings (Пельмени): Unfermented dough made from flour, eggs and water; the filling is raw meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables. Cook in water or soup, or fry until golden brown. Sometimes eaten with soup.
  • Borscht (Борщ): Most of the sugar beet is used as the main ingredient. Potatoes, carrots, spinach, beef cubes, and cream are often added and boiled, so it is purple-red. In some places, tomatoes are used as the main ingredient and sugar beets are used as an auxiliary ingredient. There are also orange borscht and green borscht with no beets and ketchup.
  • Cabbage soup (Щи): The main ingredients are cabbage, meat, mushrooms, flour, spices (onion and garlic), etc. The meat and the vegetables are cooked separately (the meat can also be omitted), and Smetana sour cream is added before serving.
  • Bollinger (Блины): Russian pancakes, more commonly added with Smetana sour cream, caviar or jam.
  • Although the so-calledcaviarRoughly it can be made from any fish eggs, but the real caviar is wild sturgeon from the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, which is one of the most expensive foods in the world.


Kvass made from fermented black bread
  • Tea(Чай): It is a daily drink. Is based on tea and water traditionSamovar(Самовар) is heated.
  • Vodka(Водка): It is a typical Russian alcoholic beverage and has a long history with beer and wine. It has become more and more popular in the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Vodka inCaucasusThe region has a thousand-year history of winemaking.
  • Kvass (Квас): A low-alcoholic beverage made from fermented black bread. In summer, there are many roadside vendors selling ice kvass.
  • lemonade (Лимонад): Non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Mead (Медовуха): As long as the history of making kvass, it can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Russian mead is divided into low-degree and high-degree; low-degree mead is usually packed in plastic bottles, and it tastes like fruit beer brewed with honey. Although the degree is not high, the taste is suitable for all ages, but the stamina is great; the height of mead is generally about 40 degrees, and when it is packed in a glass bottle, the entrance is not so soft.
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