Business travel - 商务旅行

Traveling for fun is a fairly new concept: From the beginning of travel until today, most people who go abroad go abroad because they have to do things that are necessary like business.

Work that requires frequent travel

SalesmanIt is one of the typical high-level travel business, so much so as to become a clichéd "travel salesman". ConsultantIt can also represent one of the advanced travel, but it belongs to a smaller degree, because the consultant may sometimes last for a few weeks or months, and it will easily evolve into a long commute. Generally speaking, even if it is a very professional job, even if it faces fewer customers, being able to stay overseas for a long time (or when there is no other choice) will often represent some kind of advanced travel.

Aviation industryIt also provides good travel opportunities. In addition to the obvious pilots and cabin crew, maintenance personnel, sales and marketing personnel may also need to be extensively on the flight; even employees who work to take cases may need to frequently take free planes or use very cheap available space seats.

Education, Which includes research, learning and teaching, and also provides international travel. Seeoverseas study


Traveling to exotic places, staying in high-quality restaurants, or even flying in business class may sound like a great vacation paid in full. This is not the case: business trips often end up withTroublesomeandPressure at workExisting, you will often work in a very unfamiliar environment, and you will not be able to see your colleagues for a long time, and you will not even be able to solicit opinions from your colleagues. There are actually very few people who want to control their time plan. To some extent, you may experience adverse effects caused by:

  • relation. During the journey, you may not be able to see your family or relatives.
  • healthy. It may be difficult to exercise and eat delicious food, and even physical diseases are often at higher risk.
  • pressure. Imagine that you are leaving this unsuccessful working day and plan to leave. Then you arrive at the airport and realize that your flight has been cancelled. What would you think?
  • cost. If you are an independent contractor and pay all your expenses, then the cost of travel is very expensive. You may need to find a low-cost airline and compare the cost of other airlines, and even the cost of accommodation and overseas living should also be considered. .

If there is an advanced travel job, please consider carefully. If you are young and single, this can be an interesting experience; but after a long time, you may also be very bored.


Of course, business travel also has its advantages.

  • No need to spend your money. If it is a company, it will help you pay for all overseas expenses, whether it is air tickets, restaurants, taxis, meals, stress relief activities, departure tax, etc.; in fact, it is the company, not you, that really has the headache. But please note that if the company asks you to write a report on the expenses that you spent on that day every day or every time you are overseas, then you should really exercise restraint; Surgery on monthly salary.
  • All necessary fees have been paid for you. Some companies will provide a "daily allowance". You can get a fixed amount of the day according to your working destination. This will depend on how you want to make good use of the allowance. If you are a frugal traveler, you can actually use the remaining amount spent on the day as a good bonus. (However, if the company only provides you with money for food and accommodation, then you will not get a certain amount of petty cash.)
  • Frequent Flyer Miles. The company will help you pay for your ticket, but sometimes it will control your mileage. After you have been sitting on an airplane for a long period of time, you will feel very bored and not attracted, but you can also try to choose a better mileage by yourself in exchange for the time you come back to see your relatives, friends and family.
  • New challenges, new experiences. Business travel is still a travel. You will meet all kinds of people, new things and new experiences. This is a great experience and will change your original thoughts.


Before traveling

  • Find a reputable travel agency. Although you can get cheap tickets and apply for online booking, it is possible that your flight will be cancelled or no tickets are available. At this time, you need to rush to find a reputable travel agency to make an appointment, and they may be able to help It's you.
  • Learn to master time. You must be at the airport three hours in advance of the scheduled ticket time. But it may be a critical juncture to get to the airport within 45 minutes; however, this is very dangerous, you may let yourself miss the flight, there is no waiting for the plane to take off.
  • Pack your luggage (bag). Prepare a carry-on luggage (bag); and plan the daily necessities you need when you are overseas. It is also necessary to make a good storage method so that when living outside, you can quickly and easily find the daily necessities you need. If you are frequent short-term business trips, then it is most important to consider what to bring.
  • Plan, plan, replan. You may know how much your flight time is — but you may be able to think more about the distance between accommodation and ride; if you pay by credit card, you can get more discounts again. Be familiar with the planned places you frequently visit, and work out how to maximize your benefits.FlyerTalkThe website is very useful for solving intractable diseases and finding new promotions.


  • language learning. If you are willing to spend some time to learn the local language, even if you only speak a few words, you can communicate with the local people, and you will not encounter too many difficulties in living there in the future.
  • Exercise. Most business-level hotels will have gym facilities; of course, the hotel counter staff will be happy to provide you with nearby jogging routes.
  • Out of the hotel. You can't always stay in a hotel room and be an otaku (female) all your life, right? ! Although you are overseas, you might as well take this opportunity to go out and see the outside world more. You can ask the locals which attractions are worth visiting here (orLook at the destination entry on Wikivoyage!), what are the recommended restaurants and bars to go to.
  • Make local friends. The Internet is full of friends-finding and online dating services. Many people will be happy to receive a tourist from a foreign country to visit local attractions, even if they only stay in the city for a day or two. As long as you want, the locals will beckon enthusiastically at any time.
  • Have a great weekend. If your working hours start on Monday or end on Friday, you can go sightseeing on weekends. At that time, you have to use this time to relax yourself, and you will even see beautiful people, things and things that you did not expect. If you want to stay in the local area for more than a week, most companies will usually pay for your accommodation and meals, so you have to keep your grip on weekends.

stay safe

Most business travelers often visit the citiesLagosBogotaorJakartaWaiting for a place, there is also a place where law and order is not too good. WikivoyageArrive in a new cityandSafety PrecautionsThe entry is worthy of your reference. This information is very important for business travel: a casually dressed backpacker is unlikely to be noticed because they don’t carry much belongings; but one wears a formal suit and carries People with laptops, or with high-end smartphones, necklaces, jewelry, and platinum credit cards, oftenBe prey in the eyes of local robbers. Please consider the following precautions:

  • Schedule your transportation in advance. The pick-up and drop-off service from the airport and restaurant is safe and can be used frequently. It is recommended to use hotel or local partner transportation.
  • Choose your welcome service carefully. Whether you are on the road or in front of a restaurant or airport, you will sometimes be asked by a driver if you want to take a ride; although it is a good choice, when traveling to other places, especially the first time you will be cheated unknowingly , So be more cautious to ask the staff in your hotel. You can also ask the airport staff when you arrive at the airport so that you will be less likely to be deceived.
  • Personal safety — In other words, guards — are rarely necessary, and may be just to get you out of unnecessary trouble.
  • Appropriately dressedIf you have an important meeting, it’s important to wear formal clothes. But if you are walking out alone, jewellery, expensive watches and protruding pockets are best avoided. Wearing ordinary and inconspicuous clothing outside, even if you are not a local, at least you will look like an ordinary civilian; you will not attract the attention of thieves.
  • Avoid using company logos. The kidnappers usually target the staff of large companies and often demand high ransoms from the company or their family members.
  • Optimistic about your things. If you fail to take care of your laptops and purses, you are often targeted by robbers. Whether you are taking a taxi or walking on the road, always pay attention to your own property.
  • Take care of your credit card. Credit cards are also targeted by local thieves. To pay when traveling locally, please use a low-end credit card.
  • Back up all data. Before you leave. Please make a backup on your laptop, tablet, mobile phone and other electronic products. Buying a mobile hard drive for backup is often much easier than dealing with lost data.

stay healthy

Please make sure what you are insuredHealth insurance, Whether it is included in travel-related illness insurance, because in this way you can use medical services in other countries.


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