Safety matters - 安全事项

A group of passengers with lifejackets aboard Kungsholm, undergoing life boat drill (5075032922).jpg
Flight attendants performing a pre-flight safety demonstration on an Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet.jpg

There are many ways you can take to ensure your safety while traveling. Wikivoyage’s area entry has a section specifically describing the safety of the area. This article only introduces safety recommendations that are suitable for most areas.

Before departure

To be safe, it’s best not to rush at night

Before you go, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Official travel warning: Check whether the government's foreign affairs department has issued a travel warning about your upcoming area. It is worth mentioning that,U.S. State DepartmentwithBritish Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeThe travel warning of is very good, and it is also of considerable reference value for non-US or British citizens.
  • Weather conditions: Confirm the weather conditions of the destination, and it is best to go there in the season when the weather is mainly fine. Also pay attention to extreme weather, such as typhoons in the coastal areas of East Asia during spring or summer, and tornadoes in the central United States. If the climate of your travel destination is very different from the area where you usually live, be sure to prepare in advance.
  • War zone: Generally speaking, war-torn areas are not suitable for sightseeing. If your destination is war-torn areas, then please be sure to carefully consider the possible dangers and corresponding countermeasures. Since tourists are usually unorganized and unsupported in those areas, they are easily targeted by the local armed forces.
  • Time of arrival: When going to a place you are not familiar with, it is best to arrive during the day and try not to rush at night. Of course, if you are on a long-distance trip and can sleep overnight in transportation, then there is no problem.
  • Travel documents: Be sure to check whether all travel documents are prepared. Common travel documents arepassportwithvisa. You may also need other documents and permits, such as passes for sensitive areas, driver’s licenses, and interview permits.
  • Local laws and regulations: Please pay attention to and abide by the laws and regulations of the destination. The laws of different countries and regions are different. Things that seem common in your usual place of residence are likely to be illegal in another place, such as clothing, tobacco, alcohol, and psychotropic drugs. Regulations and self-protection provisions may vary from place to place, and political regulations in different countries may be even more varied.
  • Local customs: As a tourist, you need to follow the customs and respect local customs and habits. Insulting the beliefs of local people can lead to serious consequences. In addition, different societies have different ethics in terms of physical contact, table manners, oral and body language. It is worth mentioning that people in different places have different time concepts.
  • Medical and insurance: Understand the medical conditions of the destination and suitable travel insurance. If you are taking medicine, you need to find out whether these medicines are allowed to be carried, whether a doctor’s certificate is required and how to store these medicines. It is strongly recommended that the medicines be packed in the original packaging. If you need to seek medical treatment locally, please pay attention to the price of medical expenses and whether the insurance can reimburse these expenses. Please bring the insurance policy when you receive treatment. If you are carrying valuables, please be aware of whether the travel insurance will cover the stolen or lost items. If you plan to carry out some high-risk activities, please pay attention to the insurance exemption clause. Some insurance products will not compensate for personal injury and property damage caused by such activities.
  • Immigration inspection: Please pay special attention to whether there are any unusual immigration-related policies that will affect you. For example, if you plan a special itinerary, you may be listed as a suspect; some countries will not allow passengers with entry and exit records of certain countries on their passports; in addition, gender, religious beliefs and other identity backgrounds may also be tourists The reason for the scrutiny.
  • potential risks: Different countries have different levels of traffic safety and medical care. Some areas have poisonous animals and plants, and some places have more natural disasters. Please pay attention to such potential risks.
  • Pets, children, and people with specific needs: If you plan to travel with pets, children, and anyone with specific needs, make sure that the destination can meet their needs in terms of food, barrier-free facilities, public transportation, and accommodation. In addition, you also need to prepare corresponding certificates, such as the child's custody certificate and pet vaccination records.

When traveling

careful !

There is almost no place in the world that is completely safe, including your home. Nevertheless, learning some safety knowledge can reduce the risk.


  • Don't help others to get things -Don't let your things leave your sight, especially when crossing national borders. Your belongings may be placed illegally, such as drugs. Unless you trust that person very much, don't help someone take things (maybe his backpack or suitcase). You may become a drug smuggler invisibly. Some people will ask you to take care of him or carry his things across the border. In fact, they may all be drug smugglers. They have hidden drugs in things that you are asked to take care of or carry. In most countries, drug smuggling can be sentenced to more than 10 years in prison or even death.


  • There may be a fire where you live. So you have to understand where the escape route is. You also need to know whether the escape route meets the available status.
  • Before going to bed, check if the door is locked and the windows are locked.

Travel around

The safest means of transportation depends on the country.

When on the bus/train:

  • Sit near the driver/conductor/security guard.
  • Make sure you know where your luggage is stored.

When in a taxi:

  • Take a licensed taxi. Do not ride in unlicensed cars.
  • Make sure the driver has turned on the taximeter (if available).
  • If you are alone, sit behind the driver. It will be harder for the driver to hurt you.

When you drive:

  • Don't drink and drive.
  • Observe local laws.
  • Make sure the door is locked. The gangster may rob while you are parking.
  • Don't let others see valuable items.
  • Check for suspicious persons in and around the car before getting in the car.

When you walk:

  • Take the map with you.
  • Observe the expressions of other tourists. If other tourists seem unhappy, you may need to reconsider whether to continue visiting the local area.
  • Stay vigilant.

go sightseeing

Sightseeing in certain areas may be risky, and you need to stay alert.

  • More remote areas may attract you to visit, but when you are in danger, only a few people will see and help you.
  • Don't ignore the threat of nature, not all areas will have warning signs to warn you of danger.
  • Try to avoid visiting remote areas.


You need money to buy things. Property will make you a target for bandits. You can take some measures to avoid loss:

  • Think about whether you will be the target of bandits. Don't carry too much money and valuables.
  • Have more than one credit card. Spread the money and collect it in several wallets. Even if one wallet is missing, you still have another wallet.
  • Beware of pickpockets.


  • Before you arrive, find out whether the water there is safe to drink. If the local water is not suitable for drinking:
    • Drink bottled water or boil it for more than 15 minutes. You can also use reliable filters and UV sterilizers.
    • Use bottled water to brush your teeth.
  • Wash your hands with water and soap before eating food. If water and soap are not available, you can also use hand sanitizer.
  • Make sure that the food is fully cooked.
  • Do not eat plants and fungi collected in the wild at will. They may be toxic.


  • Avoid walking alone at night.
  • Try not to get drunk. At the same time try not to drink too much spirits
  • Avoid accepting drinks and meals from strangers. There may be anesthetics in the food.
  • Don't go to strangers' homes or other places.
  • Do not buy illegal drugs or other items.


  • Put the items in a reliable and safe place.
  • Consider locking your backpack or suitcase.
  • Put valuables in the safe (if any).


  • Make sure you are fit to travel.
  • Understand what diseases may exist at the destination.
  • See a doctor immediately when you feel unwell.


  • Let your family know your destination and travel plans.
  • Keep in touch with your family.
  • Keep a copy of your passport at home. You can also bring a copy of your passport and visa to avoid losing your passport without proof of legal entry.

Refer to

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