Travel health - 旅行健康

Health issues are related to all travel, especially tourists who want to go to rare attractions. Common sense of travel safety. Please consult your doctor beforehand and bring enough medicine with you.

Before departure

healthy lifestyle

Having a healthy lifestyle can keep your body healthy.


Vaccination is recommended eight weeks before your travel, especially in some tropical and underdeveloped areas. Discuss with your doctor what type of vaccine is needed.

Don't wait until the last minute to get the vaccine. Some vaccines will take some time to take effect.


If you have some special medical conditions, first discuss with your doctor whether you are suitable for travel. You may need some special measures when you travel.

If you need to use prescription drugs, make sure to bring them with you so that it is not too difficult to find them. If your travel days are more than the number of days of drug supply, it is recommended that you buy enough drugs.

Bring a copy of your prescription medication. You also need to know if your medicine is legal in the local area.

First aid kit

If you want to do some activities in remote areas, be sure to bring a fully equipped first aid kit.

travel insurance

Confirm whether the insurance company will be responsible for accidents that occur far away from the residence.

When traveling

Prevent injury

When you are in an airplane or car, you should wear a seat belt. Especially if you are sitting in the front seat of the car.

If you are riding a bicycle, you should wear a suitable helmet, which can avoid your head injury.

Watch out for diseases

Water pollution

Know whether the local water is safe to drink. If the local water is not drinkable, you can buy bottled water.

Food contamination

Contaminated food can cause you food poisoning. When you feel unwell after eating food, you should go to a nearby hospital for examination immediately.



Know what pests are in the local area. Some pests can infect deadly diseases.

The risks of swimming and diving

See:Water sports

Choose a suitable place for swimming or diving. Some places may not be suitable for this type of activity. You can ask local residents if the area is safe.

You should also pay attention to some places that are dangerousJellyfish. Jellyfish attack more frequently than sharks.

When you are sick or injured

See:Handle emergency situations during travel

You should consult a doctor when you are sick. If you are injured, you should treat the wound appropriately.

You also need to know the local emergency number.

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