Yakutia - 雅庫特

YakutiaRussian: Яку́тия, yah-KOO-tee-yuh), also known asSakha Republic,lie inRussian Far East, And it’s worth noting that it is the area passed by the largest subnational regulatory agency. Yakutia covers an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers, accounting for approximately 18% (18%) of the Russian Federation, and makes it aIndiaThe area has a considerable size, although there is a larger populationRhode IslandCome less. The capital of the Republic isYakutsk


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"Feeding the Fire" onYejakThe shaman sacrifices held during the festival, the domestic Saha festival celebration process during the summer solstice.

Yakutia or Saha are named because they are known local aboriginals, Yakut (Saha) people, and their relationship can be as far as involving Turkic (Turkish) people. Although most of the Sakhas are Orthodox Christians at least in name, they still have many remnants of their own.Tengri(A kind of sun worship, and shamanism) ancient religion. In other respects, the local Saha culture has experienced a good start of recovery recently.

Time zone

Yakutia covers threeTime zone: UTC 9, 10 and 11, and the capitalYakutskLocated within UTC 9.


The native language of Yakutia isYakut, This is one of the Turkic languages, butRussianIt is currently the most commonly used language, but Yakut is a language spoken by only about a quarter of the population.


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We can arrange several airlines to goYakutskNeryuginwithMirnetFixed flight.

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The route service of the Amur to Yakutsk train railway is in operation, passing byNeryuginAldanas well asTomotestation.YakutskThe station is under trial, but the station on the other side of the Lena River has just opened and currently does not accept passengers by train.

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This is a road covered with gravel, sometimes an asphalt road (near town). There are many lakes and rivers along the way; it is very exciting when conforming to the road. In 2006, the road has been selected as the "worst road in the world". It has been repaved, but after a long period of rain, the road is muddy.

Travel around

In summer, you can take a boat across the Lena River; in winter, you can drive directly through it.

Because the entire land of Yakutia is relatively vast, air travel is one of the main travel modes of transportation.

A popular option during the summer period is to take a river boat approach along the majestic Lena River, where both cruises and regular services are available fromYakutsk. The route provided between is a weekly hydrofoil service to and fromLensk(4,000 rubles, 32 hours). You can reach more remote destinations by ship, from the Arctic Village to Tiksi where the Lena River meets the Arctic Ocean, as well as 5-6 departure points in summer and a full five-day one-way journey, at a price of ~12,000 rubles. More information is available from Yakutsk River Port (tel: 7 4112 21-90-13). The season schedule is usually published in early May.

go sightseeing

Travel route

  • Kolyma Highway — For the ultimate taiga adventure in Russia, connectMagadanandYakutsk, And there are a lot of abandoned village attractions.





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