Republic of Dagestan - Δημοκρατία του Νταγκεστάν

The flag of the Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Dagestan is its federal subject Russian Federation. It borders with Agriculture and Azerbaijan and is located close to its neighboring republics Chechnya and her Ingushetia. The capital of the Republic of Dagestan is Makhachkala. The name Dagestan is of Turkish origin and means "land of the mountains". Dagestan's economy is mainly due to oil, carpets and livestock. The Dagestan region is home to various Muslim, Turkish, or Mongolian tribes and more than thirty local languages ​​are spoken. In these mountainous areas we find a panspermia of ethnicities: Avars, Dargins, Koumikos, Lezgins, Laks, Russians, Azeris, Tavasaranos and Chechens. The Turkish tribes of the region have managed to retain all their peculiarities. Since the year 2000, the situation in Dagestan has been unacceptable and dangerous, due to terrorist acts by naughty guerrillas against mainly senior officials. All this happened shortly after the end of her bloody war Chechnya.


The dominant language of Dagestan is Russian, which is also its official language Russia. But the Turkish-speaking Muslim population of Dagestan continues to retain the language of their ancestors. In total, more than thirty languages ​​are spoken in the Dagestan region, and communication is used to communicate with others. Russian.


Most Dagestanis are Muslim, mainly due to the strong presence of Muslim-Turkish tribes in the Dagestan region.

How to move

Trains from Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png By train

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PKW from closed 1048-10.svg By road

How to stay safe

Local cuisine

Local drinks