Russia - Ρωσία

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Russia on the globe (claims) (Russia centered) .svg
Fast Data
Capital cityMoscow
StateSemi-Presidential Federal Republic
CoinRuble (RUB)
Population146,270,033 (2015 estimate)
ReligionOrthodox, Muslims, Buddhists and so on.
Calling Code 7
Time zoneUTC from 2 to 12

THE Russia (Russian: Росси́я) is the largest country on the planet, with a total area of ​​17,075,400 km2. It occupies most of the East Of Europe and the whole of the North Asia. It borders many other countries such as Norway, τη Finland, the Estonia, τη Latvia, τη Lithuania, the Poland, τη Belarus, the Ukraine, τη Agriculture, the Azerbaijan, the Kazakhstan, τη Mongolia, the China and North Korea. The capital of Russia is Moscow.

At a glance

Appropriate visit period


The official language of the state is Russian.

Important areas

Central Russia (Moscow, Ivanovo region, Kaluga Region, Kostroma Region, Moscow region, Ryazan District, Smolensk region, Tver Region, Tula Region, Vladimir region, Yaroslavl Region)
Chernozemie (Belgorod Oblast, Bryansk region, Kursk region, Lipetsk Oblast, Oriol District, Tambov District, Voronezh region)
Northwestern Russia (Ομοσπ. City of Ag. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Karelia, Komi Republic, Leningrad Oblast, Murmansk region, Autonomous pocket of Nenetsia, Novgorod Oblast, Pskov region, Vologda District)
Kaliningrad region
Southern Russia (Republic of Antigua, Republic of Chechnya, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Krasnodar Krai, Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya, Rostov Oblast, Stavroupoli area, Crimea)
Volga region (Astrakhan region, Tsouvasia, Kirov District, Republic of Marie El, Republic of Mordovia, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Penza District, Samara region, Saratov Oblast, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Udmurt, Ulyanovsk Oblast, Volgograd region)
Urals Mountains (Bashkortostan (Baskiria), Chelyabinsk region, Autonomous pocket of Khanty-Mansia, Kurgan District, Orenburg Region, Cray Perm, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Tyumen Oblast, Yamalia)
Siberia (Altai Krai, Altai Republic, Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk Oblast, Kemerovo region, Republic of Hakasia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Tomsk region, Republic of Thebes, Hyperbaikalis end)
Russian Far East (Amur Region, Autonomous pocket Chukotka, Jewish Autonomous Region, Kamchatka Krai, Khabarovsk Krai, Magadan District, Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin Region, Yakutia)
- The Far East is Russia's largest and one of the most sparsely populated areas in the world

Important cities

Here is a representative sample of nine major Russian cities with their Greek and Cyrillic names:

  •   Moscow (Moscow). - The Russian capital gargantuan is one of the largest cities in the world with endless attractions to offer to its adventurous travelers.
  •   Saint Petersburg (St. Petersburg). - The cultural and former political capital of Russia and home of the Hermitage, one of the best museums in the world, while the city center is a living open museum in itself, making this city one of the top travel destinations. Undoubtedly the imperial capital of Europe and the former Russian Empire.
  •   Irkutsk (Irkutsk). Siberia 's most beloved city, located an hour away from Baikal in Trans-Siberian railway
  •   Kazan (Казань). - the capital of Tatar culture is an attractive city in its heart Volga region with an impressive Kremlin.
  •   Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod). - often overlooked despite being one of the largest cities in Russia, Nizhny Novgorod is well worth a visit for its Kremlin, Sakharov Museum, and the neighboring Makariyev Monastery
  •   Sochi (Sochi). - Russia's favorite resort on the Black Sea largely unknown to foreigners, a fact that is set to change greatly as it hosts the 2014 Winter Olympics
  •   Vladivostok (Vladivostok). - often referred to (somewhat ironically) as "San Francisco full of hilly roads and warships, is the main city in the Pacific Ocean of Russia and its end point Trans-Siberian railway
  •   Volgograd (Volgograd). - the former Stalingrad, the scene of perhaps the most decisive battle of World War II, which now hosts the more massive war memorial
  •   Yekaterinburg (Yekaterinburg). - the center of the Ural region and one of the main cultural centers of Russia, is a good stop in Trans-Siberian railway and an arrival point for guests at Urals, the second economic center of Russia.

Additional tourist destinations

  •   Lake Baikal. - known as her "Blue Eye SiberianLake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. Since 1996 UNESCO has included the lake in the List of World Heritage Sites
  •   Lake Onega. - The lake has about 1,650 islands, among which is Kizi, which has a complex of 89 churches dating from the 15th to the 20th century and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

How to get there

By air

By train

By road

By boat

How to move

What to see


Transactions and purchases


Local cuisine

Local drinks

Tourist infrastructure


Job opportunities

Stay safe

Health and precautions

Respect local customs


The dialing code in Russia is 7.

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