Middle East - Μέση Ανατολή

The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

THE Middle East is a region of the world in the west Asia and the northeast Africa. The term was coined by 19th century British soldiers and its definition varies. Not It is simply a geographical term, but also a political one, that separates Europe ("the West") from the Far East and is a traditional trade route between these two geographical extremes.

Countries and territories, Ho Ho Ho

Sometimes the Azerbaijan is considered part of the Middle East, as a kind of border area between Of Europe and Asia. Even its inclusion Iran is controversial — as it can also be seen as part of it Central the South Asia.


Traditional boats and in the background its skyscrapers Dubai
  • Amman Amman Amman — the city experiencing a massive shift from a quiet, dormant village to a bustling metropolis
  • Beirut - a real cosmopolitan city, its commercial and economic center Lebanon
  • Baghdad - once the popular hippie destination, full of attractions, now one of the most dangerous cities on earth
  • Damask - the oldest, permanently inhabited city in the world, with its ancient walls
  • Dubai The most modern and progressive Emirate in United Arab Emirates, is growing at an incredible rate
  • Constantinople - the only large city spanning two continents, a fascinating melting pot of East and West
  • Jerusalem - Preserves the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Old Town, sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims
  • Mecca - Forbidden for non-Muslims is the holiest city in Islam mostly known for its Hatz
  • Tehran —A bustling metropolis of 14 million people, a cosmopolitan city with large museums, parks, restaurants and warm friendly people

Other destinations

  • Dead Sea - water is too salty for the survival of marine organisms - hence the name - and this helps a lot in floating. The baths in the waters of the Dead Sea are considered spa for skin diseases.
  • Rub al Hali —It is also called an empty neighborhood, because it is the largest desert on the planet, empty and inhospitable.
  • Manda'in Saleh (Mada'in Saleh) - Navajo city carved into the rock in the same style as stone of Jordan
  • Palmyra - ancient ruins and a rich oasis next to the city.
  • Persepolis - the ritual capital of the Persian Empire during the Achaemenid dynasty, close to modern Shiraz.
  • stone - one of the "new seven wonders", is an amazing capital of the Navajo kingdom around the 6th century BC.
  • Samara - Archaeological site and sanctuary of the Shiites, including the tombs of several Shiite imams in Iraq.
  • Sea of ​​Galilee - known for its connection with the gospel and the life of Jesus Christ, a pilgrimage destination for Christians.
  • Sibam - known as "Manhattan Desert", a unique complex with high-rise buildings of the 16th century, made of raw plinth.


The Middle East is one of the main sources of human civilization of the ancient and medieval world, the birthplace of many world religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i Faith) and a region of particular economic and political importance. It is a very popular destination for travelers worldwide.

Ethnologically, the region is a mix of Arabs, Jews, Persians, and larger Turkic groups, but there are also several significant minorities - Kurds, Armenians, and others - with their own languages ​​and customs. Every army that invaded the region - from Alexander, the Romans and Genghis Khan to the colonial powers of the 19th century - left behind the descendants. There is also a significant number of workers from other countries arriving in the region for higher wages - mostly Afghans, Pakistanis, Egyptians, Filipinos, and Western workers.

Almost all countries in the Middle East have a Muslim majority (with the notable exception of Israel where the majority of the Jews), with the Iran, the Iraq and Bahrain to consist mainly of Shiites, while in other areas Sunnis predominate. The legal systems of most of the countries of the Middle East are influenced by Islamic law, some of which are even based entirely on it.

Cultural geography

THE North Africa resembles the Middle East in many ways - language, religion, culture and some ethnic groups. Some authors include Egypt, τη Libya, or even the Sudan when they use the term "Middle East".

On the other hand Central Asia also has a lot in common with the Middle East. They are different ethnic groups and languages, but religion, much of the food, clothing and architecture have elements in common. The Iran could, for example, be considered either part of Central Asia or the Middle East, after all at some point in history most of Central Asia was part of the Persian Empire.

The border between the southeast Of Europe and the Middle East is also unclear. Many authors include Turkey in the "Middle East", however, there are other parts of Turkey, European. Large parts of Turkey, of Lebanon and his Israel are also clearly Mediterranean regions.


The National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad

By air

The largest flight arrival center in the area is Dubai, from where you can reach almost anywhere in the Middle East. After Dubai, follows Doha and Abu Dhabi which also have good intercontinental connections. The Tel Aviv It is served by flights from most western countries, although due to the political situation it is not possible to fly an aircraft from there to the Middle East, except Egypt and Jordan. However, there are direct flights from major European airports to most major cities in the region.

By boat

See Ferry to the Mediterranean.

Public transport

Public transport is scarce compared to other parts of the world, as well as other parts of Asia. The majority of locals use a plane or car to travel between different countries.

By air

By road

If you want to get to Bahrain by road, the only way is through the King Fahd Causeway which stretches from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain. Travelers should keep in mind that while Bahrain issues visas on arrival, provisions for this purpose in Saudi Arabia are not available to holders of non-Gulf passports.

By train

Rail travel in the Middle East is limited and while most countries have limited domestic rail services, things are particularly difficult on international routes.

THE Constantinople is the best starting point for rail travel in many parts of the Middle East. From here, there is a route for Aleppo in Syria from where it can make a connection with Damascus. There is a train that connects Damascus with Amman in Jordan. There is also a train from Istanbul to Tehran which includes a 4-hour ferry trip to Lake Van. In general, trains run on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

All other countries in the region have international rail services.

By road

It is a more practical choice than trains in the Middle East. Bus routes are less prone to delays and have wider coverage of the area.


The Arabic is the main language of the region as well as the main language in all countries except Iran (dominated by Persian), the Turkey (Turkish) and Israel (Hebrew). In Israel, Arabic is the second official language. The Yiddish, the Ladino, the Kurdish, Azerbaijani, τα Armenian and many other languages ​​are spoken in some regions.

Knowledge of English is mediocre in tourist areas and generally rare in non-tourist areas. There are several speakers in Turkey because of immigration German.

The Urdu is also prevalent in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates as there is a large community of Pakistani and Indian workers.


Tall buildings made of raw plinth in Sibam, Yemen- "Manhattan Desert"




Arabic grill mix with lamb abruptly, chicken σις ταβούκ, beef sis kebab, pink (Arabic rice), vegetables.

Cooking obviously proves the extent of the influence of the Middle East. The Turkish doner kebab, the Greek round and savarma of the Arab countries (everywhere from Oman to Morocco) are essentially the same. The traveler traveling by road from Europe to India will find very similar dishes - mainly pies and kebabs - in every country from Greece to India. The same dishes are also found in Central Asia even in China. Many Greek dishes are closer to Iranian cuisine than Italian.




The prospect of a visit to the Middle East presents several complications:

  • Some countries and territories in the region, such as Iraq, the Syria, the Israel often and Gaza Strip, are in a state of war or civil war and are not accessible. Refer to Security in the war zone, if you have to go.
  • Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia, do not issue visas with the exception of some very expensive tours.

Some countries in the region have very strict Islamic law, with heavy penalties for homosexuality, adultery and other "offenses". Many countries in the region do not recognize his state. Israel for many reasons. They can deny you a visa if you have an Israeli visa or an Israeli stamp in your passport, or even a visa for another country issued in Israel. The Israeli authorities generally helped to avoid such problems by providing the visa as a separate document so that it would not be in your passport, however the process is currently suspended. Israel for details. Only the Turkey, the Egypt and the Jordan have formal relations with Israel in the region.



Where are you going next?

  • Turkey and Cyprus - with border crossings and extensive transport alternatives, as well as southern Turkey which is well connected to the Syria. It is also possible to travel by cruise ship to Cyprus from Syria, and from Lebanon.
  • Egypt - with bus from Israel and ferry boat from Jordan, Egypt is an easy destination from the area.
  • South Asia - the hippie trail, as it is called, crosses Turkey and Iran from one end to the other, (it used to pass to Iraq, something that can no longer be done) and goes to Pakistan.
  • Central Asia - a destination accessed by buses from the Iranian city of Mashhad and completed at Turkmenistan and Afghanistan).
  • Caucasus - Very easy access from northern Iran.
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