Caucasus - Καύκασος


Georgia banner.jpg

View from Kor Virap Monastery to Mount Ararat in Turkey, a symbol of Armenia

THE Caucasus is a mountain between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, south of the border with Russia. It is considered to be part of the natural border between Europe and Asia. It consists of two sub-mountain ranges, the Greater Caucasus, which starts in the Sochi region (which hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics) and follows an east-southeast route to Baku, and the Lesser Caucasus, which is parallel. in the great mountain range, about 100 km south. The highest mountain of the mountain range is Mount Elbrus, in the Greater Caucasus, with a height of 5,749 meters above its level.


Caucasus regions
The area's reputation as a Black Sea resort returns after the 2008 war.
An ancient civilization, in a mountainous area with remote gorges. With amazing world heritage sites, forgotten monasteries, and a relaxed and welcoming culture.
The richest country in the Caucasus, because of oil, with beautiful old palaces in Baku and to Sec, temples of Zoroastrianism, and beautiful hiking trails in the dense forest mountains to the north and south.
The green heart of the Caucasus, with ancient churches, monasteries, cities - caves.
Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, cut off in 1994.
South Ossetia
It took part in the war with Georgia together with Abkhazia, this mountainous country has not yet gained the stability of Abkhazia, it remains isolated with access only from Russia.
RussianNorth Caucasus
Generally inaccessible to the countries of the South Caucasus, this beautiful region with amazing mountains, rivers and gorges, delicious cuisine, picturesque mountain villages, hospitable people, and an ongoing cycle of violence is described in this separate article.


Bath in Tbilisi
when religions meet: Church of St. Nikolaou (top) and Tbilisi Mosque (bottom), Tbilisi
Soviet architecture at its railway station Yerevan
Lake Sevan, Armenia
The ruined city of Agdam, Nagorno-Karabakh
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There is an article on Wikipedia on the subject: