Serres (Area) - Σέρρες (Περιοχή)

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THE Peripheral unit of Serres is her area Of Macedonia.

At a glance

Nomos Serron.png



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How to get there

How to move

What to see

Aggiti Gorge
  • Amphipolis Museum.
  • Alistrati Cave (Alistrati Cave is 6 km southwest of the town of Alistrati in Serres). Alistrati Cave is one of the largest caves in Europe. The visitable corridors are about 3 km long.
  • Aggiti Gorge. A few meters below the railway line that passes next to the Alistrati Caves, is the Gorge of Aggitis, Vraus as the locals say. It is located on the east side of the prefecture of Serres and has a length of 15 km. The gorge is located between the mountains Paggaio and Menoikio (17 km from the city of Drama) and extends from the village of Symvoli (Dam) to Aggista Station. In three parts of the gorge have been found petroglyphs depicting camels, deer, horsemen holding the reins of horses and spears, but also abstract designs. It is estimated that these petroglyphs were made in the Bronze Age. The flora and fauna of the area is rich, while over the centuries several caves and arches have been created along the ravine. In recent years, sports activities such as rafting, canoeing, kayaking, etc. have been developed on the river.


Local cuisine

Local drinks

  • Serrai Ouzo

Stay safe

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Serres (Area)
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