Administrative divisions of China - 中国行政区划

ChinaThe first-level administrative divisions are:

When the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, the Kuomintang army retreated to Taiwan and currently only controls the island of Taiwan,Golden GateIslands,Mazuarchipelago,Uchuarchipelago,Dongsha IslandswithSpratly IslandsTaiping Island and Zhongzhou Reef. Taiwan actually has a relatively independent government recognized by only a few countries, and has a different visa policy, currency, etc. from that of Mainland China. As special administrative regions, Hong Kong and Macau also have their own visa policies, currencies and so on. From a traveler's point of view, they are actually different areas.

Lower administrative divisions

  1. Prefecture-level administrative regions, including prefecture-level cities, regions, leagues, and autonomous prefectures.

Lower administrative divisions

Provinces and autonomous regions are generally divided into prefecture-level cities and prefecture-level cities. In the case of a specific minority or minority nationality in a dominant position, the county can be an autonomous prefecture of each ethnic group. In prefectures, autonomous prefectures and other places, there are also autonomous counties, depending on their ethnic composition.

In a province or autonomous region, political geography can be broken down into:

  • Autonomous prefectures and prefecture-level cities: Although large in scale, their functions are similar to counties in the political geographic system of the United States. Counties are mainly rural, while prefecture-level cities are characterized by major urban areas, and their names are usually given to entire regions.
    • Counties and county-level cities: These are subdivisions of counties or prefecture-level cities. For major urban areas like Beijing, the counties are rural and far from the cities. A county-level city will be larger than a township, but not enough to anchor the entire region.
      • Districts and townships (towns): In the cities or suburbs of prefecture-level cities or municipalities, the land is further divided into districts. In rural areas, the county is divided into townships, usually small towns, forming the economic center of surrounding villages. In the Mao Zedong era, every township formed a people's commune.
        • Village (village) or community: These are the smallest units in a political organization. Communities are the most local Communist Party organizations in urban areas, while rural areas are at the level of China's grassroots democratic experiments. Many villages have long been absorbed by rapidly developing cities and towns.

For example, the largest to smallest expression method generally used in China: Xiekang Village, Qingxi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, and Fenghuang Street, Echeng District, Ezhou City, Hubei Province.

Development zone

There is alsoSpecial Economic ZoneThrough preferential taxation and other governments to encourage foreign countries to come to develop and invest. These special zones started in 1980 and were promoted by Deng Xiaoping. Special economic zones tend to be prosperous and have a large number of foreigners, and have many Western restaurants and facilities. The following are well-known special economic zones:

The development of these areas is amazing. In 1978, Shenzhen (inHongkongBeside) and Zhuhai (inMacaoNext) It was once a fishing village with a population of only a few hundred thousand; a few years later, both of them were prosperous modern cities. By 2010, Shenzhen had a population of over 10 million and Zhuhai had over 1.5 million. Other special economic zones have also undergone tremendous changes; Pudong, once a large farmland in 1990, has now become an administrative district with more skyscrapers than New York.

There are many areas that encourage investment. The Chinese national government launched a plan in 1984 to open up 14 coastal cities and all capitals of inland provinces or autonomous regions for foreign investment. There are also many economic development plans at the provincial, city, county, and township levels. However, the special economic zone is still the most developed area, with the most advanced investment management system and stimulating economic development.

Trade Ports and Concessions

When Europeans came to China from the sea, from the end of the 16th century, the emperor strictly controlled their trade and activities. For centuries, the only bases of Western countries in China were the colonies of Portugal.Macao, Sino-foreign trade can only beGuangzhouDevelopment, and subject to many restrictions.

This situation changed when China lost the first Opium War in 1842. Many restrictions were lifted, and five coastal cities opened up trade to the West-respectivelyGuangzhouXiamenFuzhouNingbowithShanghai. These cities are called "trade ports" because they are a treaty of trade. Through this treaty, Britain also received from the Qing governmentHong Kong Island

After the end of the Second Opium War in 1860, some other cities were also opened to trade, including more coastal cities, such asShantouTianjin, There are also some inland cities, such asNanjingWuhan. In the end, China opened a total of 80 trade ports; see Wikipedia’sComplete list.

Western-style buildings on Gulangyu Island

Various Western powers also occupied certain parts of China and called them concessions, and then managed them: treaties or leases clearly stipulate that Chinese law does not apply to these areas. For Western powers, this is an obvious preventive measure, because China's system is terribly cruel and hopelessly corrupt. For the government at the time, this was shocking arrogance, but before China becomes powerful, it must be allowedbarbarianEscape. When today’s political circles talk about China’s humiliating century, they will mention the period from the first Opium War in 1842 to the victory of the Communist Party in ChinaThe glorious rise of

There are several countries inShanghaiOwn a concession,French ConcessionIt is a more elegant tourist attraction. Some other cities, such asHankouWuhana part of),XiamenofGulangyuGuangzhouShamian Island andTianjinSome parts of the country have also become concessions in some countries.

Today, these historical areas have been or are undergoing renovation and are popular tourist attractions for Chinese and foreigners. Even in the days of concession, most of their population is Chinese, and many wealthy or important Chinese live there. For example, Shanghai has various historical buildings converted into museums; Shanghai is also the home of Sun Yat-sen, the first president of the Republic of China, his wife Soong Ching Ling, and Premier Zhou Enlai, and the building where the first national meeting of the Communist Party of China was located-all of these are inFrench Concession

In some regions, only one country has a concession. These include:

  • QingdaoGerman concession, now famous for beer
  • ZhanjiangFrench concession, close to the French colony of Indochina at the time
  • Russians inDalianHad a large naval base, later Port Arthur, andHarbinIt is the base for their railway construction.
  • lie inWeihaiThe British naval base is just across the bay from Dalian.

This is not a complete list.

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