Anhui - 安徽

Anhui, Referred toWan,YesChinaA province in East China, bordered by North China to the north, East China to the east, and Central and South to the west. Anhui has a long history and beautiful landscapes, where different cultures collide with each other. Especially Huizhou in the south hasWorld HeritageTwo places and three places; and Tang Xianzu's literary words that interpret its charm better than numbers are "Huizhou is a dreamless place for a lifetime."


There are two large east-west rivers in Anhui Province-Huaihe and Yangtze River-which divide the province into three sections. Generally, the province is divided into northern Anhui (north of the Huaihe River), central Anhui (between the Jianghuai River) and southern Anhui based on this. (South of the Yangtze River).

North of the Huai River
Bengbu, Huainan, Shouxian, Huoqiu and areas south of the Huai River but with similar cultures to the north of the Huai RiverFengyang
A less popular tourist area. The tourist destinations are mainly cultural attractions, such as Bozhou Huaxilou and Shouchun Ancient City. The natural scenery is dominated by wetlands along the Huai River and its major tributaries, such as Yingshang Bali River, Huaiyuan Sifang Lake and Huoqiu East and West Lakes, but the level of development The problems of low levels and imperfect infrastructure are more serious; the dialect is mainly Central Plains Mandarin, and the culture belongs to the Central Plains culture. The climate is dominated by temperate monsoon climate, which is more similar to the traditional north in all aspects.3Bengbu
Central Anhui
Jianghuai area
Tianchang similar to Yangzhou, Huai'an and other Huaidong regions
The ancient Anqing area with a similar culture to Jiangxi
The seat of the provincial capital, the transportation hub in the province, has always been the political center of Anhui. The Jianghuai culture occupies an absolute dominant position. The Luzhou culture with Hefei as the center has prospered here for thousands of years. The Anqing area in the southwest has a unique Anhui culture and Huangmei opera. Lujiang, Chaohu, and Qianshan are all established cities in the Qin and Han dynasties. However, the Jianghuai region has always been wars and there are not many historical relics left. Hefei has rich cultural venues and excellent urban landscapes in the country. As the first batch of national garden cities, it has a large number of municipal parks, but most of them are not suitable for foreign tourists to incorporate into their travel plans. The surrounding Chaohu Lake is due to the Chaohu Tourism Avenue It is more suitable for short-term road tourism; Chuzhou area straddles the Langya Mountain, Zhangbaling Mountain and Laojia Mountain on the Tanlu Fault Zone, so it focuses on the forest natural tourism resources dominated by low mountains and hills. The main parts of Anqing and Lu’an are located in the Dabie Mountains. The famous peaks of Tianzhu Mountain, Tianzhu Mountain, Tiantangzhai, Mingtang Mountain, and Wanfo Mountain are all popular tourist destinations. At the same time, large reservoirs in the mountainous areas include Longhekou Reservoir (Wanfo Lake), Hualiangting Reservoir (Huating Lake) is also a more famous scenic spot.1Hefei
South Anhui
South of the Yangtze River
The Jianghuai culture dominates the plains along the Yangtze River, which is relatively close to Nanjing
Hilly area with Xuanwu culture as the main body
Ancient Huizhou area south of the Huangshan Mountains
A popular tourist destination in the whole province and even the whole country. The plain along the Yangtze River is dominated by urban scenery, Wuhu’s Fangte Amusement Park is extremely popular in the surrounding area; the Huangshan Mountain area has both natural scenery and well-protected historic sites. Jiuhua Mountain in Qingyang, Chizhou is a famous Buddhist mountain in the country, and Qiyun Mountain in Qimen of Huangshan Mountain. It is one of the four famous mountains in the country. Huangshan Scenic Area is even more famous in the world. The less popular attractions include Taohuatan in Jingxian County, Qinglong Bay in Ningguo, Shitai Xianyu Mountain, Qimen Guniujiang, etc. The natural scenery is not lost to the above-mentioned world-famous scenery. , Nationally well-known scenic spots; Xidi and Hongcun in Yixian County are popular cultural tourism destinations as world cultural heritages. In addition, the ancient Huizhou tourist areas in Huizhou District and Shexian County of Huangshan City are also good choices.2Wuhu


Shouxian City Wall
  • Hefei--provincial capital. High-speed rail hub. The tourist resources itself are not rich, but museums and independent bookstores are worth visiting. The tourist area around Chaohu Lake is very suitable for traveling around on weekends or short holidays.
  • Anqing——A national historical and cultural city. I am very proud of the fact that the "An" in the name of the province and the abbreviation "Wan" in the name of the province both come from here.
  • Bengbu-Railway hub. The preferred starting point for excursions in northern Anhui.
  • Bozhou——A national historical and cultural city. The Huaxi Tower is the most worth seeing ancient building in northern Anhui.
  • Huangshan City——From here, go to Huangshan, Xidi and Hongcun. It also has a lot of tourism resources. Tunxi Old Street is suitable for spending leisure time. Tourists need to pay attention to the difference between Huangshan City (generally named Huangshan City and its infrastructure is mainly located in Tunxi District and Huizhou District in the south of Huangshan Prefecture-level City), Huangshan District and Huangshan Scenic Area.
  • Jixi——A national historical and cultural city. The hometown of Anhui cuisine.
  • She County——A national historical and cultural city. Huizhou Fucheng, the best preserved old city.
  • Shou County——A national historical and cultural city. Beautiful and complete ancient city wall.

Other destinations

Huangshan Sea of ​​Clouds
Overlooking the top of Jiuhua Mountain


History and geography

The history of the formation of Anhui Province is very short, and the earliest establishment can only be traced back to the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. Before the Ming Dynasty, various parts of Anhui were often divided into different first-level administrative regions, thus creating Anhui's colorful culture.

From the perspective of culture and dialects, northern Anhui andHenanSubeiThey are connected and belong to the Central Plains and Huaihai cultural circles. The flat fertile soil along the Huai River nourishes the people, making it always the most densely populated area in Chinese history, with a rich culture and history, Qiaojun (nowBozhou), Shouchun (nowShou County) Were very famous cities during the Three Kingdoms period; but at the same time, the flooding of the Huai River and its tributaries also caused a large number of refugees. The Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Uprising in the late Qin Dynasty broke out here, and the hot spots of the peasant uprising in the late Yuan Dynasty were also here. Zhu Yuanzhang of Fengyang on the south bank of the Huai River established the Ming Dynasty, and the Nian Army has been in northern Anhui for 18 years in the late Qing Dynasty. Nowadays, the problem of droughts and floods has been solved by the large reservoirs and communication irrigation projects built by the predecessors in the upper reaches of the Huai River. It is still one of the most densely populated areas in the country and an important labor exporting place.

The Jianghuai area and the area along the Yangtze River belong to the Jianghuai cultural circle, but there are differences within it. The Luzhou culture dominated by Hefei influences DongzhiChuzhouWest toLu'anVast area ofAnqingThe eight counties have their own Anqing culture; the eastern onesMaanshanWuhuThe culture of other places is the same asNanjingMore similar; Eastern Chuzhou and HuaidongYangzhouHuaianStripped of water. During the Qing Dynasty, Anqing relied on the Yangtze River to prosper and prospered in culture. Qianshan was the local political and economic center as early as the Qin and Han dynasties, but as the west gate of Nanjing, it eventually attacked the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the Qing Dynasty. It was hit hard by the war.HefeiThe Han Dynasty was the center of the North-South trade. However, due to the excavation of the Grand Canal in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the successive years of wars after the Liao and Song Dynasties, it suffered a double blow from economy and manpower. It was even unknown in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The center of gravity in the west of Jianghuai. Wuhu and Ma'anshan have surpassed the original Fucheng Dangtu due to shipping and mineral resources, becoming the economic centers of the region along the Yangtze River.

In Anhui Province, the north of the Huai River is almost full of plains. The area between the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers is dominated by low mountains and hills. The Dabie Mountains also have many high mountains close to two kilometers.HuizhouLocated in the hinterland of the Huangshan Mountains, famous mountains abound. Today, the winding paths that tourists love to visit are quiet and beautiful, but in ancient times it was difficult to farm and poor mountains and rivers. As the saying goes: “I didn’t cultivate in my previous life, I was born in Huizhou, I was thirteen or four years old, and I was thrown away.” Went toJiangZhejiangIn business, I have worked hard withJinThe "Huizhou Merchants" brand of the same name as Shang. Red-top businessman Hu Xueyan isJixiborn inZhejiangHangzhouMake a home; JiangsuTaizhouHu Yuanyuan, the tea merchant and founder of "Hu Yuantai", was also born in Jixi, and his fifth grandson is Hu Jintao. These Hui merchants then invested their funds back home to promote the development of Huizhou cuisine, Huizhou opera, and Hui-style dwellings.


The climate in Anhui has four distinct seasons. Spring and autumn are long, mild and humid, summer is sweltering and hot, and winter is cold and dry. The average temperature in July is about 32 degrees, and the average temperature in January is around 0 degrees. The temperature difference between north and south in the province is about 2 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is concentrated in spring and summer, especially in March and July.

The Huai River that runs through Anhui is the boundary between China's physical geography, which is the isothermal line with an average temperature of zero degrees Celsius in January and an isothermal line with an annual precipitation of 800 mm.

The tourist attractions in Anhui are mountainous. In Huangshan, Jiuhuashan and other places, the days are worse, the years are worse, and the temperature difference between the mountains and the mountains is not small. You must bring enough clothing to keep out the cold. There will also be coats for rent on Huangshan.


The dialects of Anhui are still closely related to the two major rivers. Generally speaking, the Central Plains Mandarin (similar to Henan dialect) is used in the north of the Huai River, and the Jianghuai Mandarin (similar to Nanjing Mandarin) is used between the Jianghuai River and the southern part of Anhui is the most complex area of ​​Chinese dialects. The Wu dialect is the main language in the area along the Yangtze River, and the Jianghuai Mandarin is a supplement. Huizhou uses the Hui dialect, which is closely related to Wu dialect. In a small part of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Gan dialect is used.

Of course, in most areas, especially in cities and well-developed scenic spots, Mandarin is still an unimpeded language. Even in places where the dialect is quite different from Mandarin, people will try to communicate in non-standard Mandarin in a friendly way.


Whether it is by high-speed rail or by plane, Hefei, "in Anhui", will have the most choices and is a suitable first destination. But if the time schedule is not surplus, you can also choose to go straight to the destination. in addition,NanjingIt is very close to many cities in Anhui in terms of geography and transportation and can be selected as the first stop of the itinerary.HangzhouIt is the closest big city to Huangshan City.

If you take a plane,Hefei Xinqiao International AirportHas the most shifts and direct communicationGermanyJapanSouth KoreaHongkongMacaoTaiwanThailandWaiting for flights.Huangshan Tunxi International AirportThere are also direct flights to Taiwan and South Korea, but there are not many domestic and foreign flights. Jiuhua mountain(Chizhou), Tianzhu Mountain (Anqing) There are also airports, but the number of flights is very small. If you start from a first-tier city to Huangshan, Jiuhua Mountain, and Tianzhu Mountain, you may wish to take a direct flight; if you start from a second-tier or third-tier city, it is more suitable to go to Hefei first.Fuyang Xiguan AirportIt is the aviation hub of northern Anhui.

If you take the train, in Anhui Province, exceptBozhouFuyangIn addition, other prefecture-level cities already have high-speed rail. Bengbu, located on the Beijing-Shanghai line, is the railway hub of northern Anhui; Hefei is the hub of the "meter"-shaped high-speed rail in the province; Anqing and HefeiWuhuMaanshanIt has provoked the two ends of the Wanjiang River, which will connect the surrounding major cities and the hinterland of the southern Anhui mountainous area in the future.

Travel around

Anhui in the pre-high-speed rail era was one of the provinces with the most inefficient railway passenger transport. But withBeijingShanghai,BeijingblessingShanghaiChineseRongratherinstallWaiting for the opening of the passenger dedicated line, Anhui has quickly become one of the provinces with the densest high-speed rail;businesscombineHangzhouAfter the passenger train runs, all prefecture-level cities in the province will have high-speed rail. Therefore, the railway is a good choice for traveling around the cities in the province. High-speed rail coverage in central Anhui and southern Anhui is relatively high; there are three cities in northern Anhui without high-speed rail, but the railway network for ordinary trains is also very dense.

The Anhui high-speed rail radiates from Hefei as the center, which leads to the transfer of trains between Chizhou, Huangshan City and Xuanzhou in southern Anhui, which is favored by tourists, to Tongling and even Hefei. Therefore, long-distance buses are a more reasonable choice for traveling around southern Anhui. When traveling between prefecture-level cities and counties, you can take a bus at the bus station. Safety, order, and time are more reassuring. Passenger stations in some cities can also book tickets online. There are mostly small buses between villages and towns, and most of them can stop at the side of the road.

A view of Huangshan

If you choose to drive by yourself, the well-developed highway network makes it very convenient to travel from city to city, but you should pay attention to mountain roads when driving between western Anhui and southern Anhui. It is recommended not to drive at night or fatigue.

There are many small villages in southern Anhui, and the roads in the countryside are full of unintended beauty. If you have free time and want to stay in the village for a few more days, you can choose a bicycle (rental or bring your own portable bicycle) as a means of transportation.

go sightseeing

Natural scenery

Typical whitewashed wall Daiwa horse head wall

With the recent development of tourism resources in Western Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places, today's tourism industry is no longer the situation where the "Top Ten Scenic Spots in China" in the 1980s were all dominated by traditional scenic spots in traditional Han provinces. But in AnhuiLandscape sceneryIt still has its own unique charm. Huangshan's strange pine, strange rocks, sea of ​​clouds, and waterfalls are still the most in line with the traditional aesthetics of the Han people and the most charming scenery of landscape painting. In addition to the Huangshan Mountain, Tianzhu Mountain, and Tiantangzhai mentioned above, other natural attractions worth visiting include Jingting Mountain, Langya Mountain, Chaohu Lake, Yunyan Lake, Taiping Lake and Xin'an River.

Ancient Villages

South AnhuiAncient VillagesXidi and Hongcun are not the only ones. About one-fifteenth of China's 276 historical and cultural villages are located in the two prefecture-level cities of Huangshan (14) and Xuancheng (4); and there are many fine products outside the list. These ancient villages have their own characteristics because of their own history, geography, and culture, and most of them still have the breath of life today. When visiting, you can pay more attention to the three unique HuizhouFolk houseArchwaywithAncestral hallThe former is famous for its white walls and black tiles and horse head walls, while the latter two are mostly exquisite wood carvings, stone carvings, brick carvings, and are accompanied by a profound historical atmosphere. March and April of each year is the best time to visit villages in southern Anhui——Rape blossomsThe mountains and plains are in full bloom (sometimes there are mountain bike races or marathons, sports enthusiasts may wish to pay attention to relevant information).

Ancient building

Worth seeingAncient buildingOr the ancient buildings include the Huaxilou in Bozhou, the ancient city wall in Shouxian County, the Kongcheng Old Street in Anqing, and the Sanhe Ancient Town in Hefei. The new city of Hefei built by Manchong (the place where the third, fourth, and fifth Hefei Battle took place) still remains. The former site of Zhang Liaowei’s shock to Xiaoyaojin has also been transformed into Xiaoyaojin Park. Fans of the history of the Three Kingdoms, if the itinerary permits Consider visiting.

Religious buildingOn the one hand, Buddhist temples become Jiuhua Mountain, but if you are worried about peak passenger flow, you can choose ancient temples such as Mingjiao Temple, Kaifu Temple, and Guangji Temple; Taoism is the four famous Taoism mountains, Qiyun Mountain, which is built in the center of cities and counties. The town’s god’s temples in the prefecture and county are also worth seeing; the more ornamental Catholic churches are the Wuhu Catholic Church and the Anqing Catholic Church; the Protestant churches can choose Hefei Christian Church in the center of Hefei, and the Li’s and Luzhou’s city’s god’s temples are necessary to visit Hefei. , Mingjiao Temple is also on the Huaihe Road.

Cultural venues

The largest in Anhui ProvinceMuseumIt is the Anhui Provincial Museum in Hefei. The new museum in Swan Hunan covers the cultural relics and historical relics of Anhui Province from the Stone Age to modern times. The more famous exhibits include the Lingjiatan jade eagle unearthed in Hanshan and the large caster tripod unearthed in Shou County; Anqing Although there are not many collections in the old museum in Lu (Pan Yuliang's art exhibition basically occupies half of the country), the building itself, as a typical Soviet-style building in the 1950s, was listed as a national key cultural relics protection unit.

Museums located in various cities are of mixed quality and have few collections. Except for the China Huizhou Cultural Museum in Tunxi District, Huangshan City, the rest are not worth visiting; the museums in Zhongshou, Jixi and Shexian counties are more worth visiting. . As the capital of Chu during the Warring States Period and the metropolis of the Jianghuai area during the Qin and Han Dynasties, Shouxian County has a rich collection of museums; Jixi County Museum is famous for its buildings that try to blend ancient and modern styles; She County Museum is built on the top of a mountain. You can see the whole view of the ancient city of Huizhou from the Yuelian River; among the other museums, the Zhu Ran Family Cemetery Museum in Ma'anshan is also more valuable to visit.

Apart from museums, Hefei's Anhui Celebrity Hall and Dujiang Battle Memorial Hall are also worth visiting cultural venues.


Huihang Ancient Road

The most lively in Anhuitemple fairIt is the Jiuhuashan Temple Fair, held around the birthday of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (July 30 of the lunar calendar). The whole mountain is very lively; you can also see some Buddhist ceremonies. The most livelyBook clubIt is the first book fair in Fuyang on the sixth day of June. Zhuanzi calligraphers from all over the world gather here to show off their skills. Nowadays, other opera and quyi performances have been added.

There are many places in AnhuiChinese opera, folk artSuch as the Huizhou opera in Huizhou, the Lu opera in Hefei, the Sizhou opera in Suzhou and Bengbu, and the Huagu opera in Fengyang. Of course, the most famous is the Huangmei opera in Anqing—who wouldn’t hum the phrase "Birds on the Trees" How about "in pairs" or "to save Li Lang from his homeland"? Nowadays, when the types of Chinese opera are in decline, the best way to understand and appreciate it is undoubtedly to visit the place where it originated. You can go to theaters and theaters in big cities to watch professional troupes perform, and you can also experience more primitive local performances at folk gatherings such as the Jieshou Book Fair or traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival.

NoteworthyModern festivalIncluding Huangshan International Tourism Festival (in early November, mostly every other year), Anqing Huangmei Opera Art Festival (in early November, once every three years, the last one was 2015), Ma'anshan International Poem Festival (where Li Bai’s tomb is located, every year) Before and after Double Ninth Festival), Chaohu Yinpingshan Peony Ornamental Festival (before and after Qingming Festival every year).

There are many travel friends in Anhui who loveOutdoor hikingline. In addition to the famous Huihang Ancient Road, there are also ancient roads such as Huiqing Ancient Road, Jiajing Ancient Road, Huirao Ancient Road, and Huiling Ancient Road. Some scenic spots around or between villages are also suitable for hiking, but except for Huihang Ancient Road The other ancient roads are not well developed, please pay attention to safety, and it is recommended to travel together.


Local characteristics

Tea Product
"Glautiao is long and fragrant, so I panic in my stomach without eating."-"Song of Glautiao"

Anhui cuisine

Anhui cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines, has been extremely prosperous in modern times, but has fallen into silence in recent years. In other provinces and cities of China, there are not many restaurants in Huizhou and they are not popular. Visiting Anhui is undoubtedly the best way to explore the taste of Anhui cuisine.

Anhui cuisine has a broad sense and a narrow sense. Anhui cuisine in a broad sense refers to Anhui cuisine, while anhui cuisine in a narrow sense refers specifically to Huizhou cuisine, the representative of Anhui cuisine. The dishes of one prefecture and six counties in Huizhou can best express the characteristics of Huizhou cuisine to show its original flavor and pay attention to firework.

  • Pickled fresh mandarin fish-commonly known as smelly mandarin fish, can be called the most distinctive dish in Anhui cuisine. It exudes a unique smell, but the taste is incredibly fresh and tender.
  • Edamame-another special dish that smells and tastes fragrant. It can be regarded as a unique version of stinky tofu.
  • Hu Shi Yipin Hotpot-Jixi traditional local dish, famous because Hu Shi loves to eat. Put four layers of vegetable dishes, braised pork, fried tofu and egg dumplings from bottom to top, simmering slowly and pouring the juice for three to four hours before they are delicious. It is the most typical fire-gong dish in Anhui cuisine.
  • Knife board incense-Jinhua ham is in Dongyang, Dongyang ham is in Huizhou. You can taste exquisite knife and board incense in big restaurants, and more homely authentic cured ham in village farmhouses.
  • Asking Zheng Bamboo Shoots—Like ham, bamboo shoots were originally a common dish in Huizhou, but in the end they also went to the elegant hall. Daobanxiang often puts a bit of bamboo shoots, and Wenzheng bamboo shoots often puts a bit of ham to stimulate each other's beautiful original flavor.
  • Wonton duck-Anhui cuisine is a rare dish in the field. People in Shanghai might think this is an old taste of the locals, but few people know that this dish originally came from Huizhou.

Wanjiang cuisine (yanjiang cuisine) refers to the local flavors of cities on both sides of the Yangtze River such as Wuhu and Anqing. They are good at cooking fresh rivers and poultry. Sometimes they are somewhat similar to Huaiyang cuisine in Nanjing. Geng Fuxing, a time-honored brand in Wuhu, is famous for Wanjiang cuisine. There are branches in Hefei and Wuhu.

  • Wuwei smoked duck-first smoked and then brine, the skin is soft and the meat is tender, with a history of more than two hundred years, it is the most representative dish of Wanjiang cuisine.
  • Maofeng Smoked Shad-Huangshan Maofeng is one of China's top ten famous teas, Yangtze River shad is China's four famous fish, and smoked is a traditional technique that Wanjiang cuisine is good at. The three have collided with this famous dish.

North of the Huai River enters the north, and Wanbei cuisine (alonghuai cuisine and Huaibei cuisine) is also more like northern cuisine. Coriander and chili are rustic and refreshing.

  • Fu Liji Roasted Chicken-the most famous delicacy in northern Anhui. Who doesn't love delicious roast chicken?
  • Xiaoxian Grape Fish-It is very similar to the squirrel fish in Huaiyang cuisine, but it is poured with grape juice and the whole dish is also shaped into bunches of grapes.

The local flavor in the Jianghuai area is called Hefei cuisine. There are many old Hefei restaurants around the Chenghuang Temple in the Hefei Moat, such as Liu Hongsheng Dumpling Noodle House; Sanhe nearby is a famous food town, and all the rice dumpling shops in the ancient town taste good. Choose the price. A more fair attempt is sufficient.

  • Li Hongzhang's chowder-"Hangjang" sounds like a farm cooking method, but this chowder made of delicacies from mountains and seas is a high-end dish used by Li Zhongtang to entertain foreign guests.
  • Sanhe Rice Dumplings-Originated in the lower reaches of the Hangbu River, dumpling skins are made from indica rice noodles, stuffed with pork belly, tofu, Chaohu shrimp (beautiful white shrimp), etc. and seasonings, and made after deep-frying. Gelatinous, be careful to burn your mouth.

Tofu is a magical food. When the main ingredient is fried or fried, it can be eaten raw, and as an auxiliary ingredient, it can be matched with everything. It is a must in Chinese cuisine. Huainan is the birthplace of tofu, and Huainan cuisine also uses tofu as its signature.

  • In addition to milk sauce-tofu, another famous dish in Huainan is the unique river fresh king huai. Boiled in high fire is the most authentic classic method of king Huai fish.

In addition to the Anhui cuisine cooked by the chef, Anhui also has more common people's cuisine. The bamboo shoots and shiitake mushrooms in southern Anhui are very delicious, and the round seeds made of arrowroot are very distinctive. The Hu spicy soup in northern Anhui is similar and different from Henan, and the Huainan beef soup is also unique. Taihe Lamb Pan Mee has been named "Anhui Pan Mee", and it is trying to promote the whole country like Shaxian Snacks and Lanzhou Ramen. Gu La Tiao is to Fuyang, as Regan noodle is to Wuhan, it feels like a symbol and belief of the locals.

Famous tea

The south-central Anhui is mountainous, so many top Chinese teas are produced. Huangshan Maofeng, Lu'an Guapian, and Qimen Black Tea are among the top ten famous teas in China. In addition, there are Taiping Houkui, Tunxi Green Tea, Huoshan Huangya, Jingting Lvxue, Yongxi Huoqing, and Yuexi Cuilan. People in Anhui like to bring a warm cup with them, put some tea, and drink hot water everywhere, and drink it all the way.

food street

Most cities and counties have their own food street, if you have local friends, please ask them to recommend. Good reputations include Guanting Road, Ningguo Road, Lei Street, and Banbian Street in Hefei City; Phoenix Food Street and Xinshikou in Wuhu City; and the vicinity of Renmin Road in Anqing.


The compass can explain very well what is meant by "unknown jue li"

As mentioned above, Anhui’s tea is top-grade, and it is more appropriate to buy it as a gift; as for which one to buy, if it’s a gift to relatives and friends, you don’t need to look for famous ones. The most important thing is that they fit the taste.

The four treasures of the study in southern Anhui (Xuanbi, Huimo, Xuan paper, She inkstone) are very famous; even if it is just for decoration, it is also very good to buy an exquisite inkstone or a piece of ink.

There are also some unique handmade products: Wuhu's iron paintings-writing or painting with iron, almost between 2D paintings and 3D sculptures-are not found anywhere else, but with a little weight; Xiuning Wanan Town's compass It's a pretty cool gift for curiosity.

For dim sum gifts, you can consider Huangshan Biscuits and Hefei's four famous spots (white cut, baked cakes, inch gold, hemp crackers), but there are mixed praises and criticisms.


Like most places in China and even East Asia, the crime rate (especially the murder rate) is very low, and cities large and small can safely wander around at night. Compared with southeastern Anhui, northwest Anhui has a much higher population density and a lower economic level. There are a large number of migrants and migrant workers. Therefore, crowded places such as train stations on holidays will be more chaotic, and you must be more careful with your belongings.

What really affects life safety is the hiking in the mountains of southern Anhui. Even for the entry-level Huihang Ancient Road, something will happen every two years. Therefore, before hiking, be sure to plan to avoid bad weather, try to go in groups, and don't choose trails that deviate from the main road in a hurry.

Next stop

Anhui’s geographical location is in the central and eastern part of China, northward isHenanShandong, South isJiangxiFujian, Reach westHubei, Eastward isJiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Specifically, eastward, after going to Hefei and Wuhu, you can visit the collision between ancient rhyme and modernNanjingYangzhouwithZhenjiang; Go south, after finishing the trip in Chizhou, Xuancheng, and Huangshan, you can go southwest to the same ancient HuizhouWuyuanHe CiduJingdezhen, Or go southeast to the more poeticHangzhou——You can take the Huihang Expressway directly, or take the Xin’an River waterway to visit Qiandao Lake and Fuchun River, which is more elegant; you can reverse the itinerary when you go north. After visiting Huangshan and Xuancheng, you can stay in Hefei and Wuhu for a few days. Developed transportation to the historical and cultural province Henan to visit Shangqiu, Luoyang, Kaifeng and other ancient capitals, or to the more developed coastal province of Shandong in the north, enjoy the sea view in Qingdao, Rizhao, Yantai, Weihai; westward, you can visit Hefei and Wanjiang After Zhucheng enters Hubei along the Shanghai-Han-Rong Passenger Train, heading to Wuhan, an important modern and modern city, and continuing westward across the Qinba Mountains to reach Sichuan, the land of abundance. Chongqing, the gateway to Tianfu, and Chengdu, the center of Tianfu, are both popular tourist destinations.

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