Island of Ireland - 爱尔兰岛

Tip: The subject of this entry is notIreland
53°20′0″N 8°0′0″W
Political map of the island of Ireland
Political map of the island of Ireland

Ireland(English: Ireland,Irish: Éire), abbreviatedIreland, Is located atEuropeThe island in the northwest, the second largest island in Europe. Politically, the island of Ireland can be divided into two major regions:

Republic of Ireland
oneWestern EuropeThe country occupies most of the island.
Northern Ireland
U.KOne of the political entities in the island is in the northeast of the island.

The Irish island culture has a traditional Celtic culture, but also inherits the mainstream Western culture, and has a common culture and movement with the neighboring Britain.

This area entry is aOuter layer area. It overlaps with other areas in the geographic hierarchy.