World War II - 第二次世界大战

Second World War, Referred toWorld War II, Is a global military conflict that broke out from 1939 to 1945. The entire war involved most countries in the world (including all the major powers at that time), and was eventually divided into two opposing military alliances—the Allies and the Axis. The Second World War is by far the largest war in human history. As many as 100 million soldiers participated in this military conflict. The main participating countries used their own economy, technology, and personnel in the war. The Second World War is also the war with the greatest casualties in human history so far, with the death toll between 50 million and 70 million.

European battlefield

Main article:European battlefields of World War II
See:HolocaustNormandy Landing

From 1918 to 1919, the November Revolution broke out in Germany, and the original German Empire was overthrown and a new government, the Weimar Republic, was established. At this time, however, the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler tried to establish a fascist autocratic government in Germany. After the outbreak of the global economic crisis in 1929, the fascist party led by Mussolini gained absolute political power, adopted totalitarian tactics to abolish the democratic political structure, and prepared to expand into the "New Roman Empire." In 1933, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. After the parliamentary arson, Hitler made great efforts to change Germany's political and economic system in order to shape Germany as a fascist totalitarian one-party state.

Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy then began aggression and expansion. In October 1935, the Kingdom of Italy invadedEthiopia(It was called "Abyssinia" at the time). From 1936 to 1939, Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy intervened in the Spanish Civil War and indirectly supported Franco, the leader of the National Army, to implement an autocratic dictatorship over Spain.

In 1939, the German invasionPoland, The Second World War officially broke out, and the European battlefield opened up.

Asia-Pacific Battlefield

Main article:Pacific War
See:China's Anti-Japanese WarYunnan-Burma Highway

In 1927, Jiang Zhongzheng and Wang Zhaoming launched the "April 12 Coup" and the "July 15 Coup", and the Chinese Kuomintang broke with the Chinese Communist Party. In June 1928, Feng Faction warlord Zhang Zuolin was assassinated by the Japanese Kwantung Army in Huanggutun (the Huanggutun incident), and Japan officially began to invade China. On September 18, 1931, Japan launched the "September 18 Incident",northeast of ChinaTake the lead in entering the combat readiness stage. Since then, the Japanese forces of aggression have gradually deepened from the northeast to the south. In January 1932, preparations for the organization of "Manchukuo", set the capitalChangchun(It was renamed "Xinjing" at that time). In 1935, Japan again promoted the "autonomy of the five provinces in North China."

At this time, President Jiang Zhongzheng of the Republic of China continued to suppress the Communist Party with the policy of "safety first, then fight against foreigners," and he sought the help of the League of Nations for Japan's aggression. In 1936, the Red ArmyLong MarchAfter the victory, the Communist Party of China announced "Union Chiang Kai-shek to fight against Japan." On December 12 of the same year, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the Double Twelfth Incident and implemented "soldier advice" against Jiang Zhongzheng. On July 7, 1937, after the "Lugouqiao Incident", the all-out Anti-Japanese War officially began. 10 days later, Jiang ZhongzhengJiangxiLushanThe "Second Lushan Speech" was published, which formally stated the policy of comprehensive preparation for the war of resistance. Between 1937 and 1938, China and Japan launchedSonghuXuzhouTaiyuanWuhanFour major battles. After the Wuhan Battle, the War of Resistance against Japan entered a stalemate.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attackedAmericaPearl HarborPacific Warbreak out. Two days later, China officially declared war on Japan.

While Japan invaded North Korea, it also marched heavilySoutheast AsiaKorean Peninsula, In an attempt to block the entry of external resources into China and complete its "Mainland Policy."

The end of the war

In 1936, Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy established the Berlin-Rome axis. In the same year, they signed an anti-communist international agreement with the Empire of Japan (the Kingdom of Italy joined the following year). In 1940, the three countries signed the "Germany, Italy, and Japan Treaty of the Tripartite Alliance", which formally formed the "Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis". As a result, one of the two major military alliances of the Second World War-the Axis Powers was formed.

In 1943, the Kingdom of Italy took the lead in reaching an agreement with the Allies to fight together. Mussolini was rescued by Germany in Operation Oak, and he established an "Italian Social Republic" with participants from the Italian Axis. In the same year, China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression entered the counter-offensive stage. On April 28, 1945, fascist Italian leader Mussolini was executed, and Nazi German leader Hitler committed suicide 2 days later. May 8,beautifulBritainLawSuFour countries invaded the German capitalBerlinAnd signed the "Germany Unconditional Surrender", the European war came to an end. Subsequently, the United States and the Soviet Union supported China's War of Resistance against Japan until Japan signed the "Letter of Surrender of Japan" on September 2.

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