Abbadia San Salvatore - Abbadia San Salvatore

Abbadia San Salvatore
Abbey of San Salvatore
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Abbadia San Salvatore
Institutional website

Abbadia San Salvatore is a country of Tuscany in the province of Siena.

To know

It is the most important and best equipped summer and winter holiday center in the area of Mount Amiata, is also the oldest settlement built in the Middle Ages and has about 6800 inhabitants.

A very suggestive town with a recent sporting vocation, it has a large sports facility with a natural grass soccer field, an athletics and cross-country track, large spaces for spectators.

It takes its name from the Benedictine abbey, founded in 743 by the Lombard king Rachis, of which today only the church and the crypt remain.

Geographical notes

Abbadia San Salvatore is located on the slope Sienese of Monte Amiata.

When to go

Abbadia San Salvatore has, due to the altitude and the proximity of Monte Amiata, a cold climate in winter and quite hot in summer. In winter, temperatures drop to just below zero, and thanks to the cold winds coming from the Amiata overlooking the town, it snows more or less abundantly and often. Summers, on the other hand, are hot, but always refreshed by the influence of the mountain; rainfalls are very frequent.


The beautiful village, which is preserved almost intact with narrow and picturesque streets, was born to support the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of San Salvatore in their hard life of prayer and work. at the behest of the Lombard king Rachis who initially assigned it to control the Via Francigena in the valley below. Of the Abbey, which for a millennium radiated its power (not only religious) throughout the eastern area of ​​the Amiata, remain the church, sections of walls and the magnificent crypt. The power of this solitary abbey then clashed with the Aldobrandeschi who settled on the western side of the Amiata, the community of monks had great importance in the history of relations between the Papacy and the Empire. Abbadia San Salvatore in the last two centuries has developed thanks to the mercury and cinnabar mines, which despite the harsh living conditions, the miners continued to exploit until the 1980s. Now, not far from the town, the old mine area has been redeveloped as a mining museum (since 2001).

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

Religious architectures

  • 1 Abbey of San Salvatore.
  • Church of the Madonna dei Remedi.
  • 2 Church of the Madonna del Castagno.
  • 3 Church of San Leonardo.
  • Church of the Holy Cross.
  • Church of Santa Maria dell'Ermeta.
  • Cross of Monte Amiata.
  • Former church of Sant'Angelo.

Civil architectures

  • medieval village. Characteristic of almost all the municipalities of Amiata.
  • Palazzo del Podestà. Made in the 15th century.


  • Abbey Museum. Located in the rooms bordering those of the monastery and connected by an iron staircase. Inside there are unique pieces that testify to the heritage of the monastery itself. Among the most important pieces are a chest-reliquary from the 8th century, the reliquary of San Marco Papa, in the shape of a bust, by Angnolo Romanelli (1381), a chasuble from the 8th-9th century and a Sienese majolica floor dating from the 15th century formerly of the Church of the Madonna del Castagno.
  • Abbadia San Salvatore mining museum (Clock tower). Ecb copyright.svgFull: € 3, reduced € 2. Simple icon time.svgFrom 15 June to 1 November and for Easter, Christmas and long weekends: every day, 9.30-12.30 and 15.30-18.30. In other periods of the year, open only on request. The cinnabar mine, now closed today, has tunnels for 35 kilometers that extend for 400 meters in depth. In the clock tower it is possible to visit the mining museum together with a gallery with a path of about 300 meters where the workplaces are reproduced.

Events and parties

  • St. Mark Pope (Patronal feast). Simple icon time.svgSeptember 19.

What to do


How to have fun



  • Amiata Cinema Theater.
  • Servadio Theater.

Where to eat

Typical local dessert is the Ricciolina.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Abbadia San Salvatore
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Abbadia San Salvatore
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