Old Salt Road (bike route) - Alte Salzstraße (Radroute)

The old salt road connects Luneburg With LübeckThe highlights of the route are the boat lift Scharnebeckas well as the historic old towns of Lauenburg, Mölln and RatzeburgIn Ratzeburg, the lakes invite you to linger.

Lüneburg: Place "Am Sande", in the background St. Johannis
City hall of Lübeck

Route profile

  • Length: a total of 127 km
- Direct connection Lauenburg - Lübeck: approx. 95 km (along the canal)
- with a variant via Ratzeburg: about 110 km
  • Signposting: available
  • Slopes: almost none, except for a few smaller hills. The wind may be more troublesome
  • Path condition: The stretch on the Elbe-Lübeck Canal is often gravel.
  • Traffic load: The route on the Elbe-Lübeck Canal is largely free of traffic
  • Suitable bike: Best touring bikes with tread tires
  • Family suitability: Yes
  • Inline suitability: consistently no



getting there

Public transportation

By bicycle

In the street

Route description with sights

Corner points of the route

Variant via Ratzeburg (is 15 km longer):

Other places to stay



References to literature and maps

  • Old Salt Road / Duchy of Lauenburg. Between Lüneburg and Travemünde, ADFC bike tour guide 1: 50,000, BVA Bielefelder Verlag 2013, ISBN 978-3-87073-526-5

Web links

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