Andacollo (Argentina) - Andacollo (Argentinien)

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The small town Andacollo lies in the midst of red-colored and partly loosely wooded mountains in the valley of the Río Neuquén in the north of the Neuquén Province in the argentinian part of Patagonia, in the west of the country near the border with Chile. The rough charm of the place still attracts few travelers, despite the numerous attractions in the area, from volcanoes, lakes and the small neighboring town Huinganco, the green "Garden of Neuquéns".

Map of Andacollo (Argentina)


Andacollo is the gateway to the high mountain valley of the Rio Neuquén. The contrast between the red and orange rocks of the mountain slopes and the forests and meadows of the valleys makes the region attractive for hikers, mountain bikers and other active vacationers.

The area was dominated by the Mapuche Indians well into the 19th century. Attacks by bandits, some of them from nearby Chile, turned the area into a kind of no man's land between 1875 and 1900, in which the institutions of the state could hardly gain a foothold. In 1906 the city of Andacollo was officially founded.

The economy of the place is determined by mining (mainly gold and copper), also extensive cattle breeding (mainly sheep and goats) is operated. The area has been systematically reforested with conifers since the 1970s.

getting there

The valley of the Río Neuquén stands in contrast to the reddish colored mountains
A small plaza in Andacollo on which an old mining railway is exhibited. Mining is one of the main employers in Andacollo.

By plane

The nearest airport is in Chos Malal, but it is only served twice a week from Neuquén. A better starting point is the city Neuquén, from there you have to take a bus (approx. 6 hours) and then change trains in Chos Malal.

By bus

Andacollo is only served by one bus line two to four times a day, the one between Chos Malal to Las Ovejas wrong. Of Neuquén one can get out with society Cono Sur book through, otherwise Chos Malal with connections to Mendoza is the best starting point. The drive from Chos Malal takes 1:30 hours.

In the street

Only one tarred road reaches Andacollo: the RP 43 from Chos Malal from (60 km), which is accessible from all major cities in the region via tarred roads. The last few kilometers La Primavera are gravelled and have steep gradients.

On the Pichachén- One can pass the region from the Chilean Región del Biobío reach out. The only graveled pass road is currently being improved.


The few taxis have to be reserved by phone. In the village itself, however, everything is easily accessible on foot. A bus goes to Huinganco twice a day. If you want to go to the more remote attractions and don't have your own car, you should ask for "viajes especiales" at the tourist information office.

Tourist Attractions

The place has hardly any historical buildings worth seeing because of its young history chapel dates from 1940. The place is lovingly designed with several green areas and some houses follow the "alpine style".

The gold mine can be visited, but registration is required.


  • Hiking, mountain biking, horse riding: There are paths and roads in several directions, the landscape is rough and rocky. Horses can be rented.
  • Swimming and fishing you can in the nearby Nahueve River, 12 km away. The Río Neuquén is too dangerous for swimming because of the strong current.


There are a few small supermarkets in the center, the two largest are on the plaza and near the bus station. You can also buy handicrafts and regional products (e.g. goat cheese, jams and liqueurs) in some shops, including the following:

  • Artesanías El Trapiche, Av. Cordillera del Viento and Bella Vista.
  • Artesania de Antonia Poblete, Las Lagunas S / N. Tel.: 54 (0)2942-15693174.
  • Artesanía en Cuero Ana María, Nahueve S / N opposite the town hall.
  • La Casa del Artesano, Jaime de Nevares and Lileo.

A market with regional products is located near the bus station, but is only open irregularly. The siesta is strictly observed everywhere, almost everything is closed between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.


  • Hostería Andacollo. Standard Argentine cuisine and pizzas.
  • Rotisería La Central. Fast food (pizzas, hamburgers).

There is also one Parrilla (Grill restaurant) in the street El Torreón and a small and recommendable one pizzeria at the plaza.


There is a nightclub called El Muro and a small casino with a bar called Pehumayén.


  • City camping Severiano Ortega, Ruta 43 next to the bridge to the Río Neuquén.
    . Campsite with swimming pool.
  • Hostería Andacollo, El torreon 309. Tel.: 54 (0)2948-494119, (0)2948-494002.
    . Simple and reasonably priced hotel with a restaurant.
  • Hostería La Sequoia, Varvarco 188. Tel.: 54 (0)2948-494007.
    . Mid-range hotel with Wi-Fi.
  • Hostería Cumcumén, Manzano Amargo S / N. Tel.: 54 (0)2947-494252.
    . Located directly on the mountain slope, with a beautiful view of the valley, a bit away from the center. Not too cheap.


There are no particular health hazards in Andacollo. In the mountains, however, like almost everywhere in Argentina, you can encounter poisonous snakes. In case of emergency: emergency number 107, the hospital is on the corner of the streets Nahueve and Huingan-Có Tel. 54 02942-494021.

Practical advice

The tourist information is located in the upper part of the village in a small park with an amphitheater, opposite the upper bus stop.

Internet and telephone booths are available in the kiosk opposite the bus station. Cell phones of society can cause an unpleasant surprise Claro not work in the place that of the societies Movistar and staff may have to be switched to another band.


Landscape at Las Ovejas
  • Huinganco, Located 6 km north of Andacollo directly in the valley of the Río Neuquén. Also Huingan-Có, 2x daily bus from Andacollo. Small, extremely quiet village with 800 inhabitants, which is nicknamed because of its lush greenery Neuquén garden wearing. The place looks alpine and tranquil, even if there are no major attractions. Hiking, horseback riding and mountain biking is also possible here, a lookout point is located above the village, and those who like to hike to higher mountains can easily climb the one Cerro Corona climb, whose rocky summit is reminiscent of a crown and can be seen from afar. If you want to stay there straight away: The spacious place offers some accommodations (holiday apartments and huts) as well as a campsite.
  • Las Ovejas. A small agricultural place 35 km northwest of Andacollo on the way to the Lagunas del Epu-Lauquén (2 to 4 times daily bus from Andacollo). With accommodation. Particularly interesting as a starting point for the lagoons and Aguas Calientes.
  • Lagunas del Epu-Lauquén. Probably the largest natural attraction in the area and the northernmost enclave of the Patagonian wet forest: two lakes, embedded in lush greenery in the middle of the mountains. 75 km west of Andacollo. The lakes are under nature protection, there is no infrastructure, but camping facilities.
  • Aguas Calientes. 90 km north of Andacollo, a lonely thermal bath at an altitude of more than 2000 m. There are curious rock formations and even some small geysers in the area.
  • Manzano Amargo. 90 km north in another valley, tiny village in the middle of the nature of the high mountains.
  • Domuyo volcano. At 4,709 m the highest mountain in all of Patagonia. Excursions can be made from Aguas Calientes.


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