Arad (Romania) - Arad (Rumänien)

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Arad is a big city in the very west of Romania, at the transition from Screeching area to the Banat and not far from the border with Hungary. It offers a well-preserved fortress in the Vauban style and a beautiful old town with a lot of historical buildings from the Habsburg era - from Baroque to Art Nouveau.

Arad is a cultural city with a philharmonic hall, several theaters and a large museum complex. The latter is likely to attract those interested in history in particular, as many significant testimonies from different phases of human history have been unearthed in the region and are exhibited here. Ultimately, Arad is also an important transport hub for the north-west of Romania.

On the banks of the Mieresch, in the background the Kulturpalast


getting there

By plane

Arad himself has a little one 1 Regional airportRegional airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRegional airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRegional airport (Q1424725) in the Wikidata database(IATA: ARW). However, this only shows seasonal charter connections (as of October 2018) Antalya on.

The nearest major airport is 60 km south in Timisoara, there are also direct flights from Germany. There you can take a rental car and drive to Arad yourself, it takes about 50 minutes to get to the center; or by public transport (bus E4B - but only runs four times a day - or a taxi for around 30 lei to the north station; there trains to Arad run approximately every hour, which take between 48 minutes and 1½ hours). Since taxi driving is much cheaper than in western countries, you can also be chauffeured all the way to Arad. According to the taximeter, this should cost around 170 lei (equivalent to 38 €). Private transfers are similar in price. In a car for up to three passengers this costs 34 €, in a minivan with eight seats it costs 49 €.

By train

Historic station building of the Arad train station

The 2 Arad train stationArad train station in the Wikipedia encyclopediaArad train station in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsArad train station (Q4783610) in the Wikidata database is an important hub between northwestern Romania and neighboring Hungary. It has been in operation since 1858. From the German-speaking area, the journey usually takes place via Budapest. From there there are three InterCitys every day, which take a good 4 hours to Arad, and two night trains (Euronight), which take about 4½ hours. One of them even drives without changing trains from Vienna, from there it takes a little more than 7½ hours. The fastest connection from Munich is 11:45 hours, from Frankfurt a. M. in 15 hours, from Zurich from Zurich in a good 16½ hours to Arad (all with one change in Vienna).

This shows that Arad is better connected to Central Europe by rail than to its own capital: von Bucharest the fastest train takes almost 10 hours.

From the "neighboring city" Timișoara there are twelve continuous trains a day, roughly every hour (but not quite as regularly - more often in the morning and in the afternoon, there is a break at lunchtime), the inter-regional trains take about 50 minutes, the regional trains between 1: 10 and 1½ hours. From Oradea, 115 km to the north, there are direct connections to Arad on day 7, the fastest takes two (IR), the slowest three hours (R).

By bus

Bucharest580 km
Oradea115 km
Timisoara55 km
Belgrade (Serbia)220 km
Budapest (Hungary)265 km
Vienna (Austria)500 km

Eurolines offer direct long-distance bus connections from numerous German cities to Arad. For example, you need 14:45 hours from Munich and pay € 79; from Dresden usually 15½ hours (94 €); from Frankfurt a. M. depending on the connection 17 or 21 hours (94 €); from Leipzig 17½ hours (€ 99); from Berlin 17:45 to 20 hours (109 €).

In the street

Arad is located directly on the A1 motorway, which is also connected to the Hungarian motorway network. Coming from D / A / CH you can drive through all of Hungary to Arad Autobahn. From Vienna it is z. B. 500 km, which you can cover in about five hours, from Munich 940 km, for which you have to plan nine hours of pure driving time. It takes less than an hour from Timișoara - also thanks to the motorway.

Map of Arad (Romania)

By boat

By bicycle

It ends in Arad Mureș cycle paththat of Brâncoveneşti above Târgu Mureș and Alba Iulia leads here (461 km in total).

On foot (optional)

The European long-distance footpath E7 should in future lead from the Alps, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary to Arad and further towards Ukraine. But so far it ends in Nădlac on the Hungarian-Romanian border, from there just under 50 kilometers have to be bridged.


Tram in Arad, earlier these cars were in use in Stuttgart

Arad has a tram network of over 100 kilometers with 16 lines, 11 of which are urban and five overland lines. This also includes the regional tram to Ghioroc on the Wine Route

Tourist Attractions

Churches, synagogues, temples

Churches in Arad 1
Serbian Peter and Paul Church
  • 1  Serbian Orthodox Peter and Paul Church (Biserica Sârbească). Serbian Orthodox Peter and Paul Church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSerbian Orthodox Peter and Paul Church in the Wikimedia Commons media directorySerbian Orthodox Peter and Paul Church (Q12721984) in the Wikidata database.Built 1698–1702, baroque style, with a very steep tower.
  • 2  Romanian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Catedrala "Naşterea Sf. Ioan Botezătorul ”; or Old Cathedral, Catedrala veche), Piața Catedralei 15. Romanian Orthodox Cathedral of John the Baptist in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRomanian Orthodox Cathedral of John the Baptist in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryRomanian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Q18537491) in the Wikidata database.Built 1862–65, neo-baroque.
  • 3  Roman Catholic Minorite Church of St. Anthony of Padua (Biserica romano-catolică “Sf. Anton de Padova ”; also called the Catholic Cathedral, Catedrala Romano-Catolică), Vol. Revoluției 96A. Roman Catholic Minorite Church of St. Anthony of Padua in the encyclopedia WikipediaRoman Catholic Minorite Church of St. Anthony of Padua in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRoman Catholic Minorite Church of St. Anthony of Padua (Q1937504) in the Wikidata database.The original baroque church from 1751 was demolished at the beginning of the 20th century and replaced by a completely new building in an eclectic style with classicist, baroque and renaissance elements, which was inaugurated in 1911. The central nave is 43 meters long and 17 meters wide, the dome including the cross is 56 meters high.
Churches in Arad 2
Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • 4  Catholic Church New Arad (Biserica Catolică "Sfântul Nume al Mariei" Aradul Nou), Calea Timișorii 33. Built 1812–21, baroque; Wegenstein organ from 1912.
  • 5  reformed Church (Biserica Reformată). Reformed Church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaReformed Church (Q18538007) in the Wikidata database.Built in 1847, neo-baroque.
  • 6  Evangelical Lutheran Church (Biserica Evanghelică Luterană; called Red Church, Biserica Roșie), Vol. Revoluției 61. Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaEvangelical Lutheran Church in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsEvangelical Lutheran Church (Q2693495) in the Wikidata database.Built in red brick in 1906 - hence the nickname; neo-Gothic.
  • 7  New Romanian Orthodox Trinity Cathedral (Catedrala "Sfânta Treime"). New Romanian Orthodox Trinity Cathedral in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNew Romanian Orthodox Trinity Cathedral (Q18537492) in the Wikidata database.The foundation stone was laid in 1991, completed in 2008 and consecrated as a cathedral in 2009. The design by the architect Ioan Hăprian refers to Romanesque and Byzantine styles.
  • 8  Wooden Church of Saint Parascheva (Biserica Cuvioasa Paraschiva), Andrenyi Karoly 1-3 St. (on the grounds of the city and district hospital). From 1724, the oldest wooden church in Arad.
  • 9  Ruin of the Franciscan Church (Biserica Franciscană), Subcetate. Ruin of the Franciscan Church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRuin of the Franciscan Church (Q23753223) in the Wikidata database.Built 1750–1800, baroque. On the fortress grounds (restricted military area).
  • 10  reformed synagogue. Reformed synagogue in the Wikipedia encyclopediaReformed synagogue in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsReformed synagogue (Q7186049) in the Wikidata database.Built 1828–1834, classicist style with Greek and Tuscan elements.
  • 11  Masonic Temple (Templul Masonic), Vol. General Dragalina 30. Built in 1911, neoclassical based on models from ancient Greece. Arad was an important center in Romanian Freemasonry, here the second lodge in the country after Cluj was founded.

Castles, chateaus and palaces

Aerial view of the Arad fortress
  • 12  Arad fortress (Cetatea Aradului). Arad Fortress in the Wikipedia encyclopediaArad Fortress (Q914303) in the Wikidata database.Built 1763–1783, in the Vauban style. The fortress is still used for military purposes and is therefore a restricted area, so it can only be admired from the air or from higher points or visited on the open day.


Panorama: You can scroll the picture horizontally.
At the Rathausplatz: on the left the Cenad Palace, in the middle the New Town Hall (Administration Palace), on the right the Finance Palace
Image: Arad Town Hall 3940-43.jpg
At the Rathausplatz: on the left the Cenad Palace, in the middle the New Town Hall (Administration Palace), on the right the Finance Palace
Baroque and Classicism
Preparatory facility building
  • 13  Preparatory facility building (Preparandia Română), Str. Preparandiei no. 13th. Building of the preparation institute in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPreparatory facility building in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryPreparation facility building (Q18547073) in the Wikidata database.Built in 1812. Here was the Romanian preparatory institute, i.e. a preparatory school for the teachers' seminars. It was the first Romanian-speaking secondary school in Transylvania, which was then ruled by Austria.
  • 14  House to the stick-in-the-iron (Casa cu lacat), Street Tribunul Dobra 7. Haus zum Stock-im-Eisen in the encyclopedia WikipediaHaus zum Stock-im-Eisen in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryHaus zum Stock-im-Eisen (Q2713773) in the Wikidata database.Built in 1815.
  • 15  Old theater (Teatrul vechi; also Hirschl-Theater, Teatrul Hirschl), 3 Gheorghe Lazar Street. Old theater in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAltes Theater (Q439712) in the Wikidata database.Built between 1816 and 1820, baroque style, unfortunately very poorly preserved and in need of renovation.
  • 16  House to the golden ABC (Hanul "ABC-ul de Aur"), Sinagogii street no. 2. Built in 1820 as a department store in neo-renaissance style. House sign is a red marble plaque with the German inscription "Zum golden ABC". Today a small grocery store (Alimentara) is housed here.
former credit bank
  • 17  former county building (Clădirea Comitatului; Today's Directorate-General for Public Finances, Direcția Generală a Finanțelor Publice), Vol. Revolutiei no. 79. Erected in 1821, classicist style, decorated with Corinthian columns. In November 1918 the Central Romanian National Council held talks here with representatives of the Hungarian government about the future of Transylvania. Ultimately, this followed on from Romania.
  • 18  former credit bank (Fosta Bancă de Credit), Vol. Revoluției 100. Built in 1840, classicistic with baroque elements. The Arad Credit Bank was one of the first modern credit institutions in Transylvania. The interior was modernized in 1896. The building, painted in strong rust red, now houses Generali insurance.
  • 19  Hotel Ardealul, Vol. Revoluției 98. Hotel Ardealul in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHotel Ardealul (Q1235077) in the Wikidata database.Built in 1840/41, formerly the Grandhotel Zum Weißen Kreuz. It is still in operation and can accommodate up to 146 guests.
Old casino
  • railway station, historic reception building from 1858
  • 20  former prefecture (Fosta Prefectură), Vol. Revoluției 81. Built in 1870/71, the architect's style was based heavily on the neighboring county building. Today the editorial offices of the newspapers “Adevărul” and “Observator” as well as the rectorate of the University “Aurel Vlaicu” are located here.
  • 21  Old casino (Vechiul Cazinoul), Vol. General Ion Drăgălina 27. Built in 1872, neo-baroque.
Colegiul Na „ional "Moise Nicoară"
  • 22  Colegiul Na „ional "Moise Nicoară", Piața Bibici Margareta 1, municipality of Arad. Colegiul Național “Moise Nicoară” in the Wikipedia encyclopediaColegiul Național “Moise Nicoară” in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsColegiul Național “Moise Nicoară” (Q15987246) in the Wikidata database.Built 1869–1873. The splendid school building with elements of the Renaissance and Baroque styles was designed by the Budapest architect Josef Diecher. A thorough renovation was completed in 2013, which made the National College one of the most modern school buildings in the country.
  • 23  New theater, Vol. Revoluției 103, municipiul Arad. New theater in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNew theater in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNeues Theater (Q1465261) in the Wikidata database.Built in 1874, neoclassical. Venue of the Teatrul Clasic ”Ioan Slavici”.
  • 24  new town hall (Palatul administrative), Vol. Revoluției 75. New town hall in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNew town hall in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNew Town Hall (Q12737392) in the Wikidata database.Built in 1876, neo-renaissance.
  • 25  Financial palace (Palatul Administrației Financiare or Palatul Trezoreriei), Vol. Revoluției 77. Palace of Finance in the Wikipedia encyclopediaFinanzpalast (Q18545106) in the Wikidata database.Eclectic building built in 1885 with elements of the Viennese Rococo. Today it serves as the main building of the state university “Aurel Vlaicu”.
  • 26  Andrenyi Palace (Palatul Andrenyi; or Children's Palace, Palatul Copiilor), Vol. Revolutiei, 69. Andrenyi Palace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAndrenyi Palace (Q18543688) in the Wikidata database.Magnificent neo-Romanesque palace built around 1890 for a wealthy merchant family from Ghioroc. Today it houses a child and youth center.
Neumann Palace
  • 27  Neumann Palace (Palatine Neumann), Vol. Revoluției 78 / str. Horia. Neumannpalais in the encyclopedia WikipediaNeumannpalais in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNeumannpalais (Q13652730) in the Wikidata database.Elegant eclectic palace, built in 1891/92 for a very wealthy industrialist. Today, various shops and the private university "Vasile Goldiș" are housed in the building. The former ballroom has been converted into an auditorium with 200 seats.
  • 28  Palace of Justice (Palatul Justiției), Vol. Vasile Milea 2. Palace of Justice in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPalace of Justice in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPalace of Justice (Q18545131) in the Wikidata database.Eclectic representative building built in 1892 with clear borrowings from the Austrian classicist baroque.
  • 29  Cenad palace (Palatul Cenad), Vol. Revoluției 73, Vol. Milea Vasile, general 1, municipiul Arad. Cenad Palace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCenad Palace in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryCenad Palace (Q18545115) in the Wikidata database.Eclectic and neoclassical, built 1892–94 as the seat of the society of the Arad and Csanád railways.
Palace of Culture
  • 30  National Bank (Palatul Băncii Naționale), Vol. Revoluției 72. National Bank in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNational Bank in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNational Bank (Q18545114) in the Wikidata database.1909/10 built in neoclassical style according to plans by the Budapest architect József Hubert, based on the model of Greek temples. The triangular tympanum supported by four columns shows the symbol of the institute.
  • 31  Palace of Culture (Palatul cultural), Piața Enescu George 1, municipality of Arad. Palace of Culture in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKulturpalast in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKulturpalast (Q1804862) in the Wikidata database.Built in 1913, eclectic with neoclassical, Gothic and Renaissance elements; the order of the columns is Corinthian. Houses museums, city library and Phiharmonie.
Art Nouveau / Secession
Kovács Palace
  • 32  Normal school for girls (Școala Normală de Fete), St. Lucian Blaga 9. Normalschule für Mädchen in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaNormalschule für Mädchen (Q26257329) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Built in 1909 in Secession style; today part of the Pedagogical Lyceum Dimitrie Țichindeal.

In Arad there are countless palaces of wealthy merchants and industrialists as well as (upper) middle-class houses from around 1900 in the Secession or Art Nouveau style. Only a few of them can be listed here:

  • 33  Nádasdy Palace (Palatul Nádasdy), Mețianu Street 2. Built in 1904; beautiful example of geometric art nouveau.
  • 34  Rónai Palace (Palatul Rónai), St. Gheorghe Popa de Teiuș 9. Built in 1905 according to a design by the architect Steiner Iosif, neo-baroque with Art Nouveau elements.
  • 35  Palais Kohn (Palatul Kohn), St. Episcopiei 9. Palais Kohn in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPalais Kohn im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsPalais Kohn (Q12737418) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Built in 1905 according to plans by Szántay Lajos for the successful engineer Kohn Jószef, Art Nouveau with beautiful plant ornaments and a decorative wrought iron gate. Unfortunately, it is in poor condition, partly in disrepair, but apparently still inhabited.
  • 36  Szántay Palace (Palatul Szantay), St. Horia 3-5 and St. Episcopiei 2. Palais Szántay in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPalais Szántay im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsPalais Szántay (Q12737438) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Erected 1905–11. This magnificent and richly decorated building in the Secession style with two upper floors was designed for himself by the Arad architect Szántay Lajos, on whose plans numerous buildings from this phase in the city can be traced back. The interior is also remarkable, especially the stairwell with leaded glass windows and the floral patterns show and a beautiful wrought iron railing.
  • 37  Kovács Palace (Palatul Kovács), St. General Vasile Milea 19. Palais Kovács in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPalais Kovács (Q18545134) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Erected in 1906, designed by Babócs István; Secession.
  • 38  Bohus Palace (Palatul Bohuș), Goldiș Vasile 1-3 street. Palais Bohus in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPalais Bohus im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsPalais Bohus (Q18545109) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Erected 1910–13; Designed by Lajos Szantay in Secession style for the family of the Baron von Bohus. The city's first cinema was also located here, and it was in operation until the 1990s.
  • 39  Neo-Romanian house (Casa Neo-românească), St. Vasile Alecsandri 13. Erected 1910-1920, in the inter-war period, the “Golden Era” of Romania, elaborately decorated columns and window frames.
  • 40  Trajan's Bridge (Podul Traian). Trajansbrücke  in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaTrajansbrücke  (Q12738244) in der Datenbank Wikidata.1910-13 built large, green painted, wrought iron bridge over the Mieresch.


Statue of Saint Nepomuk
  • 41 Statue of Saint NepomukStatue des Heiligen Nepomuk in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaStatue des Heiligen Nepomuk im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsStatue des Heiligen Nepomuk (Q18548114) in der Datenbank Wikidata, St. Episcopiei and St. Desseanu. Erected in 1729, the city's oldest statue.
  • 42 Monument to the Martyrs of AradDenkmal der Märtyrer von Arad in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaDenkmal der Märtyrer von Arad im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsDenkmal der Märtyrer von Arad (Q1413417) in der Datenbank Wikidata (Statuia Libertății), Parcul Reconcilierii. Erected in 1890 in memory of the 13 generals who were leaders of the Hungarian revolution of 1848/1849 and who were executed in Arad after the failure of the uprising. The statue was designed by the sculptor Huszár Adolf.
  • 43 Cross of the Heroes of the UnionKreuz der Helden der Vereinigung in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaKreuz der Helden der Vereinigung (Q12726013) in der Datenbank Wikidata (Crucea Martirilor Unirii 1918/19), Parcul Mihai Eminescu. Erected in 1936 in memory of the victims of the Hungarian-Romanian War in 1919.
  • 44 Monument to the Unknown Soldier (Monumentul Eroilor), Piața Avram Iancu. Erected in 1960 in memory of those who fell in the liberation struggle against the German-Hungarian occupation of Transylvania during World War II.


  • Arad Museum Complexincluding:
    • Museum of Archeology and History
    • Natural Science Museum
    • 45  Art museum (Muzeul de Arta) Kunstmuseum in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaKunstmuseum (Q18542189) in der Datenbank Wikidata
  • Casa lui Vasile Goldiș, Str.Vasile Goldiș 6. Memorial Museum in the Vasile Goldiș House, a worth seeing historical building from 1910, here was the editorial office of the newspaper from 1911 until it was closed in 1916 Românul ("The Romanian"), the party organ of the Romanian National Party, which was headed by Vasile Goldiș (1862-1934). He stood up for the rights of the Romanians living in what was then the Kingdom of Hungary and opposed attempts to Magyarize them (i.e. to assimilate them to Hungary).

Streets and squares

Pavement on the town hall square
  • 46  Piața Avram Iancu. Piața Avram Iancu in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPiața Avram Iancu (Q2091976) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Avram Iancu Square.
  • Town Hall Square
  • Boulevard of the Revolution. Leads from the town hall to the theater; wide, long avenue with green spaces, lined with buildings of various ages and styles.


  • 47  Central Park (Parcul Mihai Eminescu). large public park behind the town hall to the banks of the Mieresch.


Foyer on the 1st floor of the Philharmonie
  • 1  "Neptun" outdoor pool. one of the largest outdoor pools in Romania; with several sports fields and swimming pools, numerous restaurants and bars as well as a disco.
  • Arad Philharmonic, in the Palace of Culture.









Practical advice


  • Marosch-Auen Nature Park (Parcul Natural Lunca Mureșului), a nature reserve developed for tourists that is home to numerous protected species. Here you can find sea eagles and little egrets, catfish and otters, wild boars and dormice, among other things. 178 bird species that are on the red list are represented here. You can roam the park by canoe, on foot or by bike. There are several waiting areas for observing birds and other animals. Information stations convey knowledge about the ecosystem. The park includes the strict protected areas Big Gravel, Forest of Cenad, Big Island of Cenad and Igriș Archipelago. The nature park begins right on the south-western outskirts of Arad and then stretches for more than 50 km to the Hungarian border, always along the meandering course of the Marosch. Website
  • The historical monasteries of Hodoș-Bodrog (18 km southwest of Arad) and Bezdin (30 km west of Arad, near Sânpetru German) are located in the area of ​​the nature park.
  • The place Sânpetru German (Deutschsanktpeter) is located 27 km west of Arad, very close to the nature park. It used to be mostly inhabited by Banat Swabians, hence the name. Much of the prehistoric evidence that is now exhibited in the Arad Archaeological Museum was excavated here. There is a very pretty old village church.
Wine museum in Miniș near Ghioroc
  • The Arad Wine Route begins a good 20 km east of Arad in 1 Păuliș and leads over a length of approx. 20 km through the towns of Miniş, Ghioroc, Covăsânț to 2 Şiria. It was renovated in 2015 with EU funding. You can also take the tram to Ghioroc. There is one in Miniș 48 Viticulture and winemaking museumWeinbau- und Winzermuseum in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaWeinbau- und Winzermuseum (Q18542298) in der Datenbank Wikidata (Muzeul Viei și Vinului).
  • 49  Memorial Museum Ioan Slavici and Emil Montia Șiria (Muzeul Memorial "Ioan Slavici și Emil Monția"), St. Infantry No. 185, Șiria. Gedenkmuseum Ioan Slavici und Emil Montia Șiria in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaGedenkmuseum Ioan Slavici und Emil Montia Șiria (Q18544244) in der Datenbank Wikidata.
  • 50 Purgly Castle in Șofronea, historicist castle completed in 1889, which was built for a Hungarian baron family.
Castle of Macea
  • 51 Csernovics Castle (Castelul Csernovics) and Botanical Garden in Macea, 24 km north of Arad (on the DJ 709B behind Curtici). Mainly from 1862 to 1886 in the historicist style designed count castle. The 21.5 hectare garden is used by the University of Vasile Goldis as a botanical garden.
  • Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn Memorial Museum (Expoziția Memorială "Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn"), Zăbrani (25 km southeast of Arad, via the DJ 682). Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn Gedenkmuseum in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaAdam Müller-Guttenbrunn Gedenkmuseum (Q18540058) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Exhibition in memory of the Banat Swabian writer Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn (1852–1923), who was born here.
  • Lipova (Lippa) - small town approx. 32 km east of Arad (on the DN7 towards Deva) - health resort and former county seat with a rich history; historical city center with Turkish bazaar from the 17th century, baroque monastery church Maria Radna (catholic pilgrimage destination), city museum
  • 52 Konopi Castle (Castelul Konopi or Conop) in Odvoș. Abandoned, classicist aristocratic residence; unfortunately not in good condition. 45 km east of Arad on the DN 7 in the direction of Deva (just under an hour by slow train, from Corfeni station it is a 2 km walk to the castle).
  • 53 Săvârșin Castle (Castelul regal de la Săvârșin) - a beautiful baroque palace originally built between 1650 and 1680 for a Hungarian noble family. Remodeled in 1870, in 1943 it became the property of the Romanian royal family, today it belongs to their descendants again. 87 km east of Arad on the DN 7 towards Deva (about 1½ hours by car or about 1:40 hours by slow train).
  • Săvârșin Ethnographic MuseumEthnografisches Museum Săvârșin in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaEthnografisches Museum Săvârșin (Q18542181) in der Datenbank Wikidata
  • 5 km south of it is also very worth seeing 54 Mocioni-Teleki Castle (Castelul Mocioni-Teleki) in Căpâlnaș.


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