Arcadie - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Arcadie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Arcadian landscape
Arcadian landscape
Regional capital
Postal code
37 ° 27 ′ 11 ″ N 22 ° 24 ′ 1 ″ E
Official site

THE'Arcadia is a region of Peloponnese in Greece.


Located in the central part of the Peloponnese, Arcadia is a mountainous land with the exception of a small plain that stretches around Tripoli, its capital. The region also has a maritime frontage on the Gulf of Argolida but its main attractions are the traditional villages of the interior with attractive stone and wood houses. Here as elsewhere in Greece there are many ruins to see but the archaeological jewel of Arcadia is the temple of Vassae classified as a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1986.



  • 1 Tripoli  – The capital of Arcadia is a bustling industrial and commercial center. Despite this the city does not attract tourists.
  • 2 Stemnitsa  – Traditional Greek village on the slope of Mount Mainalo
  • 3 Karytaina  – Another village with traditional houses in stone and wood which are spread out along narrow lanes.
  • 4 Langadia

the Arcadian coast is mountainous and marked by the presence of deep crevasses and caves. The villages are accessible by a single very winding and dangerous road.

  • 5 Astro
  • 6 Leonidio

Other destinations

Gorges of Loussios
  • 1 Gorges of Loussios  – The waters of the Alphée River have created a canyon of 5 km, dug in a limestone plateau between the villages of Stemnitsa and Demitsana. The landscape is green, with firs, mastic trees and oaks hiding the sun. At the exit of the gorges we find the ruins of the ancient city of Gortys.
  • 2 Temple of Apollo Epicourios  – This temple, away from any built-up area, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on .
  • 3 Mantinea  – Remains of a small ancient Greek city-state which was an ally of Sparta.

To go


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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