Augusta (Sicily) - Augusta (Sizilien)

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Augusta is a city in the Syracuse Province on the southeast coast of Sicily.


Map of Augusta (Sicily)

After a settlement had probably already existed on the peninsula off the coast, the city became Augusta Founded in 1232 under Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen and built a fort. After the death of the last Stauffer king, the rule passed to the Angioviner, after the battles of the Sicilian Vespers the flag of the House of Aragon was hoisted on the fort to gain control over Sicily. Augusta went to the Moncada family as a fief, and the fortifications were reinforced in the second half of the 16th century in the fight against an attempted Turkish invasion. Many of the buildings in the city center were built at earthquake from 1693 with epicenter in Val di Noto badly damaged and had to be rebuilt.

In addition to its importance as a port city, an airship hangar and a landing pad for seaplanes were set up in 1918, and in 1943 the city was the target of Allied bombings and landing operations. An enormous change occurred in the fishing and agricultural region with the settlement of the first oil refinery in 1949, the effects of the settlement of the petrochemical industry has permanently changed the coastal region around Augusta.


Of historical importance is that of Syracuse from a Greek colony of Megara Hyblaeawhose ruins lie in the south of today's city as a green oasis between various industrial plants. Under the tyrant Gelo, the city was destroyed in 481 BC, but repopulated. For the definitive destruction of Megara Hyblaea it came about by the Romans in the second Punic War around 213 BC.

getting there

By plane

The closest airport is in Catania, from which there are several daily bus connections to Augusta.

By train

The train station 1 Augusta the line Catania - Siracusa the Trenitalia is located on the mainland, not far from the old town.

By bus

There are bus connections through the Autolinee Scionti to Catania directly and via Lentini, and through the AST in the direction Syracuse.

In the street

From the autobahn A18Catania - Syracuse is Augusta about the SS193 Accessible as a feeder, two bridges lead to the island with the old town, the old bridge, which through the Porta Spagnola leads and the modern Viadotto Federico II di Svevia further east.

By boat

Augusta has a war, trade and also a marina, ferry connections to Salerno and Malta are currently only available for goods traffic.


Of the AST becomes a City bus network entertained in Augusta.

Tourist Attractions

Augusta: Porta Spagnola
Augusta: Castello Svevo
Augusta: Chiesa Madre
Augusta: airship hangar

Streets and squares

The main access to the old town on the island, which has been separated from the mainland since the 16th century, is via the bridge to Porta Spagnola, the Via Giovanni Lavaggi leads past the Stauffer Fort and turns east into the at the harbor Via Garibaldi a. The Corso Umberto I. leads along the Chiesa Madre through the old town to the south.

Churches and sacred buildings

  • the 1 Chiesa Madre Maria SS. Assunta at the Piazza Duomo was built in 1680/90 and had to be rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693, after further damage in the earthquakes of 1848 and 1990, the church was returned to its intended use after the last restoration in December 2000.
  • the 2 Chiesa di Maria SS. Annunziata was on ruins of a building from the 14th century. rebuilt after 1693 in baroque style, after further damage in the earthquake of 1990, the church has been restored since 2009.
  • the 3 Chiesa di San Domenico with the subsequent convention had to be rebuilt after destruction by the siege by the Turks in 1551 and after the earthquake of 1693, in the earthquake of 1990 the church was damaged again and could be reopened in 2007, the festival in honor of the patron saint of the city, his Statue in the church is performed every year on May 24th.
  • the single-aisle 4 Chiesa di San Giuseppe was rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693, after being damaged again by the earthquake of 1990, the church was reopened after lengthy restoration work in 2009, an altar made of multi-colored marble from the 18th century is worth seeing.
  • the 5 Chiesa del Carmine was built in 1565 after the Turkish siege and had to be rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693. After being damaged again in the 1990 earthquake, the church was reopened in 2008 after careful restoration. With the closure of the religious orders, the attached Carmelite convent was handed over to the state, which still uses the building as a Carabinieri barracks.
  • the 6 Chiesa delle Anime Sante from the 15th century was also rebuilt after 1693 in baroque style and had to be renovated after the earthquake of 1990, inside there are numerous sculptures and paintings from the 18th century.
  • the Chiesa delle Grazie was built in 1630/53 and also had to be rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693, inside there is a crucifix from the 17th century. and a painting of the "Madonna and Child".
  • the 7 Chiesa San Francesco di Paola was rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693, the attached Franciscan convent was taken over by the state after 1861 and still serves as barracks for the Guardia di Finanza.
  • the 8 Chiesa di San Sebastiano was built in 1719 on the ruins of an older church and was renovated from 1990 to 2002 after being damaged in the earthquake, but has not yet been reopened.
  • the peculiar rotunda of the 9 Chiesa della Madonna del Perpetuo Soccorso was built in 1700, the simple church is now looked after by the Capuchins.

Palazzi, castles and military installations

  • in the 10 Palazzo Città at the Piazza duomo is that too Museo della Piazzaforte Augusta housed, at the moment renovation work is still pending.
  • the 11 Porta Spagnola as a city gate testifies to the rule of the Burbonen in Sicily and was inaugurated in 1681, at this time the narrow land bridge that spans the peninsula of Augusta connected to the mainland up until then, what made the city an island. After damage from the 1990 earthquake, the gate has now been restored.
  • the 12 Castello Svevo were built by the Stauffern in 1231/42, it suffered greater damage when the northeast tower with the powder magazine exploded in 1693 after an oil lamp had set off a fire during the earthquake. The largely unadorned building was used as a prison from 1886 to 1978, after the earthquake of 1990 stabilization measures were due.
  • the round fortress 13 Torre Avalos with a diameter of 280 m at the southern tip of the island was built in 1570 after the attacks by the Turks and protected the harbor entrance for centuries. The fortress was badly damaged in the earthquake of 1693, the lighthouse was replaced by a higher one. The Italian Navy and then the harbor master's office used the building until the last few years, after it was abandoned, the future is uncertain, the fortress is not open to the public.
  • the fortresses 14 Forte Garçia and Vittoria were built in 1557 after further feared attacks by the Turks from Malta in the northwest of the port on two rocky islets. In 1743 the fortresses served as an isolation hospital during the plague epidemic and in 1836 during the cholera epidemic, around 1850 as a marine hospital and later as a prison. After being returned to the navy, the buildings were used as storage facilities and, after forty years of decay, the city has started restoration work to preserve the fortresses as the city's landmarks.
  • on the mainland, 1918 was an enormous one 15 Airship hangar built of reinforced concrete, which is now being restored as a testimony to Italian airship travel.








  • the 1 Ospedale E. Muscatello lies on the mainland

Practical advice


  • Visit of the 17 Brucoli Castle on the coast in the north of the city in the district of Brucoli

Area Archeologica di Megara Hyblaea

Megara Hyblaea
Megara Hyblaea - main path

The 18 Ruins from 728 BC. of Syracuse from established Greek colony Megara Hyblaea can be viewed in the industrial area of ​​Augusta on the mainland in the west:

  • Area Archeologica e Antiquarium di Megara Hyblaea, Contrada Megara Giannalena. Tel.: 09314508211. Open: 9 am-6pm.Price: 4.00 / 2.00 €.


From the autobahn A18Catania - SiracusaSymbol: ASMelilli and then on the SS114ExSS114Siracusa - Augusta, from where the exit to Parco archeologico is signposted.

Tourist Attractions

  • At the entrance there is a Antiquarium
  • from the Archaic period can be found on the Agora still remains of a portico, one 2 Porticus.
  • remnants of one can be found to the west of it 3 Heroons, the way west leads on to you 4 Gate in the fortifications from the Hellenistic period, when the city already had a much smaller floor plan.
  • Remains of one can be found north of the main path 5 Temple from Hellenistic times
  • south of the main path are the remains of the 6 Hellenistic thermal baths.
  • the ruins of the 7 Prytaneions, in which council meetings were held, remains of another temple lie on the east side of the main road leading to the south.
  • a much further west still recognizable 8 Fastening ring comes from archaic times.
  • only traces are evidence of two 9 Temples from the archaic period
  • traces of one exist further west of the archaic curtain wall 10 necropolis, another was discovered just south of the city wall.


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